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Mending bridges (Private)

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  1. #11
    Matamune's Avatar

    Alfred Coldwell

    Pre 2 (Timid), SL 2 (Honest)
    Mastigos, Apostate

    Alfar nods along as Gallows speaks. He takes some more time before answering Gallows' question though.

    "Forming a constructive solution is the tricky part here, Gallows. There are two primary ways to deal with this."

    There is a dry smile on his lips as he continues:

    "The first way would be a trial. However, if Kite initiates it and makes it about Animus abusing his power, he will, in my opinion, lose, as long as the judges are impartial. All the mitigating circumstances have little to do with Animus' decision and it will be one Kite's statement against the four other Thyrsoi who will, more or less, corraborate what I've told you. There is such a thing as Path etiquette too, you know. Nothing written, just psychology and customs, accepted by the majority. Kite's behaviour was very unorthodox and it will quite likely work against him. Another thing: as much as we need Kite, throwing this at Animus right now isn't the best idea."

    He takes a breath before putting forth his next idea:

    "I believe the best solution would be to take it up with Animus privately. Things can be said and get accepted in a private conversation that wouldn't fly during a trial. But. Kite will need to take a step toward this solution himself. A small step, but a necessary one. He needs to understand how everything at that meeting looked from our point of view and admit that he should have got a clue before this turned into a mess we have now."

    There is a small pause, before he finishes:

    "What everyone involved needs to realise was that there never was any ill intent from any party until things escalated. I certainly didn't mean to hurt Kite or violate his private space when I woke him up. Triquetra wanted a willing and security-conscious Prvost. Kite had our Path and Concillium in mind when he started questioning Triquetra's decision. Animus wanted a member of his Path to behave and treat others with respect and deference pertaining to their rank. As long as we all understand that, the slate can be wiped clean."

    He takes another gulp of milk:

    "I prepared to help with persuading the Hierarch and will do what I can to help sort out this mess. Perhaps, if you brought me to the next talk with Animus, I could help?"

  2. #12
    Gallows's Avatar


    Gallows found himself agreeing with Alfar's assessment of the situation. It seemed that Kite had wanted to take this to trial, or at least appeal, but he knew that to do so would be to invite disaster. No matter who won, there would be ill feelings about it for years. The last thing this Consilium needed right now was to be at its own throat. "I think a private conversation is the best route," said Gallows. "I'll let you know when I next meet with Animus...although I've been talking to Kite, and am hoping that he'll come around on his own." He finished off his piece of the pie and pushed his plate away from himself slightly, to avoid the temptation of more. "The pie is very good, by the way."

  3. #13
    Matamune's Avatar

    Alfred Coldwell

    Pre 2 (Timid), SL 2 (Honest)
    Mastigos, Apostate

    Alfar smiles at the comment about the pie. So far, this conversation was all that he hoped. Hopefully, the situation can be resolved peacefully. Perhaps, without their involvement at all, if Kite went to the Hierarch himself.

    "Thank you. I ordered it though. I could hunt down something in the wilderness and cook it, if necessary, but orthodox cousine is way beyond me."

    He takes a moment to think about something while looking at Gallows before coming to some sort of a conclusion:

    "I agree completely with your thoughts. This has done enough damage as it is. I appreciate you coming here, and I value the ability to see the situation from several viewpoints highly. You are welcome to drop by any time."

    The doctor relaxes visibly, having finished with the official business:

    "Now, unless you need to be elsewhere, perhaps we could talk a bit about the general state of things? I must admit, I have focused on my own training lately, but I'm trying to be more active in the Concillium affairs now."


  4. #14
    MichaelH's Avatar



  5. #15
    Matamune's Avatar

    Alfred Coldwell

    Pre 2 (Timid), SL 2 (Honest)
    Mastigos, Apostate

    Gallows and Alfar chat for some time, before the Moros leaves and the Shaman returns to his training.
    I've enjoyed this a lot End Scene.

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