Joseph grins a bit evilly as that thought plays through his head. Chuckling as he walks down the street looking for a bar. He had thought about going to visit Rachael again but the idea slipped out of his mind. Joseph didn't want to when he should be doing other things. Walking into a bar he Blushes his skin something he had noticed not a lot of his fellow kindred did around mortals. His bored expression changes into a charismatic grin and his walk gets a pep up. Appearing confident of sure of yourself was part of the game, looking good helped as well. Sure enough several minutes later he was leaving the bar with a brunette.
An hour later he leaves the woman's apartment. ~Your acting like a Daeva with that being involved in feeding a lot recently~ a tiny voice/thought says from the back of his mind. Joseph snarls quietly and crushes the thought. ~I am not, I have control...~ He leaves the apartment building with out a look back and makes his way home.