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(1202) Chase and Adona

  1. #1
    Vassagon's Avatar

    "Ah, my apologies. Like a ghost I emerge from the woodwork, eh?" laughing lightly, his voice soft and calm. Chase nodded to Miss Quince's ( Frost ) response, twirling the white rose around in his fingers as he listened. "Respect is something we all yearn for, and that is admirable to be sure. In my case I chose this attire since it is both iconic of the modern age and I like the character's stark unnatural characteristics. A cold, uncaring, mobster, his reflection as his only companion, his vanity. He serves his master and enjoys his cruel tasks thoroughly. Do I emulate these traits? Perhaps...perhaps."

    Chase seems to revel in the description, his gaze straying into some personal glimpse before returning to meet her eyes again. "So," he began, changing the subject, "who are you hoping to meet this evening?" He observers her curiously, hoping to pick up on her intentions.

  2. #2
    Frost's Avatar

    Adona is once again surprised by the question. Who is she hoping to meet? She thought.......

    "I'm sorry, I was told Court was manatory unless you wished to revoke your acknowledgement status. I did not come in the hopes of meeting someone specific. I came because well, I have only met a few of this domain's population and I thought it might be nice to see what other kinds of kindred reside here. I was also intrigued by the theme and wondered what kind of decor there would be."

    Her attention is drawn to the white rose Chase is playing with and she frowns slightly. "I assume there is something to the roses. Should I have taken one?
    If we shadows have offended
    Think but this, and all is mended......

  3. #3
    Vassagon's Avatar

    Ah, so vulnerable she seemed, the confusion almost painful to watch as it spread across her expression. "Ah, yes of course. I only asked since you seemed to be transfixed by the stream of arrivals. And the rose, I can only presume, is a reference to the upcoming Valentine tradition. I see no reason why you would be required to take one, but it's all in good fun. So you have indeed been given your Acknowledgment, have you? Congratulations, my dear. We are lucky to have such a lovely Succubi join the Danse. I've just met with another gentleman who has received the same privilege. Daymian is his name." He gestures with the rose towards the gentleman standing not far away. "I believe he may be one of your clan members but I didn't ask outright."

    So she was still a stranger to many here, it was not long ago that he himself felt the anxiety of an unfamiliar Court, and what was this now, his third attendance? And still so unfamiliar. "I assume you've met Madam Villiers? How did you find her, our petite Herald?"

  4. #4
    Frost's Avatar

    Adona smiles at the mention of having another "lovely Succubi" joining the domain. She looks around and resists the urge to shake her head. As if they need another one. My God, is everyone residing in Sacramento worthy of magazine covers? This is California I suppose.

    Then he brings up the Herald and this brings another frown to her face. It isn't that she dislikes Herald Villiers. Quite the contrary she finds the woman rather refreshing. It's that her instinct is still trying to warn her away from the cheerful kindred, even though the woman has done nothing to her.

    "Herald Villiers is a wonderful woman. She was incredibly polite and has such a happy disposition. I must admit, it put me on edge for a little while. I am sure you have had your share of the dour nature of most kindred who have bored themselves into a constant dreadful mood. Her cheery nature took me by complete surprise."
    If we shadows have offended
    Think but this, and all is mended......

  5. #5
    Vassagon's Avatar

    Chase nods in understanding though considers his company's frown curiously. He was certainly surprised by Martha's demeanor during their initial meeting. He found it quite charming, and her encouraging nature easily approachable. "She is a surprise, yes. I've met with her on several occasions for guidance in personal matters. Yet I admit I know very little about her myself. She's an excellent resource for newcomers so I suggest consulting her on any needs you may have." He cocks his head a moment as the music changes over to the next song, all recognizable tunes, though some strange selections. "It seems I've never had a chance to ask you, Miss Quince, what interests do you have now that you've come to Sacramento? I recall you were uncertain at first in your decision to come here, but you seem more assured of your stay as I see you now." Aside from her clan, Chase was in the dark as to Adona's interests or beliefs. He knew firsthand that she could be a useful ally, but her personal goals were a mystery to him.

  6. #6
    Frost's Avatar

    Adona smiles at the question. It was the first time someone had asked her something personal without it being part of her acknowledgment. "What interests me.......well quite a few things actually but mostly I would have to say biology. Specifically, our biology. I am a Dragon you see and I do believe we can one day free ourselves of our personal curses and move from this. Or, go backwards and return to the humanity that was taken from us. I suppose it depends on which you would prefer. I have been studying our biology for quite some time now and I had amassed a large amount of research. Unfortunitly, before I left my last home my lab was destroyed and I lost a lot of that research so I will have to go back and start my last experiements over again."
    If we shadows have offended
    Think but this, and all is mended......

  7. #7
    Vassagon's Avatar

    Chase stops still in his idle swagger, and his head jerks a little as if her words were some strange shocking thing. "A Dragon?" He asks, more out of wonder than anything. "That is...extraordinarily splendid. And how rude of me having not introduced myself properly or else I might have realized it sooner. May I reintroduce myself, Chase Ankers, Dedicated Supplicant of the Hunger, at your service Miss Quince. And biology of all things, that is truly fascinating!" He seems caught up in his shock wearing an amused expression. With the makeup of his costume the effect was rather eerie. "And you seek a return to the living through scientific pursuits. Marvelous. Not that I share such an interest personally but the idea itself ravages the mind with questions. As a Dragon I too have great interest in our condition, but only to achieve a perfection in it. I'm sorry, that's not quite right, not so much a perfection, which in itself is an arrogant idea, but an evolution, of both our bodies and our consciousness."

    He was slightly giddy, though calmed himself outwardly now. Not only was she an ally but she was of his covenant. Oh Max must know of this. He should introduce her to him immediately. He turned, trying not to look to eager as he scanned the crowd for the Grand Wyrm. Ah, but Mr. Heinz was already adding to his company with Mr. Mclean. But wouldn't it be better with more Ordo members about? He turned back to face Adona, "Ah, I wonder if you would permit me to introduce you to our Grand Wyrm. Of course the Ordo Dracul would likely provide more resources for you as a member, perhaps even provide you a lab or the means to obtain one." His hoped his enthusiasm was not too much to take in. After all she had only just arrived recently.

  8. #8
    Frost's Avatar

    She blinks once, then twice, then starts to laugh softly. And here she was concerned over matters of Invictus rule and not quite fitting into the Domain and all this time she had been assisting a fellow Dragon with other city matters. Who would have thought? She smiles and lays a calming hand on his shoulder. She too was rather excited. In truth, she liked Chase. He had used his brain instead of just his instincts the night she'd gone out and about and found herself in a bit of a pickle. He had once again proved his resourcfulness when dealing with the Deputy. The fact that he was Ordo just added icing to the cake in her mind.

    "Yes of course, you may introduce me to whomever you please, Supplicant. I am very happy to hear you are a fellow Dragon. I am Adona Quince Dedicated Scribe of Hunger. Can you tell me how many Dragons are in the city and what our current state of rank is here? Does Alder Lord Prince Clark encourage our presence here or merely tolerate it?"
    If we shadows have offended
    Think but this, and all is mended......

  9. #9
    Vassagon's Avatar

    He warms to her touch, so to speak, and smiles pleasantly from her amiable reaction. He offers an arm to her as if to escort her there in all friendliness as they walk steadily towards Max's group while he speaks to her, "A Scribe, you say? Then in this you are my superior and I shall be all too happy to meet any needs you may have. The Dragons of this city are in good graces surely. Even Madam Villiers is among our ranks and so I imagine she sees to it that we are relied upon if not respected. However upon my own arrival it was my understanding that there were only three members, our previous Wyrm, Joseph Hartman, our current Wyrm, Max Heinz, and Madam Villiers herself. Now our numbers swell to include myself, John McClean, the gentleman our Wyrm is currently speaking to, and Aodh Seanáin, a quiet sort whom I never had a chance to speak with personally. And you'll make our lucky seventh, unless there's someone I'm forgetting about."

    He was sure he hadn't, they had not long ago attended a meeting together with all the Ordo Members. He enjoyed their like-minded company and was sure Miss Quince would as well.


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