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LL/H: There was a village green

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  1. #21
    Guru's Avatar
    Striking Looks

    Appears like there's a filter that blurs his image, the background suddenly more lush and vibrant than it once was. Tendrils of vines slowly edging their way to the borders of that veil.

    Monthly Spells:
    Pulse of the Living World: Pot-3
    Organic Resilience Pot -3
    Evidence Shroud Pot: 3
    Scene Trackers

    Curtain Call:

    PotLW/Sense Life (2/2)
    Org Res (5)
    Evidence Shroud (4) L+M
    Spell Limit: 3/6
    Spell Tolerance 3/3


    Guru looked over to not-Skye and shook his head. "Not that kind of coat, dear." He would say with a shake of his head as he dropped the armor spell acquiescing to the woman's request in taking off his 'coat.' "You wouldn't leave a man to walk around the world blind though would you? One needs their spectacles to remain vigilant do they not?" He offered an apologetic smile though there was clearly room there for a denial as he didn't push forward unbidden. He used the only tactics he knew in situations like this, try and appeal to reason and be a friend. It couldn't hurt but he felt like he was standing naked before the other woman now, totally exposed and vulnerable.

    2 successes

    Active Spells: 2/6 (Tolerance 2/3)
    Active Spells

    Mana: 10/12
    Defense: 2 (Def 2)
    Smartphone, Wallet ($100,in $20s), Watch
    Tool: Copper Ring

  2. #22
    ReubanBrightwood's Avatar

    Chambers Scenes
     Out of path improv spells, 

    Verity Carmen Scenes

    Cavendish makes his way through a open plan kitchen that seems sparsely stocked if well appointed in old wooden cupboards with iron handles separates the food preparation space from a communal dinning area with an island, a fruit bowl with plastic fruit is the only adornment on the table. Past this intersection of the house a larger and more comfortably set up conservatory takes up most of the back garden, several rugs dot the floor and a variety of plush one person chairs dot around the space in which three other figures are already waiting all of them are paying attention to the commotion in the hall.

    As he enters the space one of the three figures, a man tanned with sandy blond hair, wearing a fashionable black shirt unbuttoned at the neck and black jeans offers him a smile. "Hey there." A gesture to himself. "Anubis. You new in town or just took a while to filter in?" The other two in the room don't offer up much yet, One a women appearing in her mid thirties with her brunette hair fashionable cut around her shoulder in a expensive pinstripe suit, and skirt beholds him with pale silver eyes. The third another man bulker wears his hair in dreads and has a worn and weathered look about him that makes his age difficult to distinguish at a glance but his brown eyes and bright and steady.

    Resist coercion 1 success
    Maybe its the manners, maybe its the slightly submissive way in which he waits for her approval or mage its that he has in part acquiesced to the current request but the woman who answered the door flicks her eyes to the glyph in Guru's pattern as it vanishes and then to the one that is left, the precision would indicates she is able to see of her own accord. "Very well this is an extension of trust on both sides we do appreciate that." She nods and indicates for him to move through. However her attention turns to Skye who has yet to perform the indicated task. "Not that kind of coat and her finger traces through the air stopping momentarily in a way to point to the glyphs in her pattern lingering on the vulgar greens that are most certainty not mage sight. "I mean those. We don't know you from any one who could mean us harm. It's good courtesy to take them off before coming in." And Skye is still barred from progression.

    Reuban Brigh

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  4. #23
    Cavendish's Avatar


    This is what I get for jumping in. Plastic fruit? Is this a home or rental? Bounce through Cavendish's mind as the Ladder makes his way through the kitchen. Falling into a familiar routine when working with clients. Calm smile, animated but not to animated voice, and a projection of confidence. The conservatory is ..nice? Not the colors for the rugs that Cavendish would have picked but to each their own.

    "Cavendish" Is the Ladder's reply before he can think of a lie. "New, was trying to get a feeling for the town before seeing who else was here." He takes a moment to nod to Anubis, and then looks to the other two and gives a nod to each. "It's good to meet others. Things can get a bit lonely."

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