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FP: Familiar surroundings

Week I Week II Week III Week IV
  1. #1
    ReubanBrightwood's Avatar

    Chambers Scenes
     Out of path improv spells, 

    Verity Carmen Scenes

    After his foray into the life of on scene investigations, Philip's encounter with the long arm of the law and his brush with near capture, the familiar doors and walls of his sanctum provide a place of quite and safe respite to take stock, sort himself out and try and take the necessary steps to move things forward.

    It is a peculiar moment of reflection that his position in some ways mirrors that of Cartwright having been caught out by the structed powers of the fallen world and threat of legal enforcement Philip had ended up using magic and vulgar magic at that to try and sway the odds in his favour, to bring about outcomes that he preferred. The very thing that landed Cartwright in this mess to begin with.

    But now with his knowledge, experience and tools all at hi disposal, and no adamant police officer chasing him down alleyways the enchanter has the opportunity to react in a more organised and decisive fashion.

    Xisdor Philip Crosen

    Reuban Brigh

  2. #2
    Philip Crosen's Avatar
    Gear and Stats

    (In DYLF: Night Hawk Base):
    Gear: backpack with: 1 L plastic water bottle, lighter, cigarette pack, can of hairspray, hair comb, order-tool-slash-phone, first aid kit, wallet
    Total spells: 4/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 4/2 (Fortunes Protection, Sibyls Sight, Shifting the odds, Quantum Flux)
    Stats 2

    Base: Mana:
    Spells: (in FP:UL: Winter)): 3/6, on person: 3/2: (Fortunes Protection(FP), Perfect Moment, Exceptional Luck)
    (in Squeaky Choir (SQ): Nearest Building): 6/6 spells (on person 6/2): (FP, Sybils Sight, Gain Skill, Exceptional Luck, Pulse of the Living World, Quantum Flux)
    (in Ley Line/Hallows(LLHF40)): 3/6 spells, 3/2 on person: (FP, Sybils Sight, Exceptional Luck)
    0/6 Spells and 0/2 Spells on person in Consilium
    Armor: 4 (FP, SQ, DYLF, LLHF40) Defense: 3 , Speed 10
    Nimbus: Green objects within 10 yards of him become sharper, more focused, and brighter.
    On vulgar casting, the accentuated green objects become even brighter and glow in the dark.


    gain information about possible future events by asking questions

    Back at his Sanctum after managing to drive away successfully from the cops, Philip was annoyed and exhausted, but soon found renewed determination after thinking about the continued threat posed by the cops. The excursion he just went on had been nothing but a hassle and he was left wondering how that could all have been worth it. He wanted to know why that guy was as adamant as he was to chase him as far as he did in the first place. With time, the department might forget about him. Well, all except those two cops who would no doubt remember him for quite a while yet, and were no doubt writing a report about this incident, or calling it in to their central command at that very moment, he figured. But still, Momentary Flux had yet to fail him so in the grand scheme of things, escape had to have been preferable to capture. But he knew that escaping from cops was never a good idea, so he was also really interested in finding out what he`d done wrong. Why did they freak out just because he hesitated to show his ID after his failed attempt to convince them to help him? Was it something he said? Something he did?

    But above all, this escapade confirmed his suspicion that cops could not be trusted in general. He had trusted them with key information and in return they decided to chase and attempt to arrest him. And the latter was something he only avoided by the skin of his teeth despite several close calls. And he had to wonder if they weren`t involved in some crime related to Goodwin to show so quickly and chase so determinedly. All this, he knew, would be something to mull over, to research, for later.

    And then there was Cartwright and his adversary Mr. Goodwin himself. After all, that was the reason he`d gone out of his way on this unfortunate adventure. to support his fellow upstart Acanthus. And, what was Winter doing during all this? He could only hope he was having more luck than he was, for whatever that was worth and in whatever he was doing.

    Still, despite having taken all mundane precautions he could think of to evade them, he was sure that it was only a matter of time before they came knocking on his door. And that was something he had to prevent as his first priority, above all else.
    To achieve this goal Philip had decided that he was prepared to stop at almost nothing and to use vulgar willworkings with impunity, and on a much larger scale than he already attempted during the chase, despite knowing the serious risk this posed. So, his first order of business when he got to his Sanctum, after a couple minutes to sit and reflect, was to cast Prophecy to gain an insight into how mundane interest in him could be averted and evidence of his chase from the cops buried? How could he slip under the radar from them and remove his notoriety? And, equally importantly when would the event that could achieve this have to come to pass at the latest? But clearly, Fate had other plans and was still having a laugh with him as he once again had to absorb the backlash from his hubris into his pattern, despite having only just gotten over his Abyss-related injuries from his earlier Probable Cause casting. Gritting his teeth as his hands and eyes burned and the acrid taste of blood came on his tongue, he knew he just had to bare it. Such was the price for attempting to rid himself of the problems he`d likely created himself, he figured.
    1 success

    1 success

    Nevertheless, despite the Abyss, the quiet whisper of High Speech caused the imago to form.

    Backlash bashing injury healed and placed with new bashing from latest paradox backlash.
    spells, effects and gear
    (in DYLF: NESFU) Mana: Willpower: Health:
    (Fortunes Protection, Sybils Sight, Shifting the Odds, Quantum Flux) Speed: 10, Defense 3, Armor 4 (because of FP)

  3. #3
    ReubanBrightwood's Avatar

    Chambers Scenes
     Out of path improv spells, 

    Verity Carmen Scenes

    A bitter and painful irony stems from the fact that the abyss seems ill content to let the enchanter be it feels, it senses it is aware of him and the malign influence bites at his very self at the impossibly convoluted structure that is by definition him. Yet he is all with the taste of blood and bile in his throat, his mouth his nose, his gut to form the imago and bridge the fallen and supernal arcadia to glimpse the future.

    The first question Philip asks of prophecy and the only answer it is willing to give up. how mundane interest in him could be averted

    The image comes to him of a chess board, not one but countless endless boards each hovering in space, each frozen mid game the pieces begin to move erratically with pattern or purpose until his view spins wilding realigning the boards until a pattern is formed from the placement a figure who stands looking up even as he is about to step off the boards that form a cliff at his feet ... the image is that of the fool tarot made of boards in constant states of play and unending games. It spins around and around and around scattering chess pieces out into the nothing until the image settles with fool upside down.

    Choices have been made, the wrongs ones, and this journey Philip sets to seek out on is another wrong choice, this is a journey that should never start, does not need to start. Instead he should wonder about the possibilities of his encounter and take the first steps into the risky unknown to begin unravelling it rather then tarrying at the door.

    Reuban Brigh

  4. #4
    Philip Crosen's Avatar
    Gear and Stats

    (In DYLF: Night Hawk Base):
    Gear: backpack with: 1 L plastic water bottle, lighter, cigarette pack, can of hairspray, hair comb, order-tool-slash-phone, first aid kit, wallet
    Total spells: 4/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 4/2 (Fortunes Protection, Sibyls Sight, Shifting the odds, Quantum Flux)
    Stats 2

    Base: Mana:
    Spells: (in FP:UL: Winter)): 3/6, on person: 3/2: (Fortunes Protection(FP), Perfect Moment, Exceptional Luck)
    (in Squeaky Choir (SQ): Nearest Building): 6/6 spells (on person 6/2): (FP, Sybils Sight, Gain Skill, Exceptional Luck, Pulse of the Living World, Quantum Flux)
    (in Ley Line/Hallows(LLHF40)): 3/6 spells, 3/2 on person: (FP, Sybils Sight, Exceptional Luck)
    0/6 Spells and 0/2 Spells on person in Consilium
    Armor: 4 (FP, SQ, DYLF, LLHF40) Defense: 3 , Speed 10
    Nimbus: Green objects within 10 yards of him become sharper, more focused, and brighter.
    On vulgar casting, the accentuated green objects become even brighter and glow in the dark.


    Prophecy gave him what he interpreted to be a cryptic warning not to get tangled up in the mundane any more and to take whatever punishment came instead of attempting to force-bend Fate to his will with his vulgar spells.
    Apparently, what he interpreted Fate to suggest as his best solution for mitigating his notoriety and mundane interest in him was achieved by simply not playing this chess game with Fate. His tarot- the fool- was clear enough. And that that represented himself also seemed clear enough. And that he was standing at a precipice was also, again, clear enough. Again, as all-too-often, it was apparent that he could not force Fate`s hand, as he had noticed, but unfortunately done too many times. Apparently, what he was asking of fate simply had too many variables- chess pieces falling everywhere into the void. He figured those chess pieces likely represented the mundane, as well as infinite variables strewn out. Amongst other things. Clearly, he needed to let events play out the way Fate willed. So, it seemed his best course of action was to not evade the mundane but let it come.

    Knowing this, Philip changed his focus from prevention to gaining info and eliminating traces of suspicion from his place in preparation for a visit, as well as minimizing his footprint and being more discreet with his methods. Learning from his mistakes. And so, he ended the prophecy after gleaning whatever he could from the convoluted maze of chess boards and him standing at the edge and being a fool like usual. First and foremost of all he needed to know what he`d done wrong though. Well, besides epitomizing his Tarot as he always had to do by definition. And whether his opinion of his general suspicion of cops was justified or not. So, he cast Library of Time, whispering quietly in High Speech because he was still somewhat stressed although Fate had just told him to cool it, take a step back from the edge.
    2 successes

    With the imago forming well enough, he busied himself for the next half hour with this research.

    Research likely motive for attempted arrest, 2/6 rolls, 30 mins elapsed, 7 suxx

    After half an hour, he ended Library of Time.

    Library of Time ended during post. Otherwise, [2]Library of Time, Spell Tolerance 3 and active spells 2. Bashing healed during research.
    spells, effects and gear
    (in DYLF: NESFU) Mana: Willpower: Health:
    (Fortunes Protection, Sybils Sight, Shifting the Odds, Quantum Flux) Speed: 10, Defense 3, Armor 4 (because of FP)

  5. #5
    ReubanBrightwood's Avatar

    Chambers Scenes
     Out of path improv spells, 

    Verity Carmen Scenes

    The research is relatively quick if a rather chewy to slog through legal jargon addendums and structures seem tailor made to make life difficult, confusing and all in all catch you out. What Philip is able to discern is that in the state of California to perform a investigation without a private investigators liscence can carry a fine of up to $5000, imprisonment not exceeding one year in the county jail or both. Now how those police officers happened upon him or why there were in the area no mundane search will revel but he had it seems given the appearance of an easy collar to the officers by straight up admitting to them he was engaged in criminal activity and ignorance of the law is no excuse under the law.

    Reuban Brigh

  6. #6
    Philip Crosen's Avatar
    Gear and Stats

    (In DYLF: Night Hawk Base):
    Gear: backpack with: 1 L plastic water bottle, lighter, cigarette pack, can of hairspray, hair comb, order-tool-slash-phone, first aid kit, wallet
    Total spells: 4/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 4/2 (Fortunes Protection, Sibyls Sight, Shifting the odds, Quantum Flux)
    Stats 2

    Base: Mana:
    Spells: (in FP:UL: Winter)): 3/6, on person: 3/2: (Fortunes Protection(FP), Perfect Moment, Exceptional Luck)
    (in Squeaky Choir (SQ): Nearest Building): 6/6 spells (on person 6/2): (FP, Sybils Sight, Gain Skill, Exceptional Luck, Pulse of the Living World, Quantum Flux)
    (in Ley Line/Hallows(LLHF40)): 3/6 spells, 3/2 on person: (FP, Sybils Sight, Exceptional Luck)
    0/6 Spells and 0/2 Spells on person in Consilium
    Armor: 4 (FP, SQ, DYLF, LLHF40) Defense: 3 , Speed 10
    Nimbus: Green objects within 10 yards of him become sharper, more focused, and brighter.
    On vulgar casting, the accentuated green objects become even brighter and glow in the dark.


    The research confirmed what his suspicion had been. Clearly, he had once again epitomized his tarot and said too much and he almost cursed because of it, as he covered his face with his hands in shame and realization. He had been a public embarrassment to himself. And of course, any cop worth their salt would know that he was admitting to being in the commission of a crime, by implying he was on an investigation and giving an excuse not to show his ID. And that was regardless however good said excuse may have been, as that had been irrelevant. On top of that- his flight had obbviously been strike two and perhaps even implied knowledge of his guilt, in the eyes of the officers. He could only hope that this attempted investigation would spook Goodwin and anyone else at that company. Needless to say, the cops now had a bone to pick with him. And Fate was telling him to cool it. So, unfortunately, no hacking. Or fake IDs. Or divination. He knew he`d have to be very creative.
    The cryptic warning not to get tangled up in the mundane any more and to take whatever punishment came was after all, still duly noted. A fine or even a short prison stint was preferable to a veil breach, he thought, now somewhat more lucid and clearly than his stupidity just half an hour earlier. Then, another idea crept in his mind. A dangerous one- the decision to prepare for the officers` arrival with blackmail material. So, he went back to what he was good at. Research. So, he re-cast Library of Time with a day duration in a quiet whisper, as he wanted everything there was to know about the officer that chased him from his brief memory of him.

    With the imago forming again, he busied himself for the next half hour, again, with this research. Just as much to calm his nerves. On a next encounter, he would be ready.
    2 successes

    Research chasing cop, 2/6 rolls, 30 mins elapsed, 8 suxx

    After half an hour, he ended Library of Time, only to re-cast it again because he just got an inspiration. What he did have, what he got, was a hunch- something that had stayed with him throughout the day so far, after getting in the car to make his escape and even during it, before. No proof, just, a hunch- that the cops weren`t all they appeared, that they were cronies of Goodwin. So, he figured, get in touch with him, teach him a lesson, and the cops would drop it. Maybe. After all, because of his self-imposed ban on Divination he had no way of knowing when the cops would show up at his door or what other tricks Goodwin had in store. And obviously it would be best if he was there to greet them when and if they did show. If they hadn`t also already frozen his credit cards before and tanked his rep at work, by the time they did, he figured. If he wasn`t careful.
    He was going to research everything there was on Goodwin. The works, the whole nine yards. Everything and nothing that Cartwright hadn`t told him, and compile everything he already knew. He was going to know every secret he had that existed to be found.If I wanted to get him to get the cops to back off from me.... he figured. Assuming such a connection existed, which Philip was assuming for the moment. But, as he cast it again in his usual quiet whisper of High Speech, he felt his spell come into effect with particular strength, something he took confused note of.
    5 successes

    Research Goodwin, 4/6 rolls, 1 hour elapsed, 20 suxx

    spells, effects and gear
    (in DYLF: NESFU) Mana: Willpower: Health:
    (Fortunes Protection, Sybils Sight, Shifting the Odds, Quantum Flux) Speed: 10, Defense 3, Armor 4 (because of FP)

  7. #7
    ReubanBrightwood's Avatar

    Chambers Scenes
     Out of path improv spells, 

    Verity Carmen Scenes

    Unfortunely inspite of his best efforts with the only thing to go off being was chased by an police officer his search into that officer means very little and comes back with less while tales of police corruption, brutality, intimidation and discrimination are rampant on the internet that in no way makes it easier to narrow down which officer is the one he is looking for and only adds to a pile of read herring investigations.

    The public information on Goodwin however is more forth coming while personal phone numbers and e-mails are not given he has business contacts Philip can use, Philip finds the public financial records, various small business galas and, he studied at Oberlin College in business. He does ampule and public good works events raising money for charity and supporting youth sports teams with business sponsorships. His business specialising in streamlining business practice and efficient marketing procedures maximise profits.

    Aged 43 happily married with two declared children one son, one daughter, Philip is even able to finds a home address from the parties and charity events he hosts. The reviews of his business are on the good to glowing side, a few dissatisfied customers of course but those are few and far between. His hobbies include golf, riverboat gambling trips and BBQing.

    Reuban Brigh

  8. #8
    Philip Crosen's Avatar
    Gear and Stats

    (In DYLF: Night Hawk Base):
    Gear: backpack with: 1 L plastic water bottle, lighter, cigarette pack, can of hairspray, hair comb, order-tool-slash-phone, first aid kit, wallet
    Total spells: 4/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 4/2 (Fortunes Protection, Sibyls Sight, Shifting the odds, Quantum Flux)
    Stats 2

    Base: Mana:
    Spells: (in FP:UL: Winter)): 3/6, on person: 3/2: (Fortunes Protection(FP), Perfect Moment, Exceptional Luck)
    (in Squeaky Choir (SQ): Nearest Building): 6/6 spells (on person 6/2): (FP, Sybils Sight, Gain Skill, Exceptional Luck, Pulse of the Living World, Quantum Flux)
    (in Ley Line/Hallows(LLHF40)): 3/6 spells, 3/2 on person: (FP, Sybils Sight, Exceptional Luck)
    0/6 Spells and 0/2 Spells on person in Consilium
    Armor: 4 (FP, SQ, DYLF, LLHF40) Defense: 3 , Speed 10
    Nimbus: Green objects within 10 yards of him become sharper, more focused, and brighter.
    On vulgar casting, the accentuated green objects become even brighter and glow in the dark.


    Despite his best efforts, Fate would not let him close in on the cop`s identity and instead led him on a half-hour-long chase of red herrings of police misdeeds. Still, the info on Goodwin was much more forthcoming to his relief although a smoking gun eluded him. If anything, it painted him in a good light, sponsoring youth sports, instead of being apparently responsible for taking over and potentially destroying the center and the hopes and dreams of the community thereof. Still, what he didn`t find most interested him. No personal cell phone number. No real secrets, except his home address and his family status- things that Philip knew would go against his conscience to abuse. But most important was that there appeared to be no connection between Goodwin and any members of the Sacramento PD to be found. On either end. And info on the attacks on Cartwright was a bust too.

    Then again, most everything that was available publicly on him, he got. Still, Philip was certain such a connection had to be there. So he redoubled his efforts and changed his research focus, spending his last potency of Library of Time and re- casting it yet again in a quiet whisper of High Speech for research into his hunch specifically- any connection between Goodwin, the Sacramento PD and any of his bad reviews. Any mention of law enforcement no matter how tangential, as well as the official summary of the legal issues at the bottom of the trial about Cartwright and the Center.
    3 successes

    find evidence for hypothesized connection between Goodwin and the Sacramento PD, and potentially those of his company`s reviews that were poor as well, 4/6 rolls, 1 hour elapsed, 17 suxx

    After an hour of research, he ended Library of Time yet again.

    latest Library of Time casting potency [3]. With last potency of previous at start of post, total potency 4 between the two castings.

    **Don`t know if the topic about the hunch is too close together to the research on the cop and Goodwin seperately. If they are continuations and considered not a seperate project from the research on Goodwin himself, then Philip only managed 2 more rolls, 30 mins of research, as 4/6 research has already been done on the research about Goodwin. Or, if the research on Goodwin and the cop together represent 6/6 rolls and not seperate research, this new research would invariably have to be either a new project (on the hunch) or impossible (if the research in that case on that topic was already done in the earlier research) altogether. Please subtract or invalidate as necessary if any of those is the case.

    spells, effects and gear
    (in DYLF: NESFU) Mana: Willpower: Health:
    (Fortunes Protection, Sybils Sight, Shifting the Odds, Quantum Flux) Speed: 10, Defense 3, Armor 4 (because of FP)

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