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(1203) Conference with Conner

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  1. #21
    Conner Greyson

    Conner leaned back in his chair, letting the man finish what he is explaining. Not giving away any emotion as he watches. “Mr. Schmider, first and foremost. I ‘must’ nothing. Second, I am not your ‘dear’ anything. I am a member of the First Estate, to which I assume you have no experience with. If you had you would know by calling me ‘dear’ you have offended myself, my covenant and my position.”

    Conner stood, ”You say with all due respect, but you refer to my deputy as ‘Stake Happy’. When you should be thanking whatever you believe in that it was her and not me. If it were me, you would be well and truly Silenced.” Conner’s words show that he is not pleased with the Nosferatu. Conner ignored the invitation.

    Conner looks to Jose, “Mr. Matias. Did you, or did you not, attack Mister Schmider? Even after he apologized to Deputy Burns and did not fight back?”

    “Miss Keyes, would you say that Deputy Burns had the situation well in hand? Or did she look like she needed assistance?”
    Conner's voice is athoratative but not angry or overbearing. He shows his rank and position through his voice. But shows no anger or displeasure. He is doing his duty.

  2. #22

    José remains imobile as the Reeve talks to the Haunt trying to not let himself be fooled by the Exu's laughts inside his head, louder at each correction given by the Reeve regarding the way Alexander had adressed him and his Deputy.

    When Conner asks him to speak again, José is direct.

    "Everything happened very fast, but the correct order is:" The Gangrel makes a pause narrating it as he remembered it "Deputy Burns warned him to respect her and the court, then ordered him to step away from Ms Keyes; he then apologized to her and talked about his difficulty to deal with other beasts; Deputy Burns then tried to stake him and after not succeeding on it, she ordered him to came with her; I noticed the failed staking attempt and tried to knock him down, as he had already spoke about peace before ..."

    While speaking José looks deep into Conner's eyes, not giving even a residual blink from his breathing days. After finishing the Brazilian lowers his head respectfully.

  3. #23
    Conner Greyson

    I have already subtracted Jose's Composure. Please provide me with the colors of his Aura

      2suxx to Aura Percept Jose
    Date Action Roll Result
    2012-04-10 21:54:28 Conner Greyson rolls 5 to Aura Perception-Jose's Comp-2(Colors) (10 Again) 9, 7, 5, 9, 8 3 successes

  4. #24

    OOC: José's Aura

  5. #25
    Catherine Keyes's Avatar

    Catherine Keyes


    Catherine waited attentively, the calm authority the Reeve was so easily manipulating was fascinating, especially in contrast with the inopportune and clumsy verbalizations of the Nosferatu.

    She waited patiently for the Kindred on trial to speak. At the Reeve’s words she responded: “Yes, Sir. From where I stood, Deputy Burns seemed to have the situation under control, I don't believe she required any help.” She nodded slightly on the last word.

    Judge and Prosecution, Jury and Executioner.

  6. #26
    Conner Greyson

    "Thank you Miss Keyes." Conner says politely and turns to Jose.

    "Mr. Matias,"
    Conner takes in the man's aura, "As Reeve of the Domain of Sacramento I find you guilty of Violating the Laws of the Domain and the Sanctity of Elysia. It is my opinion that you did one of two things. You either let your new found tenancy go to your head, or you decided to let your feet do the thinking for you. So your punishment will be twofold.”

    The Mekhet paused letting his silence fill the room. “Mr. Jose Matias you are hereby banished to the Barrens, you may not feed in any other regency. All feeding rites have been revoked until the next Official Court. In addition you are fined your Achilles Tendon." A knife spawns in Conner's hand. "You will sever your achilles tendon. Right now. And you will not heal the wound until the same date as you are released from the barrens." Conner paused looking into the faces of all of those present.

    If anyone begins to talk Conner will Raise his hand silencing the room, "But, out of respect for your Priscus, Deputy Dillon Connery” Conner gives a Nod to the Gangrel Deputy ”A trusted advisory and member of the Domain in good standing, to show you mercy. You may choose your punishment. Either Banishment, or debilitated, until the next official court convenes.”


  7. #27
    Ebon Reaper

    As he listened to the testimony, Ricardo began to feel sorry for the Nosferatu. It seemed he had been attacked for being a creepy monster.

    The he started talking.

    The Mexican Lord wanted to stake that so called 'Kindred' himself. Every time he said "dear" the Hispanic Ventrue clinched his teeth. At one point, his left hand even moved to the small of his back as he considered pulling the dagger and ending the creature's existence. Still, he was a fellow member of the Conquistador Clans and was surrounded by members of the native Clans.

    Before Ricardo can talk about the patchwork Nosferatu, Conner moves back to Jose. The Mexican Lord doesn't respond at all during the exchange. When Conner issues the punishment, the Hispanic Ventrue smiles at the creative and appropriate nature of the penalties. Dillon also gets a nod from Ricardo when Conner compliments him. Finally, the Deputy turns Jose. "Be grateful for his mercy. I'd take the cut tendon, if I was you." If things were less grave, he might have advised Jose to "Cut his losses" or told him "Chop chop."

  8. #28

    José listens the sentence. The neonate widens his eyes as only now he'd fully realized his actual position in that trial.

    ... Guilty ... I'm guilty ... guilty of what? Hell! For being prudent? ... he looks briefly to Tracy ... I understand your silence ... José feels sad for her, wondering how she, that truelly knows what happened, might be feeling impotent against the authority of the Reeve.

    Then he listens the Reeve addressing his honor once more, like in the first time, saying, again, that he's nothing but a title hunter, and/or calling him a stupid Capoeirista. The Exu raises in his head ordering him to flee, to escape, as he feels not the Reeve's beast, but the raw power that emanates from him ... to much power ... to one single person to bear ... now I know who the real Prince of Sacramento is ... The Brazilian realizes terrorized.

    José stands still exercising his resilience. Not the discipline though, but his very nature ... Goddess ... help me to stand this tribulation ... as the Reeve proceeds with the twofolded punishment. Silent and motionless his eyes alone runs over the room noticing the reactions here and there, from each of the present kindred.

    When Conner speaks about Dillon and the respect owned to him and his position, José's shame become even worst. Albeit the Gangrel being no sorry to had done what he had to do, he understands the consequences of this irrevocable sentence to those who had trusted him. When he realizes that, the first person that cames into his mind is Martha Chrisie . ... Goddess, she don't deserves this ... she had trusted me, and it'll seem that I had payed her back with nothing but disrespect ... dishonoring both her friendship as well her very station as Mistress Keeper of this place, when all I'd tried to do was to protect it ...

    José nods to Ricardo, sad to notice that the Mexican Lord praises more his prestige than his honor ... I'm no title hunter ...

    "I ... I ... thank the Reeve's mercy ..." a bow is offered "... and his generosity ... for offering me a choice ..." José says with difficulty "... and I thank your advice as well Deputy Rodriguez ..." another bow is offered "... but It seems that my stupidity had done more than bringing shame both to my family ..." José avoids Dillon's face, lowering his head for a moment "... and covenant; it had despised the Alder Prince goodwill, as well disrespected the Mistress Keeper Villiers, a person that had showed me only the best a vampire could be."

    Silence. José had his decision, but tries to find courage to pronounce it.

    "For those reasons, I'll be glad if the Reeve allows me to reach the barrens as fast as possible, where I can bury my shame."

  9. #29
    Dillon Connery's Avatar

    Onward Christian Soldier

    Regent of Valencia
    Reeve of Sacramento
    Bishop of the Lancea et Sanctum
    Priscus of Clan Gangrel
    Aspect of the Predator

    Sacramento ••••
    Lancea Sanctum •
    Gangrel ••••

    Blush of Life active in public
    AotP disabled in Court


    Dillon is finding himself angry more and more these nights. But culling the stupidity from the domain he served is tireless, thankless, and endless work.

    He is mostly stoic throughout the recounting of the altercation. A calm, mountain of Gangrel muscle, with crossed arms and a hard glare. Hard, but not thoughtless. When the nearly-staked flicks a glob of his own flesh at Zé, Dillon almost snatches it from the air, ready to cram it down the belligerent fool's throat. But Conner let's it pass. So does Dillon.

    As the tale is told and re-told, nostrils flare at the man's behavior. The corners of Dillon's mouth pull down to frown slightly at José and his actions.

    When "Mister Alexander" throws Invictus etiquette to the wind, and has the unmitigated gall to brand his cousins uncivilized and stake-happy... The Reeve's presence is all that keeps the Gangrel Deputy from sidestepping across to kick the stake the rest of the way through his chest.

    At no point does Dillon loose control. At no point is he anything but grimly attentive. But the subtle glance to Conner and widening of his eyes plainly expresses his desire not to allow the burden of the man's existence to fall on either the Nosferatu or the Ordo Dracul. Both of which the Sanctified Gangrel has all due respect for.

    Though his work for the family usually seems thankless, Dillon recognizes the fruits of his effort when he sees it. Because of all that Dillon has accomplished for and with the Gangrel of Sacramento, José not only gets to rise another night, but is allowed the choice of his punishment. The Reeve's respectful nod is met equally, with a measure of gratitude for the honored words.

    Being hungry sucks. Dillon knows it all too well. But he isn't too surprised at Zé's choice to keep his ability, which he obviously carries much pride for.
    Be polite. Be courteous. Show professionalism. And have a plan to kill everyone in the room.

    Blood Potency •••••
    Presence ••• (Disarming)
    Striking •• (Boyish Good looks)

  10. #30
    Tracy Burns's Avatar


    After saying her piece, Tracy remains quiet while the others are questioned by the Reeve. When Mr. Stitches starts talking, the tiny Gangrel resists the urge to roll her eyes at his words. When he calls her clan mate uncivilized, the Beast inside of her riles up in anger, urging her to finish the job she had started. However, the redheaded Deputy pushes the Beast back into its corner, knowing this is neither the time nor place to lose control. While Jose's actions may have been rash and foolish, this idiot has no basis for speaking about that which is civilized or not. In the Gangrel's eyes, it is just a clear show of prejudice against her clan. However, Tracy continues listening to the fool's words, as painful as it is to do so.

    Wait, did he just say his bad manners can be explained by him trying to avoid an altercation? What the fuck?

    She is relieved once he is done speaking, for having to bear his stupidity any longer may have caused her to go into a bordedom-induced torpor of some sort. The petite Deputy listens attentively to the Reeve as he addresses the Nosferatu, and does her best to suppress the smirk that wants to find its way to her lips. As Jose's punishment is handed to him, Tracy is relieved that the Reeve is showing him mercy. After all, she knows that her clan mate acted in good faith, even if his actions were foolish and not necessary under the circumstances. The Brazilian could've ended up meeting a similar fate to Mr. Stitches, so she is happy to learn that he isn't and hopes that he will learn from this experience.

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