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Bumping With The Uglies

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  1. #81
    Vampire ST's Avatar

    Donny shrugged. “Well you can always do it tomorrow night. Em will probably be back in a few minutes with dinner.”

    He sucked his teeth again. “I have shit to do for Leland tomorrow. Inicka is toward the West side of town. If you guys need some flashlights, I can probably get you some. Oh um… ah, never mind. You already know she’s a haunt.” He scratched his head again, then flattened his hair back down.

  2. #82

    Archie puts up a hand towards Billy to suggest the importance of this point and that they not press objections even though they both smell like two flowery dew drops on the sunny side of a mountain.

    "We'd love for you to go with us Donny. At least for introductions. It may be a small point to you, but for all we know you could be sending us back down there as meat and bone for your one eyed alligator. We ain't taking the one who squeaks to herself like the three blind mice", nodding his head to the door Emily left by.

    He starts doing some stretches along the bed. "Gotta get my fucken pilates in"

  3. #83

    BillyJoe raised an eyebrow at the Haunt performing pilates on the bed. He turns to Donny.

    "If you want us finding a Haunt, we'll need a Shadow." he says, picking at his maw of misplaced teeth. "I can disappear real nice and good like, but I can't see those who can."

    Probably shouldn't admit what I can't do, but getting some work in for good will in this shithole is still a good thing. he thought. Might as well build up some value for myself.

  4. #84
    Vampire ST's Avatar

    The Haunt cocked a brow when Archie went to do his exercising. Then shrugged. “Eh do what ya need to do Billyjoe. From what I know of her, she’s ugly and been missing. Not much more.” Donny sucked his teeth again, he nearly said Masque Breech ugly, but he decided against it for now. He then leaned forward while still sitting on the bed. “Tell ya what, if you guys figure out what happened to her. I’ll talk to Leeland and I’m sure you guys can have a room here for a while. One of the good ones, in the basement.” He said with pride. Then he thumbed to the wall behind him. “And I won’t tell him about that mess.”

    “Yeah, if I went down there with Miss Chickenshit, she may have an issue." He rolled his eyes.

  5. #85

    BillyJoe looks from Archie to Donny.

    Cut out a nice little niche for me? Hell yeah. I'm real fuckin' glad I got away from that damn bar. he thought.

    "That sounds like a great hook-up, but can you guarantee it?" he asked, looking Donny in the eyes. "The shit about the hole in the wall don't fuckin' matter; any half-wit can fix that."

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