Heathcliff accepts Arnold's order that they adjourn to his own haven. He really didn't want this guy knowing where he lived, but he didn't have any other option at this point. There is a small elevator lobby, but no attendant on duty. The elevator is slow, and makes odd knocking noises, but they arrive on the sixth floor safely. "It's right down here," he says, trying to hide his nervousness as he fumbles for the keys in his jacket pocket. Once inside , which takes a while, since there are three different deadbolts, besides the door handle itself...the room is very plain and ordinary. A TV set. A tan couch. A table with two chairs. A kitchen is in plain view just beyond the living room, which still contains mortal amenities like a coffee maker and a microwave. Heathcliff indicates further down the hall "That's where I sleep."

Arnold removes his hat, placing it on the table. Then he doffs his suit jacket, folding it up, and placing it on the table - the wilted white rose from the lapel falling to the ground, losing a few browning petals. He then helps himself to a full tour of the apartment, looking the place over and walking down the hall and checking the bedroom out as well. The bedroom is also very ordinary, plain, with a dresser, a bed, a small tv…it’s normal in all respects, save one: the walls are padded with sound-proofing material.

Heathcliff simply waits for Arnold in the kitchen, wondering what the hell the man had in mind.

Arnold's wearing the black pinstriped suit pants from earlier, under which he wears a white shirt, black tie, and suspenders. The shirt is poked out at odd angles where his deformities are particularly obvious. Heathcliff is able to get a good idea as to the horrifying extent of Arnold's curse. “How long have you had this place?"

Heathcliff's eyes are drawn to Arnold's disfigurements, but he quickly remembers himself and looks the tall man in the eye as he responds, "Just over a year."

"How long since your embrace?" Arnold's tone is fairly indifferent.

"The same." He sounds nervous. He wouldn't want Arnold to ask why he should move when he was Embraced, nor get curious about the hooks on the wall without picture frames. He had taken all his family photos down before court, and hid them.

Arnold seems genuinely surprised at his answer. "Only one year? How long have you been separated from your Sire? Tell me about him, and where he is now."

Heathcliff relaxes visibly, as he doesn't mind sharing this information. He tries to talk about the man without sounding spiteful, which he very much is. "He goes by Sebastian. He said he was Sanctified. He had watched me for some time and decided I was a monster, like him. But I didn't share his...your...outward affliction, and I don't want to be a...a...monster, and so he left me after a month. He said he was ashamed of me, that I wasn't the Childe that God had promised. I didn't care, honestly. Until I got sick. I can call him on the phone, he said he's travelling Europe now. He calls me back whenever he feels like."

"How, have you found, does your curse manifest itself?" Moving on, unperturbed.

"My eyes got it the worst." Heathcliff opens his eyes wide to show Arnold what appear to be cataracts. "They weren't exactly remarkable before, but now they've gone all gray and milky. And I always sound like I have a cold. And...people generally don't like to be in my company for long. I’ve been called a 'downer'."

Arnold chuckles "One of the lucky ones, then. Explain to me what happened at the petting zoo."

Heathcliff takes a deep breath out of habit. "Ok," he begins,"The sickness got me bad. I was really, really weak when I woke up. I tried to take down a mugger, but I was too weak, and he might have killed me had I not...I lost control. 'Frenzy' is what I think it's called. I didn't kill him, but then I was hurt and sick-“

Arnold interrupts. "Was that your first frenzy?"

"Yes," he says, "Sebastian told me that it would happen one day." He sounds very sad.

"Mmhmm. Go on, then."

"I didn't think I could risk a confrontation with any other people or vampires. My body wanted the blood I had to heal, and I didn't know how much it would need. I went to the only place I could think of to make sure I drank enough to heal myself, and if I lost control again, I wouldn't kill anyone. It all took so long, I was sure the authorities would be there any minute. That's why I didn't burn the remains. But I'm not defending it!" he says quickly.

Arnold nods "I understand. We were all weakened by the Lost Nights. You just weren't thinking. Did your sire teach you any of the disciplines of our clan?"

"That's right. I panicked,” Heathcliff nods. “Yes, he taught me the three clan Disciplines. He said I was a quick study. I have learned how to Obfuscate my nature, I can terrify people with my Beast, and I can sustain my blood strength with Vigor."

Arnold begins chuckling again "And you got your ass kicked by a kine mugger?"

Heathcliff doesn't laugh, but doesn't look offended, either. "There were three of them. I scared off the two, but not before I experienced my very first stabbing." He smirks at Arnold. He's trying to joke, too.

"It's better when you're still alive the first time. Why were you so outnumbered? The nature of our clan is discretion. We aren't fit for the light, so we stick to the shadows."

"I overestimated my strength. I presented myself as a target, and I didn't expect there to be three of them. It was another bad decision," he sighs, eyes downcast. When you’re still alive the first time? Heathcliff wonders just what kind of a man Arnold had been.

"You lack sense."

"That is clear from my actions," he says solemnly.

"Did you know that your sire abandoned you at an extraordinarily early point in your requiem? Many childer remain with their sire for twenty years, often more."

"No. I didn't know that."

"I continue to be surprised by you, Heathcliff. It is a wonder you are still alive."

"People have often remarked on my stubborness," he says, smirking again. Mostly my employees."

"Fortitude is a virtue. Stubborness not so much so. You'll have to consider the far-reaching consequences of your actions in the future, if you wish to continue beating the odds and surviving."

Heathcliff nods. "I do want to survive." For Rachel, he thinks.

"You run a business? Explain these employees."

"Oh, no, I don't run a business. I've worked for Sacramento's Housing Authority since college, helping low income families get a place to live. I just push paper around now, and with my tenure I arranged to work from home. Technically, I still have people that work for me, but I never see them."

"Why not prey upon those families?" Arnold says indifferently "You know their addresses, maybe have access to keys."

The suggestion hits Heathcliff like a body blow. "But, I've helped these people. My whole life, I tried to help."

Arnold shrugs as if it doesn't matter to him. "You are a predator. Someday you will learn." Heathcliff had been hearing that a lot lately. He doesn't argue, merely looks forlorn. "One thing that will benefit you is if you take a larger interest in discretion in your actions. The subtle arts of moving quietly. The Cloak of Night. Are you familiar with it?"

"Turning invisible, right? My sire told me about it..."

"It is one of our greatest assets, and if you attain it you will find feeding much easier. How do you think you will alter your feeding tactics after your mistakes?"

Heathcliff nods at the suggestion, "I've been experimenting with it. I haven't got it down yet, but I know I will soon. As for feeding from here on out..." The words are hard to say, "I will stalk my prey first."

"You realize that Prince Clarke was extremely lenient with you, right? Next time he will not be so lenient. I will not be so lenient."

He nods heavily. "I do. I understand. Thank you, both of you. The Prince is a great guy," he adds, smiling brightly.

Arnold smirks "He is the Prince." he says simply. "The next time you feed I want to know about it. Every detail. If you spare any I will know. I will be watching you Heathcliff. You understand that the Prince has made you my responsibility. I will not have you be an embarrassment."

"I understand. I'll be smarter from here on out. I won't embarrass you."

"No, you will not." Arnold puts his hat back on, throwing his jacket over one arm. "One more thing, I'm aware of your newfound admiration for our Prince, but you must not bother him in person. If he wishes to speak to you he will. To do otherwise would be embarrassing for everyone involved. Do you understand?"

"Of course," Heathcliff says, and tries to keep the disappointment out of his voice.

"Have you ever heard of older Kindred feeding on younger Kindred?"Arnold seems to be getting ready to leave, he's at the door as he asks the question.

"Yes..." Heathcliff responds with trepidation. That's why I leave my nature Obfuscated all the time, he thinks.

"Good. Then you will know to be careful out there. Before I go do you have any questions for me?"

"I need a way to reach you to give you my report later."

"Of course." Arnold gives Heathcliff his phone number "Is that all?"

“I don't have any other questions at this time, Arnold. Thank you, again."

"Reeve Culler." he says, with a hint of rebuke. "If you ever find you have a question, or you find yourself in trouble, then call me. I will help, if I can."
"Of course, Reeve Culler."

"Goodnight, Master Staley." he says, slipping into Invictus terminology with a smirk "I'll show myself out." He turns, and leaves. A few moments later the elevator is heard.

Heathcliff puts his ear to the door and as he hears the familiar clunking of the elevator, he shuts the door, bolts all the locks, leans against the door and sighs heavily. That could have been much worse, he thinks to himself.