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Four Seasons (Tobias and Clare)

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  1. #11

    Tobias grinned. "See, that's the thing. They didn't ask for it. Nor did they ask for it when they came around a few days later. Cornered me, knocked me around. At this point, it's not even about Chio. Now it's about the bloody nose." He sighed. "It went on like that for a couple days. I kept getting away, but I had the bruises to show for it. Eventually, Raffie caught on that something was up."

  2. #12
    RebornSeas's Avatar

    Stephanie Lane-Huang

    Presence 3 (subdued)
    Silver Ladder Status 2
    Consilium Status 2
    Acanthus 2

    "Oh, Oh, this is going to be good. What'd she do?" Clare knew what [i]she[i] would do if a gang started fucking around with one of her friends - she'd would beat it into their skulls not to touch them.

  3. #13

    "Well," Tobias said, his grin spreading, "As I'm sure you can imagine, that is how we ended up at a bar near Rutgers. After she made me tell her what happened, she decided that it was time for a little payback."

    He sat back, watching Clare's expression. "You should have seen her, she was glorious. I mostly stayed out of the way as she layed about. She left the guy hanging by his shoelaces." He chuckled. "We found out later it took him an hour to get down. The guy was so embarrassed he left us alone after that."

  4. #14
    RebornSeas's Avatar

    Stephanie Lane-Huang

    Presence 3 (subdued)
    Silver Ladder Status 2
    Consilium Status 2
    Acanthus 2

    Clare relaxes further, laughing joyously at the conclusion. "By his shoelaces? How'd she get him - no, no, it's better leaving that a mystery." She sobers back down, and glances around at the other tables with a faint scowl. "Hey, want to go for a walk? I could use a smoke."

  5. #15

    Tobias winked at her. "I'm sure you'll figure it out. It was impressive to watch though." He pushed himself up to his feet as she suggested a walk. "Sure. Have any place in particular in mind?"

  6. #16
    RebornSeas's Avatar

    Stephanie Lane-Huang

    Presence 3 (subdued)
    Silver Ladder Status 2
    Consilium Status 2
    Acanthus 2

    "Nah, I don't have anywhere specific, but unless you've got a pack, we'll need to pick one up..." Clare sighs and runs her uninjured hand over her face. "I just want to get out of here. Maybe do something I can work out my aggravation on."

  7. #17

    "I'm sure there's a Walgreens nearby," Tobias said, hoping he was interpreting "pack" correctly. "I'm sure we can find it." He downed his drink, and made sure his tab was paid. "Why don't you lead the way?" A smile spread over his face.

  8. #18
    RebornSeas's Avatar

    Stephanie Lane-Huang

    Presence 3 (subdued)
    Silver Ladder Status 2
    Consilium Status 2
    Acanthus 2

    "Yeah, Okay." Clare stands and strides out the door and out of the hotel, looking around for the Walgreens String's mentioned. When it wasn't in immediate view, she set off in whichever direction she felt like. She just needed a convenience store our similar place: It wasn't hard to find a place that sold cigarettes in a city.

  9. #19

    Tobias and Clare leave the scene

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