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(1203) Eternal Court XX

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  1. #61
    Vassagon's Avatar

    Chase continued to meander about the room with no particular direction in mind, his thoughts still wracked with dilemmas of logic. He's stopped in his pacing as he hears the light and airy tune of Chopin coming from the piano. Seeing the Herald playing there he smiles to himself and shrugs off his mood.

    He nods as he passes those he knew as well as those that held title wondering who he should strike up a conversation with.

  2. #62
    Chris Wooding's Avatar

    Mask of Tranquility
    SL •• (Handsome)
    Domain ••• (Reeve)
    Circle ••• (Hierophant)
    Mekhet •• (Recognized)
    (-1 Vitae in Requiem for Blush)
    Chris Wooding

    Mask of Tranquility
    Circle of the Crone

    - 1 Vitae for Blush of Life in Requiem Subforum


    Her blue eyes noticed Chris Wooding in their peripheral and she looked to Charles and Josephine. “If you would both excuse me Dr. Powell and Mister Black, I believe I am needed at the moment.” She smiled and tipped her head a little and walked toward Chris.
    When the Mekhet hopes to be invited to their conversation, things get better when the Seneschal walks towards him. A sincere smile instantly appears: 'Seneschal Donovan, I hope my distraction doesn't have an unpleasant timing?'

    'You see,' he thankfully bows his head, 'I wish to talk about what I think is some official business.'
    Presence •• (Easy Going) | Striking Looks •• (Boy Next Door) | Mask of Tranquility | CotC ••• | Domain ••• | Mekhet ••

  3. #63
    Ariana Donovan

    When the Mekhet hopes to be invited to their conversation, things get better when the Seneschal walks towards him. A sincere smile instantly appears: 'Seneschal Donovan, I hope my distraction doesn't have an unpleasant timing?'

    'You see,' he thankfully bows his head, 'I wish to talk about what I think is some official business.'
    The copper haired Ventrue returns the smile of the Mekhet and slowly walks down the hall. Shaking her head a little at his sentiment she replied. "Unpleasant, of course not. What can I assist you with Mr. Wooding?" Ariana asked in a delighted tone.

    As her heels clicked in the hall she inquired again. "If it is a business matter, perhaps we should step into my office?" Her hand made a gentle directional gesture to the door of the office.

  4. #64
    AlphaStrike's Avatar

    Zack Griffiths
    Invictus Gangrel

    Blood Potency 1
    Aspect of the Predator
    Presence 2
    (quietly stares, speaks calmly)

    Zach Griffiths waited for the elevator to come to the lower level. He is fidgety in his isolation, and a bit nervous. If his heart still beat, he would be sweating profusely.

    Please, dear God, don't let this be another Sand Diego. Please, please, please not another San Diego.

    Zach remembers the screaming as his girls were killed, as he bolted from the blood hunt that the Prince had put out for him, how he had only a few of his girls left. Cammy had been hurt, but she was better now. The other girls were okay, too. His bank accounts had been seized, his automobile collection impounded, and he'd been given a hail of bullets as a parting gift. That was two weeks ago.

    He hoped this would be better.

    He was new, in a new town, with a few places for his girls to hide, had dipped into his emergency funds, and if all went well, he could get right to work here, in Sacramento.

    The elevator dinged, and he stepped out onto the floor, and the deep water inside him churned at the sight of dozens of other vampires around him. His beast remembered what happened last time, too. At least his info had been good. If this wasn't the center of vampire activity tonight, he was going to cry.

    He looked around, trying to see if there were any vampires that stood out. It appeared this Prince did not prefer an ostentatious court, although the number of beautiful people here was startling. Kine and Kindred alike oozed good looks and style.

    Well, this was a start ten times better than San Diego. He hoped it would stay that way.
    Zach Griffiths Invictus Gangrel
    BP 1 Presence 2 (quiet and calm)
    [Center]"Zachary speaking" [I][COLOR="#009900"]Zachary thinking[????????
    Destiny has two ways of crushing us - by refusing our wishes, and by fulfilling them. - Henri Frederic Amiel

  5. #65
    Chris Wooding's Avatar

    Mask of Tranquility
    SL •• (Handsome)
    Domain ••• (Reeve)
    Circle ••• (Hierophant)
    Mekhet •• (Recognized)
    (-1 Vitae in Requiem for Blush)
    Chris Wooding

    Mask of Tranquility
    Circle of the Crone

    - 1 Vitae for Blush of Life in Requiem Subforum


    'Alright, Seneschal Donovan.' Chris nods with a smile, possibly be put at ease by the Seneschal even more. He walks towards the door, then cocks his head in a questioning way. Would he be allowed open the door?

    Ah hell, why not, as long as it isn't locked... that would be a stake worthy misstep.

    He steps forward to hold the door open for Ariana, to her own office. His bow makes it all 'Ladies first' - like.

    Presence •• (Easy Going) | Striking Looks •• (Boy Next Door) | Mask of Tranquility | CotC ••• | Domain ••• | Mekhet ••

  6. #66
    Tracy Burns's Avatar


    After finishing her chat with the Regent of South Sacramento, Tracy begins to wander around the room once more. However, this time around she knows exactly where she's going. The petite redhead moves in the direction of the piano, but keeps a respectable distance as to not intrude the Herald and the Kindred with her. She does offer a quick wave to Dillon Connery if he looks her way, matched by a friendly smile and a look that says "you got a minute?"

    I hope I'm not interrupting anything important.

  7. #67
    Roxie Hart's Avatar

    Presence ••• (Feisty)
    Striking Looks •• (Bitchin' legs)
    Blood Potency •••
    Domain Status •••
    Roxie Hart


    Roxie was somewhat impressed by her chat with the little spitfire as she walked around the hallway. Too bad more weren't like her.

    Her beast felt a weak one as she walked towards the stairs. It hissed in her ear as she looked at the new Kindred (@AlphaStrike ). I wonder who this guy is? After all the bullshit in the Domain lately, she was curious to who this guy was. He wasn't bad looking though. The Regent's eyes looked up and down his stature.
    BP ••• | SL2 (Bitchin Legs) | Pres ••• (Impatient)

  8. #68
    Max Heinz's Avatar

    Maximilion "Max" Heinz

    Maximilian "Max" Heinz
    Mask of Tranquility
    Occultation 2
    Auspex 1 (Unflinching Eye)
    Presence 3 (Nonchalant)

    City : 2
    Ordo: 3
    Mekhet: 1


    *His conversation with the Harpy over, Max makes his way back to Court proper...*

  9. #69
    Daniella Sage's Avatar

    SL •• (Exotic Beauty)
    Presence •••• (Graceful)
    Daniella Sage


    Daniella makes her way around the Court, having not really gotten anywhere useful with the new Kindred.
    Presence •••• (Graceful)│Striking Looks •• (Exotic Beauty)│Mask of Tranquility│Blush Active in Public│British Accent│ WP: 4 Vitae 7

  10. #70
    AlphaStrike's Avatar

    Zack Griffiths
    Invictus Gangrel

    Blood Potency 1
    Aspect of the Predator
    Presence 2
    (quietly stares, speaks calmly)

    Griffiths sat idly at a table along one wall, keeping an eye on the comings and goings in the place. He was certainly getting some sideways glances, both from Kindred and Kine. He had seen almost everyone steal a look at him, but no one had looked twice. The bottle of wine on the table he had popped open, but he was still on his first glass. No need to start a drunken brawl here, on his first night in public.

    As he reclined in the incredibly comfortable chair he had found himself drawn to, his eyes swept over the room.

    This court is incredible. About $18,400 in fine wines, imported and domestic beers, and other alcoholic beverages had been consumed, and this party is still hours from dawn. Most people seem content to leave me alone, which means that there is probably someone in charge of talking to the new people. Or maybe I've been marked for ashing and nobody wants to associate with me. NO! Positive thoughts! POSITIVE THOUGHTS! Remember, Griffiths, you're a survivor first. Nothing has been able to dust you yet. There are only setbacks to one who can live forever. Remember the first lessons:

    Lesson 1: Never refuse a gift, a kindness, or an ally.
    Lesson 2: The Prince will ash you if you so much as blink.
    Lesson 3: There are no failures among vampires, because each stands on his own, and each new night of existence is continued proof of one's merit.
    Lesson 4: Do not become distracted. Distraction is a sign of weakness, and enough distraction will get you HOLY SHIT! LEGS LEGS LEGS!!!!!

    Zach's inner monologue came to an abrupt end when he saw the most luscious pair of legs he had ever seen. That thought came to an end when he saw the rest of her. From her naughty boots to her wild hair, she stood out in this bar. Everyone else acted politely, speaking quietly and moving slowly, respectfully. Not this one. She tromped around the place like she was wearing God's boots, and heaven help anyone who got in her way. She was loud in a room of quiet people. The beginnings of a scowl marked her face, and the other patrons who were near her moved ever so slightly out of her way.

    Ah, good, finally. Someone in charge. Not to bad on the eyes either. This could go very well indeed.

    She continued her warpath across the bar, people making way. She was moving to the stairs, and she tossed one last look at the room. That's when her eyes saw him for the first time, and a small grin made it's way onto his face.

    Well, here goes nothing!

    Zach Griffiths grabbed an empty glass off of the table, and gestured it to the woman with a move that said "Wanna drink?"
    Zach Griffiths Invictus Gangrel
    BP 1 Presence 2 (quiet and calm)
    [Center]"Zachary speaking" [I][COLOR="#009900"]Zachary thinking[????????
    Destiny has two ways of crushing us - by refusing our wishes, and by fulfilling them. - Henri Frederic Amiel

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