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Organizing thoughts

  1. #1
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    The social diary was referenced as Jennifer made updates. The conversation with the Daeva at Court had been revealing. A bit disappointing. In the early days of her time in Sacramento, a conversation with Verity Carmen was enjoyable. A skilled socialite could be a contributor for many social situations going well. Yet Ms. Alicia Silvers was not proving to be a skilled socialite. If what Jennifer had overheard at Court was correct, she seemed confused about how a Kindred could make their image endure. A confusing situation to find oneself in. Would Clan Daeva find a priscus who was able to steer the Clan into an upward trajectory? It would be provide stability for the domain and for that reason, Jennifer hoped that it would be accomplished. Yet a Priscus leaving her Clan in shambles without setting up a successor was not Jennifer’s problem.
    New page – the Mekhet Priscus had failed to respond to any correspondence. He had not sent any correspondence relating to the Alliance at all, as far as Jennifer could tell. A note that Priscus Albert Baker once again failed to respond to a letter was made. Priest Otto Schneider’s letter was picked up. Jennifer read the letter again with attention paid to the word usage. There needed to be a bit of salt applied to these opinions. The two Kindred were of opposing Covenants and likely attributed many aspects that an unbiased person might attribute to a simple misunderstanding to a major flaw in character. Yet there was a concern that was formed in

    Jennifer from Priest Schneider’s letter. Clan Mekhet had not succeeded in correcting their image for one member of the Domain.
    The fine pen that Priscus Jack had given her touched the page as Jennifer made a note of Mr. Schneider’s concerns and the information that he shared. Jennifer turned the page and studied the notation that Jennifer had made about Mr. Marcus Roman contacting her about the poacher. This information had buttoned up the issue that had been hanging over the Domain and exposed the Domain to danger. A rogue poacher could alert the Kine to the predator among them. Worse, it could summon hunters. Jennifer checked the wooden tree with little clips for correspondence over the last three months. Jennifer took a moment to carefully check each branch.

    No new letter from the Reeve. Jennifer removed every letter from the correspondence tree, filed the letters in her office drawer. The act helped to organize her thoughts. Jennifer picked up a fine box of stationary from another drawer and penned a letter. It was addressed informally and the titles omitted were done so with a purpose. Jennifer did not want to have to approach this as Seneschal. The letter to Helen was placed in an envelope and set in a wooden outbox for Liam to seal with wax and ferry to the Reeve.
    That done, Jennifer penned another letter. This one was trickier for walking the path of not causing offense. Yet clarifying her concerns. That one was picked up and held in her hand. Jennifer locked her social diary within the locked drawer and tidied her writing desk. Jennifer had personal experience in watching the ravages of time brush over a mind like the eroding dust of a barren desert. The mind was touched by an Alucinor’s Curse, which made the grasp with reality more tenuous. Jennifer considered if she had left anything unaddressed. No. She would handle setting arrangements herself as no one in Clan Mekhet seemed to have an interest in doing so.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

  2. #2
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    The month was well underway. There had been promise and excitement about a few goals developing this month. This was when Jennifer had set some deadlines for some issues to be resolved. Jennifer pulled out a fresh sheet of paper and carefully turned pages in her social diary.

    Priscus Baker had not responded to her letter and had claimed that he would attend the meeting between the
    Mekhet Clan and Nosferatu Clan. He had lapsed into silence and not said a thing of substance at the Farm. Where were the Mekhet at this lack of assertion or competence? Jennifer marked that he had used her last grace. Moving forward, she would clearly state his failings.

    The next note was that she had heard nothing about the Daeva Clan leadership resolution.
    The meeting between two clans was coming up and Jennifer was pleased with that coming to a resolution.

    The absence of any report or communication from the Reeve was noted on her note sheet. There should be some updates in the time that had passed.

    A note was made that the Gangrel Whip was not seen, the other Gangrel, Mr. Roman, was an excellent conversationalist. Jennifer made a note to follow up 9n plans laid. She had set up artwork in Lotus for this.

    Jennifer remains interested in his event about a festival celebration.
    Perhaps it was time to speak with Mr. Schneider about what he mentioned in passing. There was some mistrust due to his Covenant. Yet he had not seemed to be acting blatantly with bias.
    Jennifer checked a calendar for a moment. She spent a moment turning the pages of her social diary to look over the events of 2024. Jennifer made a note about * Social salon theme: art
    She paused for a moment to write down the potential invitees for such an event. Mr. Roman and Alder Prince Alessandra were at the top of the list.
    Jennifer took a moment to consider the last Formal Court and the whispering that she had heard regarding Kindred opinions. There would be a more straightforward delivery by Jennifer for the next Formal Court, Jennifer decided. There would be less idling with Clan Daeva and some time with the Gangrel and Ventrue Clans.
    Jennifer had some lessons scheduled for Aikido to follow through with at the end of the month.
    This recorded, she locked it into the locked filing cabinet in her haven.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

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