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(1205) Eternal Spring

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  1. #121
    Perry diCarto's Avatar

    Perry diCarto

    It wasn't that Perry had a particular... interest in L'aire . Shes weren't generally his type, but yet, the pale, snow-glowing elfin woman certainly had attracted attention. It was the artist in him -- what could he say? The lawyer saw her moving through the crowd and decided that, while he waited for the Spring Queen, it couldn't hurt to say hello.

    Making his way toward her, he greeted her with a pleasant "Good evening," and a polished smile.

  2. #122

    Tobias was heading back to get a second plate of food when he noticed a woman's ( L'aire ) meanderings. [i]Is she...dancing? The musician in him found it easy to pick out the rhythm in her steps, but... she couldn't be dancing. There wasn't any music to be had. He made his way over to her as she was joined by a dark man ( Perry diCarto ). He walked up to the two of them and smiled. "Good evening, I hope I'm not interrupting. I don't believe I've met either of you before. My name's Tobias Thorne, of Spring." He offered his hand to both in turn. "I couldn't help but notice the way you moved," he said to the woman. "You wouldn't happen to be a dancer, would you?"

  3. #123
    Cameron's Avatar

    With a quiet, off-tune whistle stemming from the side of his mouth, Aldamoth moved directly for the cake. He would wait paitently for those in front of him to be served, before securing a slice of his own.

  4. #124

    The Winter Fairest quickly stopped her stride as she was approached by not one but two gentlemen. “Good evening.” L’aire said in a whimsical tone to the other Fairest who approached her.

    Quickly pivoting to the Elemental who also approached. Her violet eyes glanced to his arms for a moment. “Good evening to you as well.” Shaking her head. “Not interrupting at all, I was just saying hi to this gentleman here.” Her graceful hand turned to the suited man. “My name is Sasha Collins, or around our company it’s L’aire.” Her tone friendly and welcoming.

    Nodding to Tobias. “Yes I am a dancer, by nature and profession... among other things.” She turned enough to speak to both men. “There’s always music playing somewhere, isn’t there?” What she meant by that was up in the air despite her humorous tone. “Good to meet you Tobias.” Her violet eyes moved in the direction of the other man. She may have been on the balls of her feet waiting for the next move, but she was indeed welcoming and friendly.

  5. #125
    Perry diCarto's Avatar

    Perry diCarto

    Perry was about to open his mouth to speak with L'aire when Tobias arrived. diCarto's polished smile turned to the Elemental, and he offered him that lawyer handshake he'd given to thousands of clients before. He also accepted L'aire's shake with a happy nod. "The more the merrier. It's a pleasure to meet you, Tobias," he said to Tobias, "and you, L'aire." His smile widened slightly. "I'm Perry diCarto."

    In reply to her stating she was a dancer, he said, "A dancer, you say?" Perry sounded interested. "Perhaps we might have the pleasure of attending a performance sometime. Do you perform with a company here in the city?"

    The Shadowsoul enjoyed the professional arts, and the high society types he tended to spend time with at firm getaways and whatnot tended to enjoy things that the hoi polloi couldn't even dream of affording. Read: my colleagues enjoy dick measuring contests of how hoity-toity we can get with all our money and advanced degrees, because 90% of the members of my profession are rampaging dickheads. Ask any legal secretary or court clerk. He found their attitudes tiresome, but that was the world he lived in.

    "How about you, Tobias? What do you do, sir?"
    he asked politely, curious to learn a bit more about the man.

  6. #126

    Having finished her conversation with Tobias, Abigail made her way over to the bar. Once there she asked Sam for another glass of wine and then quietly kept eating her cake.

  7. #127

    Tobias, Perry and L'aire continue here

  8. #128

    Danny shot over to the cake like a bat out of Hell.

    If bats were tall, thin, pale and bald, anyway.

    His long coat flapped behind him and he pulled it around himself as he hurriedly grabbed a slice and hoped like hell that that was it for the night.

    Okay, breathe, breathe.... I'm okay... the end of the world hasn't happened... Queen Katrin just wants a commission, nothing strange about that... Lots of my work's been popping up, she liked the swan....

    His heart felt like it was trying to tunnel out of his chest. Via his kidneys.

  9. #129

    Serreth leaves his enjoyable discussion with Rick Pereg, stopping by the bar for a glass of merlot. It was good to see a Freehold come together, as this one had, for a coronation. In many others the monarchs were distant figures where the passing of agreed dates signaled the changeover of power. Here in Sacramento however, they were more open, easily reachable and subsequently, a lot more sympathetic. Admittedly he had yet to meet the Winter monarch but 3 out of 4 wasn't bad. Besides, Winter was always a bit like that, wherever you went.

    He slowly made his away around to where Mrs. Rosemary and a few others he didn't recognize were standing. As he reached the group he inclined a small bow to the Spring monarch. Like Spartan and Rick she'd probably wave off the formality but it was almost instinctive. He usually greeted anyone he considered worth respect that way.

    "Mrs. Rosemary? A pleasure to see you again. I was hoping to speak to you but if you're busy right now I can come back later?

    At least he remembered not to put a title on it this time...

  10. #130
    Jag's Avatar

    Serreth can join Mrs. Rosemary and others here

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