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(Civil War) Following the Banner

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  1. #91
    Iblardora's Avatar

    Adamantine Arrow *
    Presence : **
    Pandemonium's mark:Violet eyes
    Lisp: mild.
    Adamantine Arrow

    Mastigos A.A.
    Tim 'Half soul' Wakefield

    Ithaeur Iron master Striking looks 2 (eyes) Presence 3

    'To distract us. They used us to cause a distraction' There is cold rage beneath the answer. 'Fuck.' The Mouse turns to the other. There is an undercurrent of fear desperation. 'We killed people with out recklessness, and all for a old box with some kind of spell.'

    The mouse paces. There is a moment of silence with which the fear wears away to wrath, pure anger pulsing through the line and behind a scream of rage.

    'We will kill one seer for each of those dead.' The voice that final comes is resolute.
    Ahriman-Mastigos Adamantine Arrow -
    Defense -5 Speed-10
    DAS:WP 5/6 Mana 0/7
    Active spells: Mental Shield , Misdirection, Spatial awareness and sense consciousness.
    Lisp: mild. only lisps on s's. Is hard to understand

  2. #92
    roadnottaken's Avatar

    Moros, Adamantine Arrow

    The raw emotion washes over and through the Thyrsus. Starbursts pierce the blackness. The pain of a hail of bullets ipping through flesh. He squeaks helplessly, body glistening with sweat from the overpowering flashback. Surroundings blur into and out of focus. Which was real, and which the vision? He struggles, mentally drifting between one nightmare and the other, as eyes attempt to seek out and hold Ahriman, an almost pleading look.

  3. #93
    Iblardora's Avatar

    Adamantine Arrow *
    Presence : **
    Pandemonium's mark:Violet eyes
    Lisp: mild.
    Adamantine Arrow

    Mastigos A.A.
    Tim 'Half soul' Wakefield

    Ithaeur Iron master Striking looks 2 (eyes) Presence 3

    Ahriman presses against the other.

    'Focus Talon Animus. You are needed.' he barks into the others mind. 'You may fall apart later!'
    Ahriman-Mastigos Adamantine Arrow -
    Defense -5 Speed-10
    DAS:WP 5/6 Mana 0/7
    Active spells: Mental Shield , Misdirection, Spatial awareness and sense consciousness.
    Lisp: mild. only lisps on s's. Is hard to understand

  4. #94
    Animus's Avatar



    Somewhere, deep within, a snarling thought boils upward, amidst what could almost be a flare of anger if it weren't shredded by the pain clawing at his mind. 'Banner Warden.' Turning back the way they had come, he drags himself forward, stumbling almost constantly as reality continually wavers in and out.

    Fortunate, indeed, that this form was so low to the ground.

  5. #95
    Iblardora's Avatar

    Adamantine Arrow *
    Presence : **
    Pandemonium's mark:Violet eyes
    Lisp: mild.
    Adamantine Arrow

    Mastigos A.A.
    Tim 'Half soul' Wakefield

    Ithaeur Iron master Striking looks 2 (eyes) Presence 3

    'Then Act like one.' Came the response. 'I know you can. You just need to calm down Ani.' The mouse scurried towards the other. 'I am just as angry, but you need to Focus or the anger and fear will only eat you Alive.'

    The mice move out and find themselves surrounded and the cops moving to help others. The clothing is being moved.
    Ahriman-Mastigos Adamantine Arrow -
    Defense -5 Speed-10
    DAS:WP 5/6 Mana 0/7
    Active spells: Mental Shield , Misdirection, Spatial awareness and sense consciousness.
    Lisp: mild. only lisps on s's. Is hard to understand

  6. #96
    Iblardora's Avatar

    Adamantine Arrow *
    Presence : **
    Pandemonium's mark:Violet eyes
    Lisp: mild.
    Adamantine Arrow

    Mastigos A.A.
    Tim 'Half soul' Wakefield

    Ithaeur Iron master Striking looks 2 (eyes) Presence 3

    just outside of the car, a dust devil forms low to the ground as the air pressure shifts and moves. A shallow 'bowl' of air is formed, the constantly struggling winds hopefully giving a firm--if unsteady--base for two tiny mice to stand upon.

    "Animus, Ahriman! It's Joshua. I see you. Stand still for a second, and I'll get you out of there."

    Theres a pause as something cast flashes to you right. It seems there are more magic users about.
    Ahriman-Mastigos Adamantine Arrow -
    Defense -5 Speed-10
    DAS:WP 5/6 Mana 0/7
    Active spells: Mental Shield , Misdirection, Spatial awareness and sense consciousness.
    Lisp: mild. only lisps on s's. Is hard to understand

  7. #97
    roadnottaken's Avatar

    Moros, Adamantine Arrow

    Ears perk at the voice, a glimmer forming against the tortuous background. Joshua. If he was here, maybe things could yet turn out all right. Eyes dart nervously toward the flash of magic, and the Thyrsus wastes no time in darting onto the patch of wind.

  8. #98
    Iblardora's Avatar

    Adamantine Arrow *
    Presence : **
    Pandemonium's mark:Violet eyes
    Lisp: mild.
    Adamantine Arrow

    Mastigos A.A.
    Tim 'Half soul' Wakefield

    Ithaeur Iron master Striking looks 2 (eyes) Presence 3

    Ahriman stays close.

    'Great!' he says happily.
    Ahriman-Mastigos Adamantine Arrow -
    Defense -5 Speed-10
    DAS:WP 5/6 Mana 0/7
    Active spells: Mental Shield , Misdirection, Spatial awareness and sense consciousness.
    Lisp: mild. only lisps on s's. Is hard to understand

  9. #99
    Joshua Morris's Avatar


    "Okay, hold still. Might wanna close your eyes, unless you like roller coasters."

    The air pressure shifts some more, the edges of the bowl rising to shield and protect the two mice. It begins to move--slowly at first, as though uncertain, but with increasing speed, carrying them to Joshua's car.

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