Chase's smile lights up appreciatively, "My humble thanks, Bailiff Sage. You are too kind. I rather thought it had a poor reception, but I am glad to know you enjoyed it." She may have simply been polite in her praise of the reading he gave, but all the same it bolstered his ego.

"Well to explain it fully, I had witnessed last court a manner from a new arrival, whom I wish to remain unmentioned. It was concerning an Invictus tradition of addressing a titled official as 'my lady' or 'my lord'. It seemed to offend the official greatly. Not only that but I'm afraid I'm not fully in understanding of the Invictus titles themselves. Reeve Greyson in particular seemed to prefer the title over his Regency and I was afraid I may have offended him in my ignorance. I don't suppose you might explain to me these nuances so that I could spare myself future embarrassment?" Chase illustrated his story with as much care and politeness as he could muster, though perhaps it need not be so thick for the generous Bailiff.