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(2410)Eternal Court

31 - 35
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  1. #31
    Marcus Roman's Avatar
    Marcus Roman


    "Well if I don't know his teachings, but am still following them and a model predator I guess that makes the Lance unnecessary. How strange." Marcus replied, clearly uninterested in being preached to. He thought back to older times when his bloodline was hired to hunt the brand new covenant by those in power at the time before returning to more polite thoughts.

    "Ah, well that's much more doable Ms Dawson, if I hear anything I'll let you know but also if you're just interested in talking history some day feel free to let me know." The Roman pulled out a scrap bit of paper with his number written on it "Or if you need a merc for some work as well."

    As Ms. Silvers continued on the Savage looked agreeable "Commercialized and blatantly a lie that steals from multitudes of other faiths. The Kine on a Cross was born in the springtime but you know those Christians, happy to take other peoples sacredness and wash out anything worthwhile from it."

    The Gangrel noted Priscus Baker gave news of Benny's new station, he offered a smile and "Congratulations indeed Whip Grey, well earned I'm positive."

    To the Seneschal he nodded in agreement "Especially Saturnalia, the feasts, the music, dress, figuring out who should be king or queen of the festival, the list goes on and on..." He smiled, wishing for perhaps the first time that he had more money to bring about such a thing. Not that he was destitute, between his merc work and some savings he was fine off but not throw a major festival in a large Domain well off.

    And then there was the Prince, he heard his name and didn't flinch, but immediately bowed to Power as you do and as Sophia sat down not wishing to continue the conversation he didn't approach. He did pull out his wallet and reviewed the laws of the domain which he had written down after his first meeting with the Seneschal and looked it over then added No Touching to the list as it wasn't there before despite the fact the Roman had double checked with the copy in Elysium. Nota Bene indeed.

    Worth it...
    Marcus thinks to himself, but isn't stupid enough to say out loud.
    Aspect of the Predator

    BP: 3

  2. #32
    Otto Schneider's Avatar
    Status (Lancea Sanctum)
    Otto Schneider

    Otto Schneider does not look like a priest at first glance. He shares his clan's tendency to overdress and one could be forgiven for assuming he is on his way to a meeting of the board. But despite this outward appearance he speaks with a conviction that is only found in true believers. His gaze is intense and seems to refuse to soften to match the rest of his expression at any given moment, appearing as though he's staring daggers at someone even while he grins.
    Favored Scripture

    "To all you who read this prophecy, you share in my curse; hear these words, and take them and make them your own, and you are Sanctified."
    -Book of Eschaton 1:8


    Could it really be that simple? Otto thought with some disbelief, processing the Dragon Succubus's words. Doesn't hurt to try. With deliberate motion, the Priest offered a slight bow to the Seneschal, a polite nod to Priscus Baker, and a much deeper bow to the Prince, to the point that one might wonder if the Ventrue was in danger of tipping over. "A reasonable custom at court. The shame in forgetting it is entirely my own." In truth, nobody had actually mentioned such a local custom to him before now, but it was better to pretend to recognize your own mistake than to desperately utter excuses.

    He eyed the Mekhet Priscus for his response on festivals. Even if he had no intention of participating, the Lord was curious about local Circle customs compared to what he was used to in his previous Domain.

    He inclined his head to Benedikta as well. Her being appointed Whip was news to him, but he was going to avoid another faux pas if he could help it.

    Marcus seemed unfazed by the Prince's admonition. If he's truly unafraid, he's dumber than he looks. There was a strong temptation to lash out with a venomous response to the Roman's provocation, but a calmer part of Otto's mind dissuaded him from it. "Not everyone takes to the Requiem quite as well, Mr. Roman." He offered simply. As the Savage recounted various concerns for holding his precious festival, a genuine question sprang to mind. "Do you substitute Ghouls for slaves?" There was no guile in the Priest's words, just idle curiosity.
    Health - | Willpower - | Vitae - | BP: 2

    Haunting Ch.2 - | Willpower - | Vitae -

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  4. #33
    Rebecca Dawson's Avatar
    Rebecca Dawson
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    (Rebecca Dawson)
    Striking Looks
    Rebecca Dawson

    Vice: Gluttony
    Rebecca Dawson Scenes
     Imbibe, Blush, 
     Blush, Consume Food/Drink


    Rebecca grinned at her Cousin. “That is a great idea. We must discuss this soon! That sounds like a lotta fun for us!” And she was genuinely excited. Daeva’s have been trying to outdo one another since the beginning of time. At least if two enjoyed such competitions. She did. It was exciting to see Alicia's interest. So far they were getting on quite well!

    Watching Priscus Baker she beamed at his assessment! “Well thank you!” She looked at him with a smile. “What covenant do you claim for yourself Priscus Baker?” How nice of him to say that. Her curiosity was piqued.

    Rebecca watched The Seneschal’s reactions and conversations carefully. She caught the look between Mr. Schneider and herself. She hoped that was a look of approval, but really it looked more curious to see what Mr. Schnieder would do with that information more than anything that Rebecca could provide on the topic.

    The Prince’s words cut through the conversation and silence the court. Watching the Prince sit back down, and filed this example away for further examples of proper court conduct. The hell beast looked like it might finally get to gnaw on one of cacophony. It was swiftly disappointing. Small favors.

    Rebecca smiled at Benedikta as she inquired upon Priscus Carmen’s whereabouts. “First things first! Congratulations on being appointed whip of the Mehket!” And then addressed the question. “I really don’t have the faintest idea.” She made one of those faces that kine make when something was out of their hands, none of their business, and they felt awkward about it all.

    Marcus earned a big smile for his enthusiasm, which she mirrored back in kind. “I would love to! That would be so fun! I would adore a good discussion on history.” It was a topic she enjoyed. Not because she was incredibly scholarly. Truth be told she wasn’t. It made her the odd duck in the Dragons for sure, but her knowledge of history was represented by length of life. Of watching things rise and fall with time. Of listening to the stories of others.

    Mr. Schneider took the hint and performed bows and proper nods, all was right in court again. She gave him a small smile, and a gentle nod. “Every domain is different, and now you know.” She nodded. Consistency was a good quality. Unless you had a tendency to err constantly. She watched Mr. Schneider needling the subject of Saturnalia with Mr. Roman. Her gaze ping ponged between the two kindred with a careful look.
    Willpower: Health:
    BP: 2

  5. #34
    Rebecca Dawson's Avatar
    Rebecca Dawson
    Alt ID
    (Rebecca Dawson)
    Striking Looks
    Rebecca Dawson

    Vice: Gluttony
    Rebecca Dawson Scenes
     Imbibe, Blush, 
     Blush, Consume Food/Drink


    Rebecca grinned at her Cousin. “That is a great idea. We must discuss this soon! That sounds like a lotta fun for us!” And she was genuinely excited. Daeva’s have been trying to outdo one another since the beginning of time. At least if two enjoyed such competitions. She did. It was exciting to see Alicia's interest. So far they were getting on quite well!

    Watching Priscus Baker she beamed at his assessment! “Well thank you!” She looked at him with a smile. “What covenant do you claim for yourself Priscus Baker?” How nice of him to say that. Her curiosity was piqued.

    Rebecca watched The Seneschal’s reactions and conversations carefully. She caught the look between Mr. Schneider and herself. She hoped that was a look of approval, but really it looked more curious to see what Mr. Schnieder would do with that information more than anything that Rebecca could provide on the topic.

    The Prince’s words cut through the conversation and silence the court. Watching the Prince sit back down, and filed this example away for further examples of proper court conduct. The hell beast looked like it might finally get to gnaw on one of cacophony. It was swiftly disappointing. Small favors.

    Rebecca smiled at Benedikta as she inquired upon Priscus Carmen’s whereabouts. “First things first! Congratulations on being appointed whip of the Mehket!” And then addressed the question. “I really don’t have the faintest idea.” She made one of those faces that kine make when something was out of their hands, none of their business, and they felt awkward about it all.

    Marcus earned a big smile for his enthusiasm, which she mirrored back in kind. “I would love to! That would be so fun! I would adore a good discussion on history.” It was a topic she enjoyed. Not because she was incredibly scholarly. Truth be told she wasn’t. It made her the odd duck in the Dragons for sure, but her knowledge of history was represented by length of life. Of watching things rise and fall with time. Of listening to the stories of others.

    Mr. Schneider took the hint and performed bows and proper nods, all was right in court again. She gave him a small smile, and a gentle nod. “Every domain is different, and now you know.” She nodded. Consistency was a good quality. Unless you had a tendency to err constantly. She watched Mr. Schneider needling the subject of Saturnalia with Mr. Roman. Her gaze ping ponged between the two kindred with a careful look.
    Willpower: Health:
    BP: 2

  6. #35
    Alicia Silvers's Avatar
    Striking looks
    Doll Face
    Distinctive voice
    (Harmonious sweet-toned)
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers Scenes
     Blush of life, Heightened senses
     Blush, Food consumption


    Warmly looking upon her cousin with the teasing grin still upon her.
    ”I cannot wait to see what ensemble you shall concoct.” Moving just enough to get a better look of her cousin, mind already spawning various ideas as excitement burns through her veins. ”We must find a suitable time to show them off though.” Unaware of the thoughts of her cousin, or what she sought from it but glad for how well they seemed to agree despite having different aims.

    Turning her eyes upon Albert.
    "A shame, have you heard of the upcoming display of our countries heroes, monsters and villains?"

    The glance being more than enough to silence her, putting it to memory for the future.
    "In spirit of Saturnalia and Christmas so is there Lupercalia which was replaced by Valentines day, an interesting celebration the one time I got a chance to participate." It was a tad much though. The sudden raised voice nearly making her take a step backward, eyes instantly drawn to its source with complete silence, glad for the closeness to at least one member of her family´s presence. Where were the other three hiding?

    Waiting for someone else to speak first again before turning toward the Mekhet.
    "Congratulations on your new appointment, have you had the time to celebrate yet? Unfortunately so does it not seem like her radiant presence shall bless us upon this night." She has seemed a bit extra busy as of late though. "If you have a moment in the coming nights so do I have some things I would love to discuss with you though."

    Letting out a soft laughter at the words of the Roman.
    ”Why birth what you can steal? Even Santa is not an original, and has existed in how many incarnations now? A prankster, the wild hunt of Odin, the classic, the new years one, La Bafana, some local others just for their time.” Lightly shrugging. ”Even poor Ostara, a story of theft and incorporation, not even Merlin escaped their grasp despite being the child of a demon.” Eyes darting back and forth between her cousin and the Roman. ”How are you with throwing axes?”

    Daeva Vice: Lust BP:1

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