Raúl's trained gaze takes in the woman before him. His Beast snarls in his ear to tear into this weaker form before him, to spread her blood across the brown leather of the couch, to mar it with her essence. He reigns that urge in, pushing that dark part of him down again.
"Hello, Ms. Dawson. It's a pleasure to meet you," he says, moving into the room when she opens the door wider for him to enter. He looks around the room quickly, barely turning his head as he does so, years of training have him keeping him always observant. "Have you been in the city long?" he inquires as he takes a seat on the couch.
When she indicates the fare she provided, he smiles to her and nods, "I see I'm not the only one who still has a taste for the finer things." He wills more vitae into his withered and dead internal organs, plumping them up in preparation for what's to come. He reaches over to grab a piece of aged cheddar and a pair of blackberries. He gives it a small sniff before popping them into his mouth with a grin.
OOC: Apologies for the long wait. Been a long week of work and getting ready for the incoming storm.