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171 - 177

We All Float Down

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  1. #171

    "Well, you see, Brad is really good at..." Kate trailed off, pondering how to explain it.

    She decided not to be too concerned about being PG - they were sort of beyond that.

    "Brad is really good at punching people 'til their faces cave in," the Mekhet settled on, speaking in a relatively calm but quiet voice.

  2. #172

    Brad grimaced at the fading voices, waiting for Kate and the girl to get out of range. He felt like he was going to throw up, so it was a pretty good thing that he couldn't.

    A great thing, in fact.

  3. #173

    "That's some big ouchies." Becky shook her head which looked a lot like a shudder. "He gonna do that to Uncle?" She looked at Kate with a glimmer which actually looked very happy and satisfied. "I wanted to watch." She gave a little pouty face but kept walking with the Mekhet. Ahead the gate was left open by the Uncle as he passed through it before.

    For Brad, Uncle was still on the floor, passed out. His cheap suit had a bulge or two in its pockets. His cellphone went off in one of them, vibrating this time.

  4. #174

    As Kate wandered through the exit, with the little Nosferatu child in tow, she could not help but wonder what lay next. They would need to go somewhere, and teach Becky the dos and don'ts of being a Kindred.

    Surely they couldn't screw up too badly. After all, the girl was already dead and a little crazy.

    "Maybe next time," the Mekhet responded to Becky mildly.

    With how frequently Brad and she ran into trouble, the Nosferatu would have plenty of opportunity in the future to see some asshole get murdered. But that was for next time.

  5. #175

    Brad grabbed hold of the prone guy's head, took a deep breath and twisted as hard as he could.

    His fangs cut into the inside of his mouth as he bit down, trying to control his revulsion.

    Die, just die so I can run.

      8 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2012-07-06 14:00:25 Bradley Bennett rolls 14 to Strength 7 + Brawl 4 + Spec + 2 Prone (10 Again) 8, 1, 7, 5, 5, 8, 10, 4, 9, 6, 10, 2, 10, 5, 9, 6, 8 8 successes

  6. #176

    There were no obstacles in the way of Becky and Kate as they walked through the rest of the sewer. Manhole covers and ladders would be easy to see.

    The man on the wall had perished because of his injuries and loss of blood.

    Brad's force easily made Uncle crack under the pressure of the force and twist at his neck. The noise nearly echoed in the walls of the cement room. There was no question he was gone.

  7. #177

    Brad grimaced, and jumped to his feet. He grabbed Kate's knives up from the floor, before he dashed down the tunnel after them. Just had to catch up. Wouldn't be hard to get on a bus outta here. A few kine in an enclosed space, well, he wasn't that hungry, and he was pretty sure he was stronger than Becky.

    Pretty sure.

    Time to get the Hell out of dodge. So long, Sacramento.

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