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(1206) Toren, Denizen, Raum

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  1. #21
    Vassagon's Avatar

    Ah, that kind of model building, not quite the same as what Toren practiced but still interesting to the mage.

    "Oh splendid," smiled Toren, forgetting any distrust he had held of the man's character. "Such a treat to have a father involved in architecture. My grandfather was an architect and is my inspiration. I'm sure if you took a deeper interest you could develop a talent for the artistic, or at least discover the geometric stability. Such things are buried within each person. But the act of building is certainly just as important. Using your hands to build gives you a greater understanding of the thing you craft."

  2. #22
    MacMan's Avatar

    Leroy smiles, "Have you given any about the Legacy you wish to leave behind, or is it too soon still." He hoped, Toren got the double meaning in the word legacy.

  3. #23
    Vassagon's Avatar

    Luckily Toren did happen to understand this word play as his own Legacy was often at the forefront of his mind. "Oh yes, it certainly does give the opportunity to leave behind something, a landmark of achievements. I hope to attain my legacy soon, even if I have to carve it into the very stone." The statement worked on both levels. It was true he wanted to leave behind something to speak to his strengths, the embodiment of geometric and structural knowledge.

    "Do you wish to leave your own legacy, Mr. Denizen?" the Moros asked in turn.

  4. #24
    MacMan's Avatar

    Leroy has thought of a way to leave this world better than he found it. "I have found the intelligences that drive the material world fascinating I would prefer a legacy of spirit to normal legacies associated with my path."

  5. #25
    Vassagon's Avatar

    "The spirit of man, I suppose you mean. If you had said the spirit of all things I might've taken you for a Animist." Toren knew there were such mages in Sacramento, but it may just have been Leroy was speaking of the Spirit Arcana. Toren's willworkings never seemed to cross the sphere of spirit, so he hadn't much knowledge on any legacies either. Even so it may have been a good opportunity to learn of them, "And this bequeathment of yours, it will be a lasting testament to your will and ideals then?" he asked, preparing himself for an encryption of sleeper-terminology.

  6. #26
    MacMan's Avatar

    "I have a basic understanding of the spirits of man and the spirits of everything, but I hope to learn more. I believe there is more to this world than what can be seen with the so-called visible light spectrum. There is another world next door to this one, if this is the light side of the world than this place is its shadow. The table we sit at the chairs we sit in are but reflections of the true reality that exists all around us." He truly did believe in the world we cannot see without magical help.

  7. #27
    Vassagon's Avatar

    As much as Leroy's words fascinated Toren, the subject was broaching dangerously close to talk of the supernal. Of course it sounded like description of higher planes, this realm of light, easily confused with afterlifes and pagan occultism. Still... "Ah, an interesting duality, light and shadow," says Toren hesitantly. Maybe Leroy would find it strange that Toren actually enjoyed working with the reflections in his metaphor. In any case Toren felt the need to pull himself away from this conversation for the time being.

    "Well, it was indeed a pleasure hearing your thoughts on the subject, Mr. Denizen. I've actually got to head out soon, though, and I wanted to speak with another gentleman before I go. It was a pleasure to meet you though. Best of luck on your legal career!"

  8. #28
    MacMan's Avatar

    That's ok I've gotta get on the road anyway, I'll see you in the funny papers.

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