A Discussion about this article.

Ariana had been at her office at the Sacramento Bee and skimmed through the paper after being caught up in her other daily work. She had stopped to read an article about Archaeologist Dr. Hilliard Valdemar. Not that this was entirely her forte, but it never hurt to broaden your horizons. While she read, something was quite different than other articles she had went through before. It was the note about magical properties from wood that made it questionable. She quickly gathered her items and motioned to Lance. They were headed to the Avalon after a brief phone call to Martha to make sure she was at her office.

When she arrived, the Lordess walked directly to the Herald’s office. Her pencil skirt was a medium grey which complimented the light lavender blouse with grey heels. Her copper tresses were in a loose bun, as this was typical for her at the office. “Good evening Herald Villiers.” Her poised smile greeted the petite shadow with a nodding bow of her head. “I had mentioned on the phone an interesting article I found this evening. I am not entirely familiar with archaeological findings, perhaps you have some insight. Something seems very peculiar when there is mention of magic in the newspaper.” Ariana had the news paper in her hand, but waited for Martha to direct her to where she wanted to discuss the article.

Martha smiles, stands as the Harpy-Regent enters. Dressed in her usual school uniform...all neat and clean in her blazer, white blouse and gymslip, her straw hat perched at the back of her head, spectacles at the tip of her nose. Martha stands and leaves her various staff rosters and invoice checking for the Avalon and Ember unattended for a few moment. Putting down her pen she stood and studied Ariana's legs and shoes a moment as she nodded a cheerfully sincere greeting. All smiles. "Hello, good evening, ma'am! A joy to see you again! Please...yes...yes...be seated!" she gestures to the couch, large enough for two to sit at ease, next to a tall bookcase...increasingly occupied by pre-owned textbooks. She gathers a college style notebook from her desk and limps and skips over to the couch "If the matter turns to history and archeology, ma'am, I might...I hope!...be able to help...one aspect of my Doctorate studies focused heavily on history and archeology...it is a topic very close to my heart!" she smiles happily and nods to the several shelves now packed with books on anthropology and archeology. "I should be fascinated to read of this matter! May I see?" she asks as she takes her seat, watching Ariana with wide and innocent eyes and paying attention to how Ariana sits.

The Lordess' eyes peer over the bookshelves which reminded her of her home, but not her books. "Thank you. I knew you would be the right person to go to for this matter." Ariana sat next to Martha and crossed her legs neatly. She laid out the newspaper with the article facing up. "This part here is what concerns me." She pointed to the section where it spoke about the ring's details.

Rowans, Mountain-Ashes, or Quicken Trees are small to midsize trees or shrubs with a long history in European mythology. Rowan wood, because of its density, is adequate for highly detailed carving. It is famous for its use as walking sticks, pendants, even magician wands and staves. It is rumored to provide magical protection against evil beings and spirits.

"I have recently come into some exciting new information that may shed some light on the history and function of this particular ring."

Ariana spoke after she saw that Martha read it. "Mr. Ben Carroll wrote the article, and I am quite positive he knows nothing of what he wrote about. He is one of those," She paused and put her finger on her lips to find the right words. "'could care less' sort of individuals, if you know what I mean." She winked quickly as her hand returned to her lap. "I am hoping you have some insight on this matter." Smiling to the petite Shadow sitting next to her. It was a joy to see Martha walking much better than before.

Martha listened and smiled. She read the article that was pointed out to her. She read it three times, her eyes wide at the first reading. Rubbing her C-Leg knee joint, she sat back to look at Ariana. Blinking, "Ah...I have heard of Dr. Valdemar, ma'am. He almost died...escaping almost certain death in some incident in Lithuania...Fate seems to have other things in store for him! His work on Slavic legend, culture and folklore is most impressive and important. He has gained access to sources and libraries many previous folklorists have been denied, or simply did not know existed. But...I see here..." she taps the newspaper gently with her dainty forefinger, "that he explicitly refers to the legendary Rowan Ring!" her hands become fluttering wings as she talks now, excitedly talking of legends and history, wide eyed and enthused, "I too have heard of the Rowan Ring. There are many claims to it's mysterious powers. There are even greater numbers of tales relating to the origin of the Ring...or Rings! Few have seen one...though many have claimed to have heard of them. Well known in the Ordo...it is said to originate in Eastern Europe...some say from the Fall of the Roman Empire...others claim a more distant, Druidic or Slavic heritage...even tales abound of the Byzar Kings and Court viziers making them for their Varringian mercenaries to help with their already examplary prowess in combat...others claim a more recent origin...the common theme to their origin is Eastern Europe though. Perhaps it is one of those psy-ops the KGB propagated during the Cold War...surrounding their experiments into parapsychology during the 1950s...or to deflect interest in new technology. Supposedly the Russian's and American's experimented with powerful FM radio devices to control people's minds. Perhaps some of the Rowan Ring tales are narrative artifacts. Memetic remnants of Soviet psy-war...Like how the British encouraged the idea that carrots help eyesight as a simple cover for their pilots using a new type of radar..." she shrugs, her extemporized chatter growing with enthusiasm as her mind runs a few paces ahead of her ability to get her thoughts out, "Perhaps the tales are nothing but folklore or disinformation. Though I have heard that there was a Rowan Ring stolen from a captive Bohemian general after the Battle of the White Mountain...one of the fierce contests of the Thirty Years War...back in 1620...I also heard that one was owned by the mad ruler: the Holy Roman Emperor and Duke of Austria - Rudolf II. Rudolf was a clever, if not wise man, after a fashion, and much fascinated by magic and the occult...it was he who helped sponsor Dr John Dee...the infamous polymath. He had a series of towers erected at his palace to house laboratories for astrologers, magicians and alchemists! His ring was supposed to help him communicate telepathically...allow for the construction and control of golems...and even...well...even supposedly neutralize evil magick cast against him. I daresay such a thing would be most useful when one is dealing with as many magicians of dubious character as he clearly was! It is said he had a quantity of Atlantean metal too! Imagine!" a happy giggle, she turns her hands to flutter again, as if casting magic spells, "Though, I also hear tell that the Sorcerer King, the 12th Century Kievian overlord...Grand Prince Vseslav the Seer, also had a Rowan Ring. Perhaps of his own manufacture! He was said to be a magician of some great skill, you see! It is said.., "and at this tiny Martha leans close, as if to confide a great secret, whispering with a sheltering hand, "that he was a werewolf and that the Rowan Ring conferred the powers of the werewolf to it's wearer...and perhaps also providing the wearer with the ability to command other werewolves!" she gasps and looks about nervously, almost theatrically, as if half expecting a Lupine to jump out of the shadows at the very mention of the word. "Though...another legend of the Grand Prince links his magic to resurrection." she gasps in awe, "what if the Rowan Ring can command the dead to rise: like Lazarus? Or enable the capacity to have other command over the dead or nearly dead?" hands flutter again, her voice eager and tinged with awe at the prospect of such legends. "more modestly, the ring is also, according to another legend, also thought to enable the wearer to fly! But then, such tales are common place with magical rings in the East." she smiles and rubs at the knee joint of her C-Leg, smiling cheerfully to Ariana, clearly hoping her rambling and excitable talk hadn't bored her friend.

Ariana was stunned. So much information came forth she could hardly process it all at the same time. "Atlantean? Druid sounds plausible too. Lazarus as in Dr. Lazarus?" Feigning a shudder, Ariana inquired instead. "Do you think Dr. Valdemer knows what this ring is capable of Herald Villiers?" Ariana asked just as enthusiastic as Martha had described the situation. "Why would rings such as this travel throughout history as much as it has? It sounds like it is capable of many good things, then again, in the wrong hands it is possible it is capable of something malicious too. What if the bearer found a way for it to cause destruction?" The Lordess was clearly intrigued and wanted to know more. Her mind pondered flying for a moment while she waited for Martha to continue. Although soaring too high into the stars was probably not a good idea for their kind.

Martha nodded as Ariana went through her questions. "It is hard to say, ma'am, if he does know. He very well may! It might be worth asking him!" she adds, wide eyed, "As to this ring, there is more conjecture than fact known about it. It could be that there is more than one ring...explaining why so many magical effect are claimed by it. In addition, according to some vampiric lore, ma'am, aside from the matter of the werewolf and the control of the dead, I understand that the ring can help augment and enhance some of the powers of the Blood! As you can imagine, such a ring would be of great value." she shudders too. "Why do I feel a sudden urgent need to find out more about Dr Valdemer?"

"I could not agree more Herald Villiers. I think I will get his address from his contact information at the paper. Perhaps we can send a few people to check into this matter. I think it could be a very sticky situation if he discovers what it is entirely capable of." Ariana glanced over the article again. "He may not figure it out at all, or Dr. Valdemer may find something malicious that we are unaware of." Her eyes made a slightly narrowed look while she glanced to Martha. "If it is connected to vampiric lore, he may also start putting more clues together and it could have Masquerade problems tied into this situation as well."

There was more urgent nodding from Martha, wide eyes darted about as if she was suddenly anxious to tackle this immediately. A dainty hand rubbed hard at the knee joint of her C-Leg. "Ohh indeed, ma'am! Indeed! Whom do you recommend for the exploration?"

"Well, considering this may actually pose a threat to our existence I think we should find any who are interested in protecting that. Someone or something that could control us as a necromancer could do is far too risky to just let stay in the hands of the unknowing." Ariana tapped strummed her hand on her thigh for a moment. "I will put out a note in the Avalon Elysia and see who comes forward to aid the Domain. I believe we have enough eager individuals, if you would agree." She smiled to Martha. "Dr. Valdermer may be receptive to inquiry from someone about it, but I hope they proceed with caution." Ariana shook her head a little thinking about how nothing is ever peaceful in any Domain. "I would love to check into this myself or with you, however, I think the Reeve and two Deputies that accompany us may not be so apt to the idea of possible danger."

Nodding with a frown, Martha could only agree and rubbed harder at her C-Leg. "Indeed..." she sighed, clearly feeling thwarted. "I shall be interested to see who volunteers to help. Naturally, I shall support them as best as I can." she nods firmly, still rubbing at her knee.

"I completely agree." Ariana folded the newspaper up and put it on her lap. "I will write up the message before the evening is out and be in my office tomorrow." Her hands moved as if she was going to shift the conversation. "I see we have more new people in the Domain again as it is..." The Harpy and the Herald continued to discuss the current situations around the Domain.