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Sacramento Fencing Club (OPEN)

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  1. #41
    Chris Wooding's Avatar

    Mask of Tranquility
    SL •• (Handsome)
    Domain ••• (Reeve)
    Circle ••• (Hierophant)
    Mekhet •• (Recognized)
    (-1 Vitae in Requiem for Blush)
    Chris Wooding

    Mask of Tranquility
    Circle of the Crone

    - 1 Vitae for Blush of Life in Requiem Subforum


    A last time here a boyish grin appears on Chris' face. 'Thank you, Mr. Ankers. Your words are most appreciated, and let me say, we all have our talents, one develops sooner than the other.' Not everyone is blessed with a pretty face a blond hair, but no one would hear Chris complain. He has seen worse.

    'A private setting, Miss Maskelyne?' This is the moment where Chris permanently takes back all of his ill thoughts regarding she who once was a Harpy. 'Let's say we may be glad that you returned to Sacramento.'

    When she bows, so does Chris. 'My Lady.' He bows deeply, as one did in older times. In here it would look like irony, but to an Elder it could be a reminder to her position in the First Estate.
    Presence •• (Easy Going) | Striking Looks •• (Boy Next Door) | Mask of Tranquility | CotC ••• | Domain ••• | Mekhet ••

  2. #42
    Vassagon's Avatar

    "Ah, then you must have quite enjoyed that Valentine's Day party's theme," remarked Chase on Ciara's interest in classic film. "And you are quite welcome, Mr. Wooding. I expect we shall all develop in time, to grow is to change, a product of all things natural." Though he spoke ironically, he knew.

    "Should we find ourselves meeting again perhaps we can compare our knowledge of film as well, Miss Maskelyne." As she bowed he would return it, though not as grandiose as Mr. Wooding. He was still not privy to the significance of Ciara's position, nor her history, but it was just as well since such excessive displays attracted more attention. "And to you, miss. I wish you well in your training."

    Chase then glanced to Chris, all pleasantries, "Perhaps I had best resume training as well. A good evening to you as well, sir."

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