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Books on the loose !

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  1. #21
    Aenigma's Avatar



    Aenigma nods at the Acanthus' last words. "Ain't that the truth?" he says and the lets out a soft chuckle. Once they walk outside, Aenigma starts leading them down the street on their way towards the address of the store on J Street. While they are walking, the Warlock makes a quick gesture with his hands, which Miach would recognize as a Mudra of some sort.

      5 suxx
    Date Action Roll Result
    2012-04-09 10:32:21 Aenigma rolls 9 to Resolve + Academics + Mind to cast "Augment the Mind" (Wits) (10 Again) 10, 1, 9, 8, 1, 5, 3, 1, 9, 8 5 successes

    -1 Mana for Augment the Mind

  2. #22
    Miach's Avatar



    Miach walked along Aenigma in the streets, and wondered what would come next. He knew he could look into the future, but it would yield no result until they were at the place... he'd have to learn the trick about this Space thing, someday... so much to do, so little Time, even for an Acanthus...

    As the Warlock got ready during the walk, it seemed safer to do the same, and Miach called on an Imagos he was rather used to: threads upon threads moving every people, every object, every event, entertwined in a mess so thick only God could disentangle them. But he didn't dare try such a bold task, and he was content to merely look at this magnificient work.

      1 success
    Date Action Roll Result
    2012-04-09 15:46:30 Miach rolls 3 to Spont. Sybil's Sight (Gnosis 1 + Fate 2) (10 Again) 10, 2, 5, 2 1 success

    Striding along, he tried to come up with something that might pass for a plan... sort of...
    So... do we pose as sleeping connoisseurs looking for those very specific books, or should we rather try to seem more aware, and see if they bite somehow ? Unless you have another idea ?

  3. #23
    Aenigma's Avatar



    Aenigma considers Miach's question for a moment, thinking of what the best plan of action would be. "I think we just go in and take a look around and avoid seeming suspicious in some way," he says to the Acanthus and then leans in a little closer to whisper something to him. "I don't have the ability to hide my true nature, so trying to blend in through natural means will have to do." He continues walking and then he turns back to Miach. "Unless, you can. At which point we may come up with a better plan."

    The Warlock remains silent for a moment, trying to evaluate what options they have at their disposal and what sort of troubles they may run into. Is it possible that there would be other willworkers at the store? If so, would they be enemies? Friends? None of the above? All these questions plague his mind as he continues to lead them down to the store on J Street.

    It may not be a bad idea to take a look inside there store from the outside.

  4. #24
    Kathritana's Avatar

    If you'd like to go into the store, here is the thread for it.

  5. #25
    Miach's Avatar



    Miach nodded sadly in denegation at Aenigma's latest question.

    I was due lessons with Rosh, but we've not broached this topic yet. Later, hopefully...

    Hardly had he the Acanthus finished his sentence that they were come to the store. Miach whistled slowly. Of course he would have missed it, it didn't look the part of an occult store, but more of an antique one, of which he had little interest. He turned to look at the Warlock, who seemed indecisive on the matter. Not so for him. They were here for a purpose, and obviously standing still in front of the door would not lead them anywhere. And it's not as if they were to get attacked in the store in broad daylight.

    Miach strode in confidently. Or so he hoped.

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