It was late at night. Several hours after dark. The night held onto the last remnants of the heat of the sun. The strong aromas of the flowers in bloom mixed with the dust of the day.

The parched grass of Capitol Park was no longer the playground of the city workers. The Frisbee players had gone home.

Joggers and skaters were padding their beats along asphalted paths.

Tiny Martha was amongst their number. Tonight she was trying hard to jog.

Dressed in her usual calf length gymslip with blazer and straw boater hat, she was limping hard along the path. She wore simple no-brand sneakers. Her white kneesocks shown sometimes as her gymslip lifted once or twice in her uneven pace.

Her C-Leg was hard at work to keep up with her athletic intentions. Limping more than running though, her pale face was a picture of concentration. Gripping her cane tightly, she had a long red ribbon bow tied over the crown of her boater to keep it in place. Long serial killer defeating black twin tails bobbed in time to her crippled gait.

Padding her way along, she was vigilant to her pace...her steps...and the depths of the shadows all about. Alert for muggers and assassins.

Martha's Blush of Life made her gasp for breath. Pausing to catch another gasp of city air heavy with gasoline fumes, she leaned over to rest her hands on her knees.

Still resting her hands on her knees, she noticed the kneesock on her C-Leg had rolled down to the ankle. Peering over her spectacles, she studied the path ahead and the tree line to left and right.

A jogger dressed in more conventional running wear trotted past her. Glancing back to check she was okay, she offered him a shy smile.

Kiko had decided that a evening jog might be a little better than a noon day run in the heat of Sacramento. She was clad in a simple pink joggers short set with matching pink ankle socks and her favorite pair of trainers, her left arm bearing her iPod with it's ear buds being slightly hidden by her own twin tails tied off with matching green ribbons that matched the young woman's eyes as a reverse ball cap adorned her head. She had the appearance of more a teenager than an adult to those that might pass her by but the expression in her eyes, those soul filled orbs, was unmistakeable she was intent on her purpose tonight as if it was some unspoken test for her.

Passing a few of the later park goers, and exchanging polite waves to those that offered them, Kiko's lungs burned with a blissful pain and sheer exuberance of being alive. To her a jog was one way she felt kinship with her watchtower an undeniable truth that made her inner child-like soul smile and want even more.

Slowing her pace to more of a fast walk moving from the forceful jog to a calmer cooling pace she rounded path passing a gentlemen who regarded her with a puzzled expression a moment before heading on past her. As her eyes caught a bent over figure she slowed a moment to make sure they were OK until realization hit her as to whom it was as a smile began to creep up her face bringing the seeming ambient evening light to her as she slowed even more to a walking pace as she stopped about 10 or so feet from the young woman with a little bit of a skid from her trainers.

"Konbanwa Martha-chan!" her musical and very cheerful voice resounded in the area as she herself leaned over resting her hands on her bare knees with a giggle looking at her new acquaintance "We meet again Ojouchan, out and about for a nice evening jog?" grinning happily at seeing a familiar face still feeling odd in such a large City as she tried to catch her breath giving the woman a lopsided smile.

Without realizing whom they belonged to, Martha had watched very closely the bare legs that trotted to a halt near her. The pink shorts and ankle socks and the bare flesh that were visible seemed, for the moment, all Martha noticed. The cheerful voice made her look up. Still bringing her breathing under control, she smiled. A sincere smile. "Good evening to you, Miss! How do you do? I do hope you are well!" she chirped and stole a glance to the exposed legs of the jogging lady as she straightened herself now. Adjusting her straw boater under the ribbon and offering a happy smile, "I am indeed trying to jog! It is not as easy as people make it appear..." she offers a shy smile and rubs at her crippled hip while leaning now on her cane, watching Kiko with shy, wide blue eyes, " are jogging too?" she asks carefully. with great care.

Kiko smiled at Martha brightly with a giggle "Hai! Well either I'm jogging or deciding that scampering excitably would be fun" taking some deep breaths to squat down to gather her wits about her before standing up to her terrifyingly petite stature "No it isn't as easy as it appears to be honest. I find it to be uplifting though. It's something I'd never really been able to do when I was little but now I'm older and in far better health then I make the most of this humble life" Looking around for a bench and seeing one she offered a hand to Martha so she could go sit down if she wanted "Want to take a short break Martha-chan?"

"Thank you, miss! Yes...a small rest might be in order...I have no wish to over do things!" A shy giggled is offered and, with wide eyes, Martha looked about the area swiftly and carefully to make certain they are safe from ambush, Martha then looks back to Kiko. Smiling sweetly she offers a dainty hand and, gently, takes Kiko's. Limping heavily, she hobbles over to walk, hand in hand, with Kiko to the nearest bench.

Kiko turned to look out at the area herself looking for someone dumb enough to attack the young women before helping Martha and once they were seated Kiko bent to massage her ankle with a slight grumble "Advice to you, don't take curves to sharp in your jog it tends to make your ankles wanna scold you in unusual dialects" she winked playfully at the young woman before sitting back up stretching staring at the sky a moment before turning her attention back to Martha "I applaud your pride to start jogging Ojousan, I really do but you have to be careful not to over exert yourself due to pulled muscles and the like. I have had some that I wear to the heavens I wish I'd have been hit by a truck to get it to stop"

Sighing with another stretch she kicked her feet as she cursed her height challenged body and the bench "I hope you and yours are safe and well, Martha-chan" offering a bright and honest smile to her new friend

Martha tried a smile, but she was simply too concerned for Kiko's welfare to smile more fully. Looking to the ankle, Martha's words were fast and sincere. "But...but...Miss Kiko! Please let me see to your leg! Are you badly hurt?" she asks, wide eyed with obvious care. Tiny Martha had struggled to seat herself meekly, but was already moving as if to kneel at Kiko's side. Her intention, it might be supposed, would be to inspect the injury.

Kiko blinked at Martha's request but shrugged in good nature "sure, here you are" she moved her leg a little as she moved her sock to the side a moment to show a small scar that's a little hard to see and about as large as either of their fingernails. Kiko smiled at Martha as she spoke "Don't worry yourself, Martha-chan, it just bothers me from time to time reminding me not to push myself. I had some surgery a few years ago when I was more...well, young and I'm reminded at times!"

Kiko couldn't help herself and grinned petting Martha on top of the head. Grinning and giggling very childishly but obviously good nature was her intent.

Martha was listening and busy massaging the injured ankle as she knelt at Kiko's side. Luckily her hat prevented too much petting, but the friendly action came as a surprise to Martha, who was intently massaging Kiko's leg. Wide eyed, she looked to Kiko as she was petted. Blinking for a moment, as if trying to assess the meaning of the gesture. Martha quickly realised it was all in good humor and giggled along very merrily too. Her sweet and innocent laugh joining in with Kiko'.

Smiling now, she seemed intent on simply trying to massage Kiko's leg and soothing any pain there.

Kiko actually purred at that, or what might pass as a young lady purring as her ankle felt better from the massage she let Martha go about her task for a few more minutes before offering a and and helping her back up "domo Martha-chan, it feels much better now" after a few moments Kiko looked her new friend over as curiosity piqued in her "What brought on your wish to try jogging? Is it a personal challenge to yourself or does it have a more personal meaning to you?" she simply watched Martha's expression as she stretched again popping her back with a big grin.

She was obviously happy to have finally made a friend that it was plastered on her face quite obviously.

Still gently massaging Kiko's leg, Martha smiled as she listened and playfully nodded, "Oh...jogging? Well, Miss, it is to improve my agility. As you suggest, I aim to improve myself in every way possible!" a happy smile follows. "I am trying to learn dancing and all manner of things!" another happy giggle. "What about you, Miss? Does jogging mean something to you too?" her question is clearly sincere.

"It does indeed. To me I feel alive if such a term is accurate. I've always been in poor health for most of my life until the past few years and then I started jogging. Jogging, Dance, music all these things to me are a real force as it were it's a form of expression and to me they have their own souls. When we find that moment of merging then, to me, all else is inconsequential. Sure it's tiring and I wanna sleep like a tired kitty but to me there is nothing else like it. Some love various Art and I'd guess maybe they think along similar lines as myself but to me it's really indescribable like eating some really good dark chocolate"

Grinning brightly as she stood up gently stepping away from Martha to do a few spin kicks with each leg dropping into a small kata, letting the air fill her lungs once more as she thought to herself ::Indeed, this my dear ojousan is what it means for me to feel alive, to be at one with my watchtower. To feel what I feel. Perhaps one day, maybe in your next life or this one, you will find a way to see the world for what it truly is, all the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly all these things I wish the world to see but alas not all are ready for such things::

As she came back to her senses she turned and put her hands behind her back while leaning forward smiling at her friend "I jog because it's fun also. It helps me get in shape and, as you said, helps me with my agility. Though there are days I have to wonder if I wasn't a kitty cat in a former life" sticking her tongue out playfully at Martha. Kiko was definitely a unique individual no one could deny that, friendly and well.. happily off a little.

Martha leans out of the way as Kiko springs to action. Slightly taken aback by the suddenness of the activity, tiny Martha falls backwards and simple standard breakfall with her arms as she'd recently being studying at the martial art collective. Watching Kiko's kata and grace, Martha studies Kiko's leg muscles and balance and watches with wide eyes. A happy, if slightly perplexed, blink is offered as Kiko pokes her tongue out. Martha bashfully and playfully giggles. and, sitting up as she rests her legs outstretched in front of her now, imitates the cosplay gesture and pose of a neko-girl, with her dainty hands becoming the curled paws.

"I can understand, Miss! your grace is impressive though! As a cat, for certain!"
she added with sincerity and good humor.

Standing back up she moved to sit beside Martha on the ground mimicking her [because it was normal darn it!] Kiko leaned back on her arms as she stared off into the evening "You asked me when we first met what kinda music do I like. Did I give you an answer? I kinda don't remember it's been a few days and I slept since then" she giggled as she swayed beside Martha as her right foot bounced to some tune she seemed to be listening to.

"I regret I am afraid I must have missed that, Miss...when I was speaking privately with Mr Prise. For which I apologize, by the way...It was not my intention to appear rude at that moment. I am sorry." she says with obvious contrition. Her head hangs slightly and she watches Kiko's exposed legs with great interest as she falls silent.

Her own legs outstretched too. Only...the side of her gymslip has fallen mostly flat about her C-Leg and shows clearly the relief and hints at the outline of the extent of her upper thigh amputation.

Kiko smiled and waved her hand playfully "It's OK. I could tell that you all had something to talk about and it would be impolite to pry on such things" laying back now staring at the moon and stars Kiko simply sighed seemingly content "I would like to thank you Martha-chan. You were pretty much my first friend I made here and while I'm still far form home it's far more bearable knowing that I've got a new face to help me not feel so lonely."

Turning her head to the side to look at her she frowned some "I hope this isn't in poor taste or offensive but: do you miss your leg? I have met many a different person with mixed feelings about the subject. If it pains you please forgive my ignorance of asking" frowning obviously feeling aware she had insulted her friend.

Martha watched Kiko and Kiko's legs for some time in silence. A gentle smile in evidence as she pondered her reply and studied Kiko's legs.

"I am glad we can be friends, Miss! I do so hope we can be!" she smiles and adds, "I shall do what I can to help you settle into this city, Miss!" she seems sincere in this. "As to your question; it doesn't offend, Miss. truth, I find it an interesting for you to ask! I do miss it. It would be absurd of me to not miss it..." and now she finds herself rubbing at the point on her upper thigh where her stump must meet the socket of the C-Leg. Offering Kiko a shy smile, she continues, "Yet...for all is a situation I cannot reverse. It is a Change I must embrace or fail utterly. It is an unbidden Change I try to make the best of! I am learning to do so many things, Miss! To dance and to run and to try various types of athletic pursuit!" she giggles with obvious shyness and rubs harder at the remaining length of her crippled thigh, "All of these things I could once do without a second thought. Now I must pay attention to my every action. I am, I hope, a stronger person now than before. I have learned much about myself and my limits and do all I can to advance beyond those and emerge with even greater improvements!" she smiles. As she talks it might be clear from her tone of voice and the clenching of her dainty hand into an energetic fist that she uses to punctuate her sentences, that this sense of development and improvement is not just an ambition but a whole ideology and approach she takes. "I wonder, Miss: do you think you would miss your leg were yours amputated?" she asks, smiling carefully. Her question seems honest and offered in a friendly way.

Kiko thought for a moment and shook her head "I honestly do not know if I could or not. I think that the thought has never occurred to me before to be honest. Though I would I hope to have your confidence in the matter if it came to it. Like I said I have always been in poor health and while my health has improved greatly over the past few years I do not, as they say, "Look a Gift Horse in the mouth". I am blessed and cursed at the same time when I look at myself."

Holding out her hands in front of her opening her right hand first "To the blessings I can say I am, overall, rather happy with who I am. I have made wonderful friends, yourself included, among my travels far from home and to each it is something deep inside I clings to. All the good and the bad of such meetings as well as being far more healthy than I was when I was younger." said with a small smile before closing her right hand and opening her left her eyes glimmering some in the evening light as if they were trying ever so hard to tear but her composure kept them in check.

"To my curse I am not as many would say "all there" as I try to find humor and joy in everything. It grates on many peoples nerves to be honest. I always fear my body will fail and once more I'll be far from how I am now and that, while is the nature of things, is something that I strive and pray will never happen again. I have my fears, those things that make me who I am. Once again both the good and the bad" she closed her left hand and patted Martha's hand gently "Though for all my merits and flaws I am who I am meant to be I think. I mean look at others less fortunate than even we. Maybe one day things will change for everyone and it is a fervent wish of mine that, for once, everyone could get along. Everyone could put aside their childish notions of singularity and remember "WE" are Humanity. Perhaps it is a silly girls naive wish. But somewhere deep down inside me it is a Hope I cling to. Perhaps many may consider it Pride, and maybe they are right, but I can still dream" she smiled brighter this time as she grinned and winked at her new friend "I know we have been raised with manners, I can tell, but please call me Kiko. Though if you still wish to call me Miss then Kiko-chan is quite happily accepted"

Martha listened attentively and with wide eyed interest as Kiko talked at length. Martha reached out a dainty hand to offer to Kiko and nodded as Kiko mentioned a Hope for universal peace and love. For all she had seen, Martha could not find it in her undead heart to be cynical about this.

The smile she offered to Kiko at this was all the more sincere.

"Thank you, Kiko-chan." another smile as she looked to Kiko's eyes and then Kiko's legs and said, "I think your Hopes and dreams of peace and love are simply splendid!" she giggled and began to sing with clarity and joy the opening lines of "What's So Funny 'Bout Peace Love and Understanding?" to Kiko. Holding Kiko's hand to her Blush enhanced breast as she did so.

"As I walk this wicked world
Searching for light in the darkness of insanity
I ask myself: is all hope gone?
Is there only pain and hatred and misery?

And each time I feel like this inside,
There's one thing one I want to know:
What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?.."

[[ ]]

She blinked at Martha's action a moment taken slightly unaware but then smiled listening to her sing as she closed her eyes swaying to her words as if caught on a musical high. When Martha finished Kiko opened her eyes slowly to look at her with a smile"Wow... That was very very pretty and since it's in my nature to return that which was given to me I now must ponder a moment and let my inner kitty decide what it feels like should be an appropriate song in return."

With a happy smile, Martha nodded and gently squeezed Kiko's hand and nodded again with a twin tail bobbing gesture. Her smile and gentility seemed to indicate that she was allowing Kiko time and space to decide on what to do next. Martha was simply seemingly happy to be patient.

After a few minutes her eyes lit up and a bright bright smile formed on her face as she wiggled on the ground beside Martha as she started giggling "I got it! I know exactly the one" she took a deep breath and calmed her nerves a moment as while this was close to karaoke this was more personal so she focused her thoughts as she started humming catching the right moment as she closed her eyes and began to sing.

The song that angels sing
The spell that calls, The Gathering
The magic that might bring
Eternal life, The Gathering

I see a world in anger
I see a world in pain
Each day a different story
But still the message is the same

Hard news I set beside me
Sweet dreams is what I need
What daylight wants to show me
At night, appears to be insane

May I ask you in?
Shall I...
Shall I persuade you?

Martha listened and smiled and took the chance, while Kiko's eyes were closed, to examine Kiko's legs in some greater detail while she listened to the song. She gently reached out with a delicate hand to touch the nearest thigh while Kiko sang. Withdrawing her hand quickly as Kiko's song ended. Offering a shy smile as she now twirled a twin tail while she nodded.

"You sang so well, Kiko-chan!" and smiles, offering a happy and gentle clapping of her hands in sincere praise.

She sat there for a few more moments and wondered if she should sing something else.

Another smile. "Perhaps you and I might take a small jog again...along this path?" she gestures along the path ahead of them, "before we get too settled and need to warm up again!" she giggles happily.

Kiko nodded her head to the question "I need to be heading home but I would be honored to escort you back to where you need to be if you like? Hence 'escort' really means jog" she giggled smiling feeling for the first time like she actually 'met' someone.

Making sure Martha was safely out of the line of fire, as it were, Kiko kicked up to her feet brushing her rather cute butt off with an impish grin turning to offer her hand to Martha as she spoke "Doctor Kiko recommends a little more practice and patience before attempting the kip-up she done" winking as she helped her friend stand "That is until you have gotten a little more use to jogging and other athletic endeavors" looking around the area to make sure no one was dumb enough to try to mug a physically challenged young woman and herself she nodded at the apparent safety they were in before looking back to Martha "You set the pace and I'll follow, fair enough?"

"Home?" Martha said, almost to herself. Nodding sadly. "Indeed...I daresay I should be heading back to my residence too..." Martha watched Kiko stand and smiled meekly as Kiko helped her to her feet. A very shy smile indeed. Brushing the dust off herself too, she nodded eagerly enough as Kiko explained the plan. "Yes...indeed...I ought not test myself too far!" a small giggle. After bending to touch her toes and then stretching as if to reach the sky, Martha smiled and...inwardly pleased at having met a new friend. Reflecting upon this, she smiled as she ensured her hat was held fast and then began to trot a limping jog...