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Summoned to the Seven Stars

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  1. #51

    As Emma and Redfill get their lovely moment together, José just step aside with an unnusual indiference coming from himself. Some time ago he would just put himself between the two to avoid a fight among family members.

    He notes Dillon reprimand first to them, then to himself at the moment he closes his eyes for a second ... that's it, the tribulation is really beginning here and now ... It's easier to stand the scorn from those you dislike. Now José wished Dillon to be the stereotypical Sanctified witch hunter of Vegas, but instead the Priscus looks more like the Bahian catholic priests, very used to share the faithful in the syncretic religious scene of Salvador.

    ... get used to get your name pinned in the wall of shame Zé ... He thoughts not much concerned about it, anymore. Instead, the fact that Dillon also thinks that he kicked that packworked ass only due pure instinct makes him slightly shake his head negativelly ... it's amazing how everybody had underestimated that idiot. It seems that no one in Sacramento knows what a really old vampire can do ... José thinks remembering what Eve could do to Tracy if got the chance that José tried not to give to Alexander. Then his attention comes back to the room. With crossed arms, he looks to the whole scene as if it was nothing but a aquarium with two Beta fishes.

    If the respectable Dillon words had not affected his expression, least the ones of the mother bitch. José watches her also poking his pride, equally indiferent to her dirty wording addressing his banishment. ... good, good at least I'm an example now ... an example to not be followed, yes, but yet an usefull one ...

    Maybe noticing his indiference, Jim just took the initiative and locked the door when Dillon asked it. José looks to him and offers a smile when the Taifa come back to his previous position ... good guy, it could had worked ...

    The inexpressive José remains unsurprised after the speech of Dr. Swift. Talking in public seems to be something natural to the Doc. ... yes he'd showed all his skill at the Temple already ... When Swift glances him, José remains inexpressively calm and quiet for the entire brief moment it lasts. Swift never had saw that bored face. Its very different from the usual stamped broad smile of the Brazilian. ... Eve told me everything I should know about respect. A respect learned at Scotland Highlands in a I time that even mortals could rightfully die for being "unnapropriated" ... Unfortunatelly Eve had never used the verb survive with disdain, instead she always made it a matter of pride to their blood.

    Quiet, calm, inexpressive. He listens. ... what else to do? ...

  2. #52
    Emma French's Avatar

    Emma French


    Emma gave a mild smile and nod out of respect to Dillon, "Sorry to interupt". She was sure he understood that she was trying to protect the family. And she certainly didn't take any repremand personally, he was correct that in court etc she could have been in huge trouble for her reaction and appreciated his concern for family members. The new arrival seemed to be ok with things also, that was good. When Dillon asked for the door to be closed, Emma started to reach out to shut the door but Jim beat her to it. As his beast approach Emma's responded, He is going to attack you, get him first. Emma's eyes turned black as she shoved beast back down quietly. Beast may not be able to see that Jim wasn't going to attack her, but Emma had enough sense to know better. Emma felt more relaxed with the door locked and settled against the wall watching the family members and their interactions.

  3. #53
    Dillon Connery's Avatar

    Onward Christian Soldier

    Regent of Valencia
    Reeve of Sacramento
    Bishop of the Lancea et Sanctum
    Priscus of Clan Gangrel
    Aspect of the Predator

    Sacramento ••••
    Lancea Sanctum •
    Gangrel ••••

    Blush of Life active in public
    AotP disabled in Court


    Dillon returns the nods to Emma and Mike, calm and firmly. Approval in that they would let it blow over without sulking or taking offense. Good. They showed backbone. He can use backbone.

    Roxie and Swift's support and insight sucked most of the fury out of the Priscus, which is probably for the best. He offers them both a subtle smirk of gratitude before continuing. It's the first time he's done anything close to smiling since everyone filed in. "I will sometimes be rough with you. All of you. Understand that we don't snuggle and simper with each other. This is not a show of disrespect. I am not a bully.

    "What I am, is the hammer which will test your steel. For the good of the Domain, for the good of the Clan, for the good of your own Requiems. If I didn't at least see some potential in each of you, you wouldn't be here."
    Understandably, Dillon's eyes stop briefly on Jim's, before moving on. "Some of you may be tempered, some of you may be forged, and some of you may break. If you are Gangrel, you will buck up, tolerate the pressures placed upon you, and excel. I will not settle for less."

    Shrugging before any wiseguy can throw in a 'hoo-hah, sergeant', Dillon begins to pace very slowly around the room again. "By less, I mean the likes of Francesco Giovanni. Since he is too gutless to show up and explain himself to me, I would prefer not to see his animated corpse up and about in Sacramento again." The Gangrel stops at the head of the assembly of tables, leaning against the tabletop with his fists. "One reckless act by that fool, and it becomes the open mockery of the entire Domain."

    Dillon's voice begins to build, and muscles in his jaws flex. "'Ooooooh, I know your family can't help it Francesco...'

    "'I know that you're a dumb, ignorant savage, Francesco...'

    "'But try to think about what you're saying, Giovanni...'

    "'Try, try ever so hard to wrap your mind around the consequences of your actions, you foolish--'"
    Dillon's fist pounds the table once, with and audible bam.

    "Stupid." Bam.

    "Brainless." Bam.

    "GANGREL!" Bam!

    The last word, the name of their Clan that the Priscus has worked tirelessly for, comes out as a thunderous bellow. For all of his canine tendencies, this time Dillon Connery can be more easily compared to a lion. The muscles in his forehead stand in sharp relief, as he grimaces in rage. Fangs reflexively peek out of his snarling gum line. Inside, his vision is narrowing to a red tunnel. He looks as though he's about to grab the table and wrap it around someone's neck.

    But he doesn't.

    Rather, Dillon takes a deep breath. And slowly purges it, along with the anger. There is a growl under the exhalation that his dead lungs took no sustenance from; an inhumanely low-pitched, guttural rumble.

    "The person who delivers his torpid body to me," comes the calm, quiet conclusion, "or Reeve Greyson, or one of his other deputies, will go highly recommended in the future. Needless to say, please do not violate Law or Tradition in locating and retrieving him."
    Be polite. Be courteous. Show professionalism. And have a plan to kill everyone in the room.

    Blood Potency •••••
    Presence ••• (Disarming)
    Striking •• (Boyish Good looks)

  4. #54
    Emma French's Avatar

    Emma French


    Emma listens calmly and carefully to Dillon, mulling over his words. When the meeting is over she will speak with him in private to get his input on her plan. Beast rolls over deep inside her feeling a joy of a hunter, Emma's eyes take on a cold cool dark green.

  5. #55
    AlphaStrike's Avatar

    Zack Griffiths
    Invictus Gangrel

    Blood Potency 1
    Aspect of the Predator
    Presence 2
    (quietly stares, speaks calmly)

    Zach Griffiths watches the display with a face devoid of emotion or response. This idiot obviously touched a personal nerve of the Priscus, and now was telling everyone else to avoid the former's mistakes. And the blood price on his head. Interesting. Zach liked torpid bodies, and he knew some boxing tricks from his mortal days.

    Maybe I could get a coterie together and find this bastard. The Priscus's irritation means he is less open to other ideas, and he will need to be calmed before I can make any controversial moves. Although this guy seems to have set the bar pretty low. I've heard about how some dumb vamp had told a room full of vamps his plans to take over crime in the city. Stupid bastard. Now, his shit has been spun out by the fan and I gotta clean it up. Hmmmmm......maybe a hunting coterie wouldn't be a bad idea.

    Zach started looking at the others around the room, evaluating their physiques for a little alleyway action.

    Now, who would be nice and subtle, and who would blow the first tradition wide open.
    Zach Griffiths Invictus Gangrel
    BP 1 Presence 2 (quiet and calm)
    [Center]"Zachary speaking" [I][COLOR="#009900"]Zachary thinking[????????
    Destiny has two ways of crushing us - by refusing our wishes, and by fulfilling them. - Henri Frederic Amiel

  6. #56
    Tracy Burns's Avatar


    Tracy remains quiet, listening to the Priscus do the talking, and then Regent Hart reinforce the whole "don't be a dumbass" speech. The tiny Deputy nods in silent agreement, knowing that she really can't add much to those words. After all, they are pretty clear aren't they? Then again, some people seem unable to grasp the concept of not being stupid. Then Dr. Swift says his own piece, and she smiles at her fellow Gangrel, happy to see him being a little more outspoken than the last meeting. She values his input after all, with him being one of the more educated members of the Clan she has met so far.

    When the conversation shifts towards the topic of Francesco, the redheaded Gangrel's eyes flare up with anger just at the mention of his name. Her little fists clench at her side, as her Beast tugs on its leash, but Tracy does her best to push it back and keep it restrained.

    Not here, not now. Save it for when the fool decides to show his face...

    She continues listening to Dillon's words attentively, nodding in agreement every now and then. When he makes mention of wanting the idiot's torpid body delivered to him, Tracy can't help but smile a little. Her cute little smirk turns into a twisted half-smile, with a predatory air to it that obviously hungers for blood...probably Francesco's.

    "Well said boss," she finally says to Dillon, offering him a polite nod before turning her attention to the rest of the Clan. "And remember he said torpid, not that he be delivered as a jar full of ashes." She scans around the room, looking at the other Gangrel there. "Right of Destruction belongs solely to the Prince, don't forget that...or you will fall into the category of being a dumbass," says the tiny redhead. "And I'm sure you all understand how we feel about that by now."

    With those words, she offers the Savages around her a quick smile.

  7. #57
    Roxie Hart's Avatar

    Presence ••• (Feisty)
    Striking Looks •• (Bitchin' legs)
    Blood Potency •••
    Domain Status •••
    Roxie Hart


    Roxie didn’t jump… at all. Considering who she fucked most of the time, yelling was usually involved. The Regent also didn’t think Dillon had it in him to be so...gruff. Dillon, you gotta stop getting hotter. Fuck. Now the legalicious Gangrel was really irritated with herself for not pursuing the hatefuck. The feisty blonde's leg continued to bounce while Dillon finished and then her eyes fell on Tracy next.

    Her brow raised with approval as little Miss Spitfire backed up her dumbass advice. There was a flicker of pride in the Savage Regent’s eyes.

    “And after that embarrassing bullshit he pulled with his little mafia meeting that clearly got around to some powerful people, I’d like to see him caught as well.” Roxie took a drag of her smoke with winced eyes and a determining face. “I’ll up the ante on this. Whoever hauls his stupid ass in to the Deputies or the Reeve, I may be apt throw someone or a few people some Tenancy.” If they don’t completely fuck it up like some of the other shit.

    Tracy knew Roxie was good to her word, if vampires had follow through. There were times she wondered if she should invest in some sort of wrestling cage where people could duke it out, or take out some aggression... or beat the stupid out of each other.
    BP ••• | SL2 (Bitchin Legs) | Pres ••• (Impatient)

  8. #58
    James Calloway's Avatar

    The Taifa did not react as Dillon's eyes stopped on him during his discussion of their potential, save for the tiniest of nods. As the Gangrel Priscus' speech grew in intensity and violence and anger, he couldn't help but feel the rage swelling within him. We should have gored the fucker right then, saved everyone the trouble. But he couldn't help but respect the Priscus' anger. He had worked hard. Francesco Giovanni had shit on the name he had worked to build them. He had been brave and dedicated to the Domain. Francesco Giovanni had thrown a pound of stupid into the mix and it had sullied the term 'Gangrel'.

    And then it came to the end, and for some reason, James couldn't help but imagine that Dillon wanted to put Francesco Giovanni before a death pit and kick him in, possibly while yelling some choice words:

    The thoughts did not disturb Jim. Indeed, as the offer of a bounty went out on his head, the Taifa smirked slightly and looked over at Jose for a moment. For Jose, it could be redemption. For James... well, he hadn't beaten the shit out of anybody lately, and in his own way, it would be a decent way to square things away a bit with Dillon.

    His face was thoughtful as he listened to Roxie, upping the ante in that feisty, fucking hot way she had about her. Tenancy, huh? And I would've done it out of duty. Pursing his lips slightly, the Taifa didn't speak, thinking the situation over.

    But then his lips resolved into a deadly little smile. The price had been set. The hunt was on.

  9. #59

    And he listens ...

    The Brazilian never had saw Dillon upset before. The knocks on the table in crescendo with his anger makes José wonder for a second if Dillon don't wants also to unleash that fury at him. His eyes glances the locked door ... fuck! ... then back to Dillon.

    José would not like to hunt his insane cousin though ... ok, now it's conveninent to help the authorities? Sure? No thanks, I was already told that they are perfectly capable of controlling any situation entirely for themselves ... Although that pops in his mind more as some kind of imature and selfish revanche towards the Reeve than real resentment ifself. The Brazilian also don't believes that the Italo-American Capo is in Sacramento anymore ... he may be crazy, but I don't believe that he would be so stupid to remain here after that night ...

    Then Roxie speaks and offers her share of motivation to the family. She promises Tenancy as a bribe to them as if it was a bloody steak for a pack of hunting hounds. ... she's a bitch anyway, I hardly believe she would understand what a matter of honor really is ...

    José observes Tracy speaking, not much interested in the obvious apointments made by her, but instead intrigued about how things would had ended that night ... if you had staked him promptly ... fuck Tracy! ...

    When Jim looks to him the Taifa sees only that same blank bored face noticed by Dr Swift.

  10. #60
    Matamune's Avatar

    Alfred Coldwell

    Pre 2 (Timid), SL 2 (Honest)
    Mastigos, Apostate

    Michael listens to Dillon's words with his arms folded thinking about the situation. The pounding doesn't catch him by surprise as by that point Dillon is practically radiating righteous anger.

    He raises an eyebrow as the others support Dillon wholeheartedly. He doesn't share their enthusiasm, however, believing that Francesco is long gone by now. When the tempers have cooled down a bit and those of rank have spoken, Michael decides to voice his concerns:

    "The last and only time I saw our Batman and Robin cousin, he was in Court, looking at every official with the eyes of a frightened stray dog. If he is still in the city, we'll haul his torpid ass where needed, but I doubt he has the balls to remain here after what he did." - after pausing for a moment, he continues. - "We should really be more proactive when someone new calls a meeting in the manner he did it. Spreading rumors among the Kine? That already suggests a disaster..."

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