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Innocence Lost Ch 2 Hauntingly Savage

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  1. #1
    Raul's Avatar
    Raul Scenes


    The Savage leads his fellow Gangrel through the streets of Sacramento and out to the Barrens. He's keeping an ever vigilant eye on their charge as Marcus drives them. It's going to be a long night, he can tell already. It started with a phone call and now he's bringing someone in to the authorities. This feels like something he's done many times before but it's also quite different.

    "Next right and then we park," he says, giving the final directions.
    Aspect of the Predator ​● BP 2

  2. #2
    Marcus Roman's Avatar

    Marcus Roman


    Marcus follows along, finding a spot and pulling in. He undoes his seat belt as he cuts the engine. "Yeah, this seems right. Nice and secluded." The Roman said looking at the captive in the back seat with a wolfish grin.
    Aspect of the Predator

    BP: 3

  3. #3
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    The very attractive Kindred who appeared very young physically, made a derisive snorting sound.

    "Sounds like you have had to call Mommy for something." He drawls in a slow, confident way. "And now you have been directed out here." He bent his back a bit to look out of the window.
    "We're in the Barrens, it seems. You have gone and fetched for Mommy like good little boys." The tone drips with condescension.

    "Shall she reward you with a cookie?"
    He affects curiousity.

    Theres a scuffling sound as the restraints that were applied to him are tested. The strong Kindred makes a good effort on the handcuffs that restrained him, moving in a way to lessen the restriction on his movement that had been arranged when he was placed into the vehicle. He remains restrained.


  4. #4
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar
    Helen Kingsley
    Helen Kingsley Scenes
     Blush!, Blush !, 


    A short while after they come to a halt, another car comes to a stop at the crossroads. Marcus recognizes the Reeve's dark green 70's Dodge pretty quickly. Rauil might as well if he can associate it with her. It is a pretty characteristic car after all. Helen gets out of the car and walks towards the other car. She wears her leather jacket today to conceal some of the things she's brought to the meet that she normally doesn't lug around. Her gun, for one, the stake she brought just in case as well.

    As is, she taps against the window and waits for someone to either lower the window or open the door.

    "Sooo, what do we have here ?"

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  5. #5
    Marcus Roman's Avatar

    Marcus Roman


    Marcus's face remained placid, though his beast raged beneath the surface of his skin as the teenage dirtbag insulted them but he did not respond. He had orders, and orders would be hard to follow if he just ripped the fuck stick's head off. The Roman made ready to move as the unknown kindred struggled against his bonds but then settled back down as he failed to make an escape.

    Then they wait, the silence stretches between the three of them until Helens car pulls into view. Rolling down his window, "An idiot who can't escape that's trying to talk his way into a final sort of situation." Marcus reports to the Reeve. "He just tried to break free, and if he tries it again I'm going to put my nails through his eyes." The Savage growls, making eye contact with the restrained kindred via the rear view mirror.
    Aspect of the Predator

    BP: 3

  6. #6
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    "I take it you are in charge of these two?" The attractive Kindred who appears to have been seventeen or eighteen when Embraced addresses Helen from an awkward physical position where his hands are restrained behind his back.
    "I was merely taking what is ours to take. Those who can hunt, should hunt. I have been hunting here for a bit with apparently none of you the wiser."

    The disgruntled Kindred is clearly an older Kindred. He appears unable to break free of his bonds. As there is a potential Masquerade Breach caused by this individual and he fits a description that some Kindred here know about, some actions should be taken.
    What do you do?

  7. #7
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar
    Helen Kingsley
    Helen Kingsley Scenes
     Blush!, Blush !, 


    "Dammit, guys. I told you to get me that poacher from the park. You clearly ripped Einstein right away from his research."

    She's not really angry at Raul and Marcus, but she pretends to be. A little. Although it's way too obvious she's not really.

    "You know statistics, great. You also know the traditions, tough guy ?"

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  8. #8
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    Raul receives a call and excuses himself. He has left the scene

    "Those who can take, take. The strong conquer. The weak mewl after their betters.

    What have you been doing?"

    He creaks his neck to look up at Helen from his awkward position.
    "Some cattle tried to intervene in my hunt, someone's property. I may have killed the pig." A deep inhale as he looks around.

    "Although I did not see anyone of worth to dispute the discipline. You are in charge here?
    I do wonder if anyone had noticed this hunting of children. They were so flushed with life. I imagine that I should be forced to kneel before someone that you have decided is strong enough to hold the City. Although they will no doubt feel that they must execute me due to the violence.

    Do you ever feel that this is so... Reactive. This domain business that you abide by? You would be much happier feeding.
    It's not as though anyone even noticed what I was doing. "

  9. #9
    Marcus Roman's Avatar

    Marcus Roman


    "So that would make you weak and mewling, since you were conquered right?" Marcus was clearly angered. The strong do conquer, but clearly they had different definitions of what conquering looked like. "Also, no one decides who's strong enough to hold a domain except the one strong enough to hold it." He shook his head, Prince Antionori would vaporize this pest with ease, the Daeva has no idea. "Can we just end him and be done with it Reeve? He's only got two modes, long silences and misplaced philosophy wrapped in insults. Not worth the time to sweep up the ashes."
    Aspect of the Predator

    BP: 3

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  11. #10
    Raul's Avatar
    Raul Scenes


    Exit Scene
    Aspect of the Predator ​● BP 2

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