Stepping in through the door after the on goings of the night, still curious to see if the strange one that was said to live here would actually appear for once not that she believed that she would ever see the woman though, only to find the apartment looking weirdly empty. Instantly sharpening her senses, ready to run as she listens silently, one hand upon the door handle, ready to storm out, and slam the door behind her but hearing nothing, seeing no one, nor really feeling the sense like something grave had happened here.
Slowly, slowly walking in with carefully scanning eyes, taking in the lingering scents especially the potent honeysuckle as she makes her way to the coffee table, grabbing the letter with a shiver, unsure what the meaning of this might be, what this might tell as her mind steels itself, flips it open and reads through the words at a slow pace each word one she had not expected, hints maybe but to this extent? Never. Feeling a drop of her heart, a griping sadness for a single moment before softly smiling and walking over to the window, opening it to gaze out upon the stars and feel the crisp night air upon her.
"What did we say cousin, we are the epos, guided to meet in the middle of our tales for a brief moment before our tales branches out to split once more, may we both find what we seek, grow and see one another once more as the decades passes." We have 75 years to the new century, I shall see you then.
Grabbing the money and putting them away, knowing that she would have to cover the rent herself, not wanting to spend this money on something that trivial, no it would have to be placed for something truly special that she could cherish for a long time to come but first a look inside the wardrobe, hesitating a bit, making certain to open the door to it as slowly as possible, knowing fully well that this would be her last gift of the closest family member she had ever met, one that she had forged by choice rather than by force. Eyes closing at the opening of the door only to slowly open and marvel at the jacket, not what she had expected but still something quite special. Taking it out with hands lightly caressing over it, touching each part with a warm smile upon her lips, heading to get her phone and taking a series of photos of each single inch of it, measuring every single part, going through it and taking notes until all itīs secrets had been found, a copy would never be as special but at least she could have one made if she so desired. Backing it up through her various digital backup services to make certain she would not lose this information.
Throwing it on, damn perfect fit she had really looked inside of her wardrobe, I wonder if she saw my other little fun things in there, ohh well not her world anyways. Wrapping it around herself as the sensation finally hits, feeling as if her heart stopped beating not that it truly did anymore but feeling it was quite different, parting her lips, part of her happy for her cousins chance especially after what she had witnessed so recently, part of her sad over the loss of someone that were rapidly growing special in her life, but unable to resist grinning with excitement, no matter how she felt, how much she was fighting between joy and sadness so was it a new experience, a new form of loss, something completely new that each emotion, each sensation, all the paths it opened up were truly marvelous.
Arching her neck backward with a half silent laughter, hand placed upon her forehead, damn how did I end up like this? Heading over to her computer, rapidly ordering the perfume along with ingredients for her little scent pills to make scents of memory before starting to look for a new place where she could live, this place clearly had itīs tale finished.