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(2410)Eternal Court

21 - 26
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  1. #21
    Benedikta Grey's Avatar
    Public: Bayley Smith
    New Identity
    (Bayley Smith)
    (Vampire Couriers)
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Benedikta Grey


    Better late then absent, or so they say.

    Benedikta had made her way to Court at a leisurely pace. After all, she was not a Domain official, nor was this Court a Formal. Still... being the newly minted Whip of the Shadows was something of a call to action, even if her clanmates had been egregiously silent these recent nights.

    Steeling herself, Benedikta would enter the cacophony of the nameless Kindred on the outskirts of Court, pulling the chain of the Beast when it called for her to maim and pressing on when it begged for her to flee. Thus, Benny arrived near the center with an almost relaxed air, dressed business casual with a pair of black skinny jeans, white blouse, blue blazer, and a pair of black, heeled platform boots. Her hair, as usual, hung loose.

    Nonetheless, the relaxation ended quickly upon noticing the Prince herself among the throng rather than her distant seat. Thus, dipping herself in a deep bow, Benny found her eyes looking to the floor to gain a moment of respite against the press of Sacramento's greatest Beast before eventually righting herself. The remaining Kindred would recieve nods and bows as befit their respective stations before the Mekhet eventually settled on the group's periphery.

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  3. #22
    Marcus Roman's Avatar
    Marcus Roman


    Marcus took a few steps till he was within arms reach of Otto, returning that smirk with his own wolfish grin. Maybe it was the idea that he should forsake his origins and adopt a christian holy day. Maybe it was the level of sarcasm Marcus sensed from the priest. Maybe it was the lack of respect for the Romans Gods. Maybe it was that his Beast didn't know this weakling that cavalierly joked about final death. Savage hands quickly reached out as Marcus' stronger beast howled for the weaker ones demise but the Roman instead took Otto's tie and straightened it for him in a methodical sort of way as he explained in that not quite Italian accent "I don't worship with the Circle. I was born into Roman worship and carry it with me all these long long nights. Vastly different nuances..." Much like the differences between Saturnalia and Christmas the Roman patted the tie that didn't need straightened with hands that could turn into terrible claws, close to the priests heart. "...there that's better. All straightened out, and don't worry I don't think anyone fears final death from you." Done. Marcus returned to where he was previously standing...

    "Priscus Baker." A nod of respect before turning back to the Angelic one.

    "Ms. Dawson, I would love to throw a festival but I don't have the money or the know how to source what would be needed. If someone else wanted to contribute those skills I can give some first hand experiences, as well as historical research into recreation and of course help with set up. Failing that anyone is more than welcome to my ceremonies, they're not entirely meant to be private."

    The Seneschal commented and Marcus attempted a subtle nod to her as he mentioned the open invitation and was about to reply when The Most Savage entered the chat. Internally he wrestled with his beast against the fear of the Princes own. Never mind the hellhound that accompanied her, the Roman was sure that was also terrible.Marcus quickly bowed and moved out of the way till she was done with the priest.
    Aspect of the Predator

    BP: 3

  4. #23
    Otto Schneider's Avatar
    Status (Lancea Sanctum)
    Otto Schneider

    Otto Schneider does not look like a priest at first glance. He shares his clan's tendency to overdress and one could be forgiven for assuming he is on his way to a meeting of the board. But despite this outward appearance he speaks with a conviction that is only found in true believers. His gaze is intense and seems to refuse to soften to match the rest of his expression at any given moment, appearing as though he's staring daggers at someone even while he grins.
    Favored Scripture

    "To all you who read this prophecy, you share in my curse; hear these words, and take them and make them your own, and you are Sanctified."
    -Book of Eschaton 1:8
    Otto Schneider Scenes
     Blush of Life, 
     Blush of Life, Boost to Roll


    Catty. He was a little surprised that she was the first Dragon he'd met in the Domain, but then his own Covenant was not well-represented either. He would have made a remark back to Rebecca, but the Beast started to strangle him with fear. And for once, he was almost in complete agreement. That thing was drawing closer to him and, more alarmingly, the Prince was as well.

    He stood in stunned silence as he received a dressing-down for something he truly did not understand. He hadn't recalled any part of the Domain's laws that might apply, but he ran through them in his head. Presented myself to the Priscus within two weeks of arrival, did no violence in Elysium, maintained decorum...? It was all a flurry of thought as he struggled to put together what had happened. His attention was yanked away by Marcus manhandling his tie. Careful. It's probably worth more than you'd be able to scrape together in a decade.

    There was an urge to strike the Savage, a reflex that brought back unwanted memories. Instead, he merely kept his eyes fixed on the Roman and smiled. "Good. You needn't believe in the Dark Prophet to fulfill the more important parts of his teachings. And I'll bet you're a model predator." He risked a glance over at the Prince and her... guard. However, the Lord wouldn't risk simply wandering up to her and asking what was wrong. For one, it was against the Domain laws to approach her uninvited and he wasn't going to interpret admonishment that way.

    "There may not be enough time to organize it this year, but usually the Gran Ballo is held on the first of November." He chimed in on the topic of celebrations. The Priest certainly wasn't going to openly discuss what had just happened with the Prince, or at least not be the one to broach the subject, until he had puzzled together what he should do to remedy the situation. "There's also the Feast in February, but that's less of formal gathering and more of a... hunting expedition."
    Health - | Willpower - | Vitae - | BP: 2

    Haunting Ch.2 - | Willpower - | Vitae -

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  6. #24
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    Alicia can be skipped. Rebecca Dawson should post

  7. #25
    Rebecca Dawson's Avatar
    Rebecca Dawson
    Alt ID
    (Rebecca Dawson)
    Striking Looks
    Rebecca Dawson

    Vice: Gluttony
    Rebecca Dawson Scenes
     Imbibe, Blush, 
     Blush, Consume Food/Drink


    Rebecca had never met Priscus Baker before and her beast demanded the weaker beast's flesh. She would break him. The thought was relished for one moment, but ultimately her control will out. Rebecca gave him a nod befitting his station as a Priscus. “Good evening Priscus Baker. We have not yet been introduced.” She paused for a moment as she took in his measure. “My name is Rebecca Dawson, Clan Daeva, Supplicant of the Ordo Dracul.”

    When the Prince approached she bowed her head respectfully, but did not say anything to her, merely looked on as she made Mr Scheinder aware of her displeasure. It was reassuring that her Grace would allow them to make mistakes and make good on learning from them.

    Rebecca spied Benedikta on the edge of the gaggle of Kindred and gave her a nod, though she wasn’t aware of any title she may hold, she smiled nonetheless in what she hoped the Kindred would accept as a pleasant, albeit silent ‘hello there’. The lack of a beast was noticed, but not fretted over. She had read the Prince’s laws on such matters.

    Rebecca watched Mr. Roman with a carefully neutral expression. She looked on as the Gangrel let the Ventrue know he didn’t appreciate what was inferred. When he turned back to address her she smiled. “Mr. Roman I was not suggesting you throw such a festival, but if you heard of or found any going on in the city during December that you let me know so I may attend with you. I would enjoy someone as knowledgeable as yourself to explain the significance of events to me.”

    She watched as Mr. Schneider pulled himself together and insisted to Mr. Roman that he followed the teachings without being sanctified. Rebecca wisely kept her own counsel on this. He had all the rope, and considering that the Prince showed confidence in his Priscus he seemed all set to hang himself. “Speaking of different customs and traditions…” she looked pointedly at Mr. Schneider. Benefit of the doubt time. “Here in Sacramento it is customary to bow to the court officials and give a recognitional nod to those who are not officials but the heads of their respective clan.”
    Willpower: Health:
    BP: 2

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  9. #26
    Alicia Silvers's Avatar
    Striking looks
    Doll Face
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers Scenes
     Blush, Food consumption
     Blush of life, Heightened senses


    "A gauntlet between you and I?" Raising one eyebrow with a teasing look upon her. "Such a classic, maybe we should discuss a theme instead, and make up an outfit for one another?" Scanning her over for a moment. "Or perhaps we should save that for a special occasion." No matter which so would it be grand but not the best time to plan to much.

    Listening in on the words of Saturnalia with genuine intrigue.
    "That sounds quite fascinating, with a few tweaks and adjustments so am I certain that it could be quite an intriguing thing with the right people around." Bowing her head to the Priest as he approached then back to the Roman. "Despite the fact that I find Christmas to be quite dull and commercialized." Glancing between her cousin and the Roman. "Now this is buckling up to be quite intriguing, why not put it on together?" But how would such a thing work here though, and what elements could even be saved?

    Turning her eyes with a light calm as she gives the new arrival a nod of her head according to his status, the man someone she had met before luckily enough making it all the easier to remain calm.
    "A pleasure Priscus Baker, any future art installments that draws your eye?"

    Looking upon the Seneschal.
    "Kindly allow me to clarify, are there any special events held for the local Kindred community within this domain? Other than the quarterly one of course."

    Swiftly going silent as the Prince approached, already having done her curtsy but still opting to lower herself at the center of her body, with a respectful bow of her head after having made sure she was not in the way in any manner. Waiting for her to conclude her business before getting up, and turning to give a nod to Benedikta befitting to her status upon their approach.

    Daeva Vice: Lust BP:1

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