The Nosferatu is residing in her study. It is not the office at Elysium. It is not the common area of the Necropolis. It is not the office in the Salon Lotus, which is appointed to her style. Yet that office was too public facing for her liking for this work. Jennifer had taken her notes from the past year and studied the information. She broke the information into two veins and assigned each one a color. The Alder Prince making her expectations to Reeve Kingsley was a rich brown, for Gangrel. The color fit in Jennifer's mind. The information thread raised by Whip Grey was a cornflower Blue, for information shared by the Mekhet.
The letter was pinned to a corkboard above Jennifer’s desk. Jennifer read the letter. It had been studied for some time already, yet the words one chosen had meaning and impact. Whip Grey was certainly playing the Game, Jennifer thought as she looked at the letter.
Lady Seneschal Hazelton,
I regret to inform you that I do not believe I have heard of such a 'Monster Hunter'. However, I do know that the Reeve is investigating a matter concerning Kine who may know about the supernatural. Verity Carmen seems to have been the catalyst, as she sharpened her image and had her picture taken. The Kine in question referred to her as a potential victim of 'monsters.'
This is the investigation I chose to not participate in, as the Reeve signaled to me that no consequences were to be leveled against Carmen and that she felt that, as a Priscus at the time, Carmen was "above" the traditions.
Perhaps she can be of assistance, if these accounts are related.
- Benedikta Grey
Jennifer penned an announcement for Elysium that read:
To all residing in Sacramento,
It is expected that every Kindred be expected to lend aid to Domain Officials as needed. This specifically applies to the Reeve of Sacramento, Helen Kingsley, Carthian of the Blood of Nosferatu. I am making my expectations clear that if you have caught a rumor of a mystery or possible Law broken, that you write every detail to Reeve Kingsley with your name clearly legible. If you have assisted in the above situations or in solving a problem, you must write a report and send it to the Reeve immediately. No exceptions or excuses for delay will be accepted. If you participated with one other Kindred, the Reeve will receive two reports. Do not rely on another to relay information.
One should wish to make a good impression by participating in the Domain and demonstrating that you are competent in handling business. To this end, write me a letter that you have sent a report to the Reeve.
I shall make my positive thoughts known about those who understand what my goal is.
Seneschal Jennifer Hazelton, Priscus of the Nosferatu, Baroness Notary of the First Estate
The Nosferatu took a moment to set out her notes and reports on various matters and summarize what she knew. As she set things back to rights in thier folders, she had a feeling that not enough information was shared. Was there someone who knew more than her? Would they share their information? She would apply the pressure in her own way to try to get the information to the Reeve, as was her duty to the Alder Prince. Was it her job to take on this extra duty? No. No, it was not. Jennifer was considering why she was the one making the announcement and not someone who should be actively looking for the information - the Reeve.