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(1206) Jim, Sidor and Catherine

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  1. #11
    Sidor Grigoriev

    Beneath the shadows, Sidor's expression hardened, because he knew full well what this was about.

    Sometimes, he despaired of the weakness present in some of his family. It was as if they simply had no desire to try.

    "Indeed I do, Deputy Rodriguez,"
    the Haunt said. "My apologies, Mr. Calloway, Ms. Keyes. Duty calls." His unmoving frame gave away no hint of his thoughts, but his hidden face turned to Ricardo.

    "Please. Introduce me to this... individual."

  2. #12
    James Calloway's Avatar

    Jim smiled genuinely as Ricardo finally was freed up, then was a bit disappointed when it turned out he wasn't at all. "Not a problem, Deputy Rodriguez, Deputy Grigoriev. I hope the rest of your evening goes smoothly."

    Because that was all that one could truly desire on an evening of an execution. Smooth.

  3. #13
    Catherine Keyes's Avatar

    Catherine Keyes


    Catherine only nodded to the deputies, her curiosity not dead and certainly interested but currently being strangled by the serpent.

    Thank you. Mr. Calloway.” she said with a appropriate gesture of thanks. She thought for a moment of walking away and finding a nice rock to crawl under...or perhaps asking where she could find one, if that wouldn’t be considered over-eager.

    But then, Domains varied greatly, who knew what could be considered as over-eager here, especially since the asking of one person for another’s name was, apparently.

  4. #14
    Ebon Reaper

    Jim and Catherine both get a parting nood from Ricardo.

    "Right this way." With that, he leads Sidor over to the individual.

  5. #15
    James Calloway's Avatar


    Following both Deputies with his eyes for a moment as they left, James turned to Catherine and nodded. "It was a pleasure to see you again, Ms. Keyes. I hope the remainder of your evening goes well."

    "Also, if you'd like to chat sometime outside of Court, please, don't hesitate to call on me. I'm often at the Temple of the Woven Circle in Valencia."
    And by often, he meant most of the time. It seemed his meditations and work took him there more and more these days.

  6. #16
    Catherine Keyes's Avatar

    Catherine Keyes


    Catherine smiled for a moment, “Thank you, and perhaps we shall speak again. I will be in contact if anything comes up.” she said cordially, wasn’t there supposed to be an execution going on?

    Catherine has left sidescene

  7. #17
    James Calloway's Avatar

    "I look forward to it. Good evening, Miss Keyes," James replied. As she turned to go, his eyes followed her. His suspicions were not entirely sated, but if Deputy Grigoriev was satisfied, then so was he.

    James Calloway returns to the main Court.

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