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(1202) Movie Madness Court

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  1. #1

    For His Grace, Alder Prince Clarke's Official February 13th Court, the Claire Hotel was closed for the evening’s events. The beautiful Grand Ballroom was transformed for tonight’s special occasion. It was also an Elysia for the evening, as it is whenever there as an Official Court; no matter the location. The Ballroom is lavish and decadent with the sweep of red carpet laid out. Sweeping sashes of pearl white valance drapes adorn the banister rails and walls to welcome all the guests.

    Next is the social gallery, with chairs and luxurious seating for those who wished to gather. Large and magnificent white drapes gently separate the dance floor and stage, for those who wished to dance and perhaps a hint for something to come. An opening was left for those in the galleria area to see what may be happening on the other side. There are two large wide bowls on a small round table with a luxurious red tablecloth beneath it. At the end of the red carpet, there are two large wide bowls on a small round table with a luxurious red tablecloth spread beneath it. In one bowl, paired red roses for couples and another bowl with single white roses with obvious implications.

    Framed lobby size movie posters decorate the walls between the drapes: Pulp Fiction, Titanic, The Forbidden Planet, The Sting, The Exorcist, The Sound of Music, King Kong, Star Wars, Casablanca, Carrie, The Godfather, The Big Sleep, The Invisible Man, Amadeus, Blade Runner and Lord of the Rings.

    The music playing in background to accompany is compiled from all the top Oscar winning movies as well as other widely known features. Some of the highlights from the compilation in no particular order include:

    Music List

    At the side of the polished dance floor stand two inert 35mm Mitchell vintage movie cameras between a cluster of old vintage style large spotlights of the sort typically used for stage lighting. The lamps are dowsed, but their shield blinkers are wide. Standing ready for the cry of Lights! Camera! Action!

    The decorum and ambiance was put together by Herald Villiers and Harpy Donovan.

    As always, please break out into side threads once a conversation ensues.

  2. #2
    Alice Brown's Avatar

    Presence ••• (Gracious)
    SL •• (Angelic Face)
    Invictus ••
    Alice Brown

    Daeva Invictus


    Choices, choices, choices. Terrible. The only way Alice could possibly be completely satisfied is if this Court would turn into a Stravaganza as they existed during the Renaissance period. Multiple days of joy and pleasure, plays and plenty of food. Of course, it should be held without all the orgies. Only then could she have shown all her costumes. Because the moment she heard of the theme she instantly thought about Elle Driver. Wouldn't Alice be a perfect lookalike? Once she started to really consider what to wear, Lara Croft, of course, crossed her mind. As a Deputy, it was perfect, she didn't even have to hide her guns. Not to mention the good looks...

    The eventual choice is made due to several reasons. First, it's a character from her favorite story of all times. Second, the whole act would make it easier to be nice. Yes, very very nice. Third, it is still an Official Court, where the rule "dress to impress" always applies. Lara Croft's green shirt isn't impressing, only what's beneath it. A White Queen's dress comes closer to impressive.

    That is, if you pick the right version. Still, the whole act should do the job. Alice's hair is completely white, even her skin seems somewhat paler. Tonight she wants to be a queen. And the Queen of the Damned requires too much make-up. So tonight, she would be mimicking the habit of holding her hands gracefully at shoulder height almost constantly. The smile. The friendly tone. Grace and perfection.

    'There's no business like show business, Like no business I know, Everything about it is appealing,' The White Queen lightly mumbles while looking at the Ballroom. So much truth in one song, incredible. 'There's no people like show people, They smile when they are low.' While singing she smiles at the roses, bends her knees to be able to pick one up. Without doubt, a white one...
    "If you're not having fun, what's the point of living forever?''

    Alice Brown, Blood Potency ••••, Presence ••• (Charming Elegance), SL 2: Angelic Face, Slight French Accent

    Played by Dark Passenger

  3. #3
    Frost's Avatar

    Adona had been told of the Court by Herald Villiers and as apprehensive as she was about being in a room with a domain full of vampires, she was still excited about the theme. As soon as Herald Villiers informed her it would be a movie character theme, Adona knew what she was going to do. As the night in question drew close, Adona pulled the dress out of her closet and let it air out. It had been quite some time since she'd worn it, afterall.

    Galadriel's dress

    The evening of Court, Adona makes her way to the Claire Hotel and enters the ballroom. She stops at the entrence and gazes around the room at the lavish decor and wonders how long it took to be done. The place looked magnificent and suddenly Adona is glad she came. Mandatory or not, at least they made the place welcome and beautiful.

    She notices that not everyone has arrived yet and steps slowly into the room. She isn't quite sure what to do with herself, so she steps to the side and waits to see who else will arrive and if she can guess who they are dressed as.
    If we shadows have offended
    Think but this, and all is mended......

  4. #4
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes

    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes


    The Nosferatu spent a good deal of time dwelling on which movie best represented her ideal 'movie madness'. After some careful thought, she assembled an outfit resembling Buttercup's most infamous dress for the wedding. It was far from her comfort zone; but it was the movie she remembered best from her childhood that compared to some of the Damned; would be so recently. She modified the shimmering dress to have shimmering silk dupion fabric that would drape in a flattering manner around her neck; obscuring it completely.

    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

  5. #5
    Ariana Donovan

    The copper haired Lordess stepped into the Claire Hotel onto the red carpet. She glanced around at all the work that she did with Herald Villiers. Ariana's hand is in the arm of her Co-Regent, Conner Greyson as they make their way down into the adorned ballroom. She was dressed as Reese Witherspoon portraying June Carter from Walk the Line. Ariana could relate quite a bit to the fiery singer; no matter what June was handed, she still graced the public with a smile on her face. Her red locks were gently swept back into a small crown hairpiece, and on her right hand, a ring could be seen. Her dress was white in a 1950's style flare with strappy heels to compliment her costume. Smiling to keep her beast at bay from the urge to either tear into someone, or to run the opposite direction, she walked with Conner into the main area of the room. The Lordess saw a few familiar faces including Alice and Jennifer and some not so familiar so far.

    Ariana and Conner

    This is one outfit that Conner did not have to work hard to find. This time it was the accessories. Conner is a stickler for details and he would be damned if he would walk in portraying the Man in Black with some wal-mart brand guitar on his back. So on his back he wore a Black Martin guitar.

    Conner had wished he had gotten the chance to take some lessons before he came to court, but sadly that was not the case. So tonight it would be a prop, unless other things are needed with a chunk of wood...

    As the Mister and Madam enter Conner takes up a set of paired roses and takes the liberty of pinning one on Ariana and then one his own lapel.

  6. #6
    Asa's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Clark Miller)
    Prince Asa Clarke

    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking •• Handsome
    Presence ●●●●●
    Need to set these up
    The Prince's Ghoul • Cozette Muriel
    The Prince's Ghoul • Olivette Angeline


    Behind Carter and Cash was a soft whistling, as Asa did a bit of "Ring of Fire".

    For his part, he was dressed in a brown suit with pinstripes and a bowler, and the chain of a pocketwatch disappearing behind his coat. He paused at the flowers, taking two white ones which turned into a cluster of three on his lapel.

    "Why, Mrs. Cash,"
    he greeted Ariana with a smile, "Please give my regards to your cousin, and tell him that I voted."

    Asa gave Conner a friendly smile before looking back at Ariana for a moment.


    It was hard to pick out, with an unfamiliar predator roaming the Court, and the strong, but familiar, feeling of Alice's, and the realization made his own cast a wary, baleful look around. He took an unnecessary breath, calming it.

    "And will you both be performing tonight?"

    Conner, singing. The thought widened his smile slightly.
    Description: 6'4, with an invitingly easy charm. Speaks with a slow cadence that borders on a drawl, but without an accent. Subtle hints of wealth in clothing and accouterments.

  7. #7

    Daymian walks through the doors and into the ballroom his long hair spiked a bit on top but brushed smooth and soft along the sides and back had been the hardest part of the costume to mimic, though the makeup had been a close second. It was a wig as his hair was short but he thought he had done a good job of it. He ruffled the ruffles that ran from his neck down the front of his long dark blue green shirt. He had at last found out where the word ruffling had come from making then wearing this outfit. He mussed with the lace that was around each of his hands as he stops to look at the extravagant decorations. Miss Villiers and Miss Donovan had indeed worked hard, with astounding results. He started walking down the red carpet towards the dance floor his grace apparent. His matching cape swung lightly just behind him and sometimes wrapped around him when he stopped at the entrance to the dance area. There were predators here his beast could feel them and wanted him to run. But with a supreme effort he kept himself in control and slid to the side where he picked up a single white rose which he slid into a convenient button hole that was not in use.

    He knew no one here, of course the only person he had met yet was Miss Villiers which he had hoped would be here before him. He saw a woman dressed as Galadriel from Lord of the Rings, who was standing to the side as he was and looking as lonely as he was sure he did. There was also a White Queen looking beautiful and deadly. A Princess Buttercup from one of his favorite film adaptations of a book. He knew the reference to The Man in black and guessed that the woman was portraying his wife though he did not know Johnny Cash’s biography. There was also a man dressed in a as Miss Villiers would say dapper brown suit with bowler and pocket watch. He did not know who he had come dressed as. He liked him though as he watched him take two white roses adding them to a third already in place. He looked confident.

    He gave a smile and a nod to any who looked his way but stayed out of the way for now to see who else came in. So far he was the most wildly dressed, but his outfit could be called arguably well dressed. At least he hoped it could. He also hoped that just because he was dressed as the Goblin King he would not be asked to sing the part. He laughed inwardly at that idea but the smile touched his lips and eyes.


  8. #8
    Vassagon's Avatar

    Across the red carpet walks Chase Ankers at a steady pace, his hands behind his back as his eyes take in the startling surroundings. The atmosphere is like that of a theater, the audience being brought into extravagance all for the buildup of seeing the light gleaming off the silver screen. His attire for the evening is a more modern addition to the motion picture theme.

    The long metallic silver-dyed leather coat hung about his shoulders, giving him the vague resemblance to a chess piece. His long blonde hair is tucked beneath an elaborate wig of braided hair. These are not the simple items one picks up on at a Halloween or costume store. The makeup is done professionally, though it's not difficult to achieve the pale look that suits the character. The tie, vest, and sunglasses are nigh-authentic. All that is missing are the rings about his silver-nailed fingers. He chose the outfit for several reasons, firstly because of the easy makeup job, and secondly so that if anyone happened to have chosen the same costume he wouldn't look awkward. The character was known as a ghost, a digital spy, untouchable and elusive in a dream-like environment. A shame he didn't have the same characteristics and abilities.

    Many kindred are still arriving, his arrival is punctual. He is excited for this theme. His years studying Film History at Harvard would not go untested this night. Many things preoccupied his mind, but he would resolve them before the night is done. He feels the small reassuring weight in the inside pocket of his jacket.

  9. #9
    Martha Villiers's Avatar

    Martha Villiers


    Tiny Martha followed close behind the Alder Prince. Inwardly feeling an unusual reassurance at the bowler hat and pinstripe outfit. She sported the porcelain doll style, the scarlet lipstick, sleek ebony hair and slick outfit of a film from way back in 1982. Martha had spent as long on her cosmetics as she had arranging the suit itself. Taking care to hobble along in the black high heels behind the Alder Prince, she found herself slightly lagging as she hesitated at the door to make certain her skirt was smoothed. Martha's simple metal walking cane is the only illegitimate addition to the costume. Her new C-Leg showing itself from the just below the knee hemline. Taking care to portray the regal confidence Rachael shows in the film, Martha adopts character and does her best to emulate Rachael's confident walk...entering with her lightly hobbling walk just behind Daymian and Asa.

    A respectful curtsy is also dipped to the Alder Prince before nodding to the Elven maiden and Princess Buttercup. A respectful nod and, breaking character briefly, Martha offers a happy smile the The Cash-Carter Co-Regents and Queen Alice. Her eyes darted swiftly to investigate the shoes of Alice, Buttercup and Galadriel. If she was thwarted in anyway by the concealment of their legs and shoes, it didn't outwardly show. A cheery nod to the Goblin King is followed by a happy smile.

    Leaning on her cane, Martha takes care to keep a distance from the Alder Prince until invited closer. Martha also takes a moment to study the scene...to see all is as it should be and to check to make certain nothing is amiss.
    Health: 8 Willpower: 7 Vitae: Safari - -1 Striking Looks +2
    Very English accent. Flaw: Limps badly - most of her left leg is missing. Eidetic Memory, Combat Aware'. Danger Sense. Trained Observer

  10. #10
    Sidor Grigoriev

    The first thing that announced Sidor wasn't his footsteps descending the stairs.

    It was a soft but insistent noise.

    *Ksssht. Ksssht.*

    it was the sound of his footsteps descending the stairs. And the thudding of rigid, if admittedly plastic, armour. For the Nosferatu Bishop, it was perhaps slightly less noticable than he usually was. After all, there was no impression that his face was an empty, writhing mass of shadow like this.

    The black cape flickered out in the air behind him, and he surveyed the Court. His breath rattled in the synthesiser in the helmet.

    In Sidor's opinion, if you were going to do something, you had to do it right.

    He'd gotten the version of the helmet with the voice changer and everything.


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