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Encounters at the Ember

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  1. #101

    Eliot was pleased with the Heralds answer but still had some questions. "I do have two more questions if its ok with you Herald Villiers. The first one is this: Could you tell me a little more about the vampires that already have infiltrated the university, I wouldnt want to get on the wrong foot with somebody while just doing my work. Secondly, Could you point me in the direction of the Ordo Dracul chapterhouse, I would very much be able to introduce myself to my fellow dragons in this domain as well as see how the current hierarchy looks like. If you could just tell me those two things I will be fully satisfied and promise to not take anymore of your precious time." Eliot looks at the Herald with his piercing, blue eyes, waiting for an answer.

  2. #102
    Vassagon's Avatar

    A freshly blushed and handsome blonde man in sunglasses and a black suit strides through the entrance of the Ember, bypassing the long line with a slip of green into the fist of the brawny bouncer. He pulls his sunglasses off coolly and surveys the scene with icy blue eyes. He sniffs once, letting the subtle scent of blood waft against him like a perfume which ripples through him like a shiver. My, but there were a lot of ladies here tonight, and not just on the stage. Certainly in fine form, the prestigious performers of the Ember's employ danced erotically in fervor of their trade. So it was not Dirty Dollar night, thankfully, not that he discriminated against the need for women to enjoy the parade of male figures strutting and pumping the air, he just didn't want people to get the wrong idea about him.

    No, he was here for other reasons than the indulgence of eroticism, he was here to mingle and introduce himself to his fellow kindred. After having met the dear Herald here once before he had realized that it was a common location for the kindred to meet. As luck would have it he spotted one by the bar, alone, perhaps for her own reasons. He did not recognize her but his beast quivered in anticipation, ready to flee at a moment's notice. He calmed himself, reminded of the reasons for his being there and approached the dark-haired lady in green velvet.

    "Forgive the intrusion upon your solitude, Madam, but I wondered if I might join you in your observations. I'm not altogether familiar with the members of our Court so I make it a point of getting to know all that I can. My name is Chase Ankers of the Ventrue Clan, and you are?" he bows slightly at the waist and gestures with a hand to her, perhaps asking to kiss her hand in respectful greeting.

  3. #103

    Anna's gaze rose from her phone at the approach of the man, and she slipped it back into her purse. Her beast briefly rose up but she was in control of it. She could feel it waiting within her, and as an expert on the matter, she could say that it felt like the waiting of a snake. After the initial reaction it was just waiting to see what this other vampire did, indifferent to whether it would strike or not.

    Anna flashed a smile, and extended her hand, which had a chunky signet ring on it. "So polite, it is a rare thing in America, my name is Anna Ruso, also of Ventrue. It is good to meet you, Chase," she says, her low voice accented heavily with Italian.

  4. #104
    Vassagon's Avatar

    He smiled a dapper grin to Ms. Ruso, whose hand he bent to kiss over lightly before releasing it. In the moment he admired the ring she wore, curious about its purpose and meaning. "Ah, how kind of you to say. Both in my youth and thereafter were such polite manners insisted upon me and I find them to be of exceeding importance in introductions."

    He quoted a passage from a book his sire's sire had given him, "Manners are what vex or soothe, corrupt or purify, exalt or debase, barbarize or refine. According to their quality they aid morals, they supply them, or they totally destroy them. Don't you think?" And smiled again. How fortunate this woman was of his clan. After his brief meeting with the Priscus he was hoping to establish a strong presence within the family.

  5. #105

    Anna quirked her eyebrow up as Chase quoted, but nodded her agreement. Yes, it was amazing what one could do with good manners. Cutting insults could be hidden behind polite words, and compliments could be hidden likewise. She pulled her hand back, standing and nodding to one of the tables in a corner. It seemed nestled in such a way as to promote privacy but not to cut one off entirely from the Club Proper.

    "If you wouldn't mind sitting with me at that table, I think it would allow for slightly more private conversation."

    She walked a little bit towards the table, turned and crooked her finger at Chase with a smile, then turned and walked confidently towards the table she'd spotted.

  6. #106
    Vassagon's Avatar

    The fledgling responded obediently and followed thusly, making his way to follow Ms. Ruso without hurry. After seeing that she had seated herself he took a chair beside her, allowing them to speak in more hushed voices and still hear its content. It also gave them both the same view for their observances. It wasn't completely private but certainly more so than the bar was. He folded his hands in front of him and sat with a proper upright posture as he addressed her once again, "So, Miss Ruso, have you come to live here long in Sacramento? I notice your accent, Italian, is it not? It must be quite a journey to come from overseas," he asked conversationally, wondering what would drive a vampire to cross such distances.

  7. #107

    Anna sat gracefully into the chair and crossed a leg over her knee, leaning back in her chair, affecting an air of relaxation. She lifts her glass to her lips and pretends to take a sip, her fingers curled around the crystal delicately.

    "I decided it was time to get out from under my mother's skirts, and spent a few years finding a place to settle down. She lives in Sicily, and though I love her I thought I might find a home somewhere in America. What about you? Have you lived long in Sacramento?"

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