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Roses, and Savages, and Dragons, oh my!

  1. #1
    Rebecca Dawson's Avatar

    Rebecca Dawson
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    (Rebecca Dawson)
    Striking Looks
    Rebecca Dawson

    Vice: Gluttony


    The Kipton Sawyer Hotel has been a landmark of Sacramento. It was centrally located in the downtown right by the Golden 1 Center, The Rose Gardens, The Covention Center, and even the Capitol Building.

    Rebecca had rented out one of the Residences for the month to handle meetings with two specific individuals. Tonight was with Raul Lionell .

    The lighting was pleasant, and the view was spectacular. The Residences boasted a lavish living area, with floor to ceiling windows with enviable views of Sacramento's bussling downtown. The rich leather couches offered a comfortable and intimate sitting area, and on the little table was aboardfilled with meats, cheeses, carmel dip, apple slices and seasonal dried fruits with crackers. A bottle of Duckhorn "Discussion" from the Napa Valley, Chateau Montelena winery was breathing in a crystal decanter. Two large red wine glasses were chilled for them.

    Rebecca dressed fashionably, but not to over the top. This was meeting with another in her covenant. She didn't feel the need, like she would with family, to go over the top in her manner of dress. She wore a lovely sheer butterly applique top with a with a long skirt that had a reflective sheen on it festive for the holidays, a black belt cinched her waist, and her heels were easily 5 inches. Her jewelry was on point tonight. She wore dangling earrings that featured platinum butterflies, and a bracelet of platinum of a dragon encircling her wrist with sapphire eyes. A nod to the covenant they shared.

    Rebecca awaited her guest...
    Willpower: Health:
    BP: 2

  2. #2
    Rebecca Dawson's Avatar

    Rebecca Dawson
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    (Rebecca Dawson)
    Striking Looks
    Rebecca Dawson

    Vice: Gluttony

    (Blush)Vitae 1 Spent

    Willpower: Health:
    BP: 2

  3. #3
    Raul's Avatar
    Raul Scenes

    (Blush)Vitae 1 Spent

    Raúl finds his way to the Kipton Sawyer, to the agreed upon meeting place. He parks his own car rather than valeting it. He's dressed somewhat casually this evening in a dark button-down shirt, stretched nicely over his muscular frame. A pair of dress shoes and a pair of slacks round out the outfit. He's not one to wear much jewelry, though he does have a smart watch on his left wrist. He runs a hand through his dark and unruly mop of hair before he finds his way to the Residence he was informed of. He knocks on the door, steeling himself. He wasn't sure if he'd seen this Dawson at Court recently and not known about, but he expects that a Daeva is going to be more socially nuanced than the Savage is. He's hoping he won't have to dance around too much this evening.

    "Good evening. I'm looking for a Ms. Dawson?" he says in his warm, lightly accented voice once the door is opened.
    Aspect of the Predator ​● BP 2

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  5. #4
    Rebecca Dawson's Avatar

    Rebecca Dawson
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    Rebecca Dawson

    Vice: Gluttony


    Rebecca opened the door and took her first impressions of Raúl. Taking a minute or two to absorb the assault of his beast. She resisted the urge to slam the door in his face. And deadbolt it.

    “Hello Mr. Dominguez.” She paused for a moment and forced her limbs to obey her command and step back and open the door to welcome him. “I have been looking forward to this meeting with you.” She gestured to the couches. “Please, join me.”

    She walked with him to the living room and sat down, one leg going over the other. “Please make yourself comfortable, Mr. Domínguez.” She indicated the food and the wine. “Would you like to partake with me?” She paused and went on to say “I will not be offended if you do not.”
    Willpower: Health:
    BP: 2

  6. #5
    Raul's Avatar
    Raul Scenes

    (Consume Food/Drink)Vitae 1 Spent

    Raúl's trained gaze takes in the woman before him. His Beast snarls in his ear to tear into this weaker form before him, to spread her blood across the brown leather of the couch, to mar it with her essence. He reigns that urge in, pushing that dark part of him down again.

    "Hello, Ms. Dawson. It's a pleasure to meet you," he says, moving into the room when she opens the door wider for him to enter. He looks around the room quickly, barely turning his head as he does so, years of training have him keeping him always observant. "Have you been in the city long?" he inquires as he takes a seat on the couch.

    When she indicates the fare she provided, he smiles to her and nods, "I see I'm not the only one who still has a taste for the finer things." He wills more vitae into his withered and dead internal organs, plumping them up in preparation for what's to come. He reaches over to grab a piece of aged cheddar and a pair of blackberries. He gives it a small sniff before popping them into his mouth with a grin.

    OOC: Apologies for the long wait. Been a long week of work and getting ready for the incoming storm.
    Aspect of the Predator ​● BP 2

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  8. #6
    Rebecca Dawson's Avatar

    Rebecca Dawson
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    Rebecca Dawson

    Vice: Gluttony

    (Consume Food/Drink)Vitae 1 Spent

    She chuckled and the smile she gave him was soft as she watched him. She herself grabbed some cheese and berries, and she stood to pour their wine. She enjoyed hosting and doing little things to make her guests as comfortable as possible. "This wine is one of my favorites. I hope you enjoy it." She filled their glasses, and raised her glass to Raul. "To the start of our acquaintance." She paused before taking a drink. "Cheers." She savored that first drink. She closed her eyes for just a second. Enjoying these small moments while they had them.

    She answered his question then. "No. I have not. I was just acknowledged by Priscus Carmen a bit ago." She paused. "I resided in San Francisco properly under that domain, but spent a lot of time in Marin." She paused and gave a self depricating smirk. "I had a choice of going underground and remaining in the city and adjacent Marin, or moving on with another identity." She chuckled. "I'm Daeva. I didn't wish to go underground and hide myself away for the sake of the Masquerade. Instead I decided to come here." She paused a moment watching him, taking him in. "I was encouraged to come here by the higher ups to help beef up the numbers. I guess you can say, I am on a bit of a recruitment mission. There are enough unaligned here to potentially find someone who has the pre-disposition for the Great Work." She shrugged her shoulders gently. "We will see what unfolds."

    She munched a bit looking thoughtful. "I had been told that our Grand Wyrm was a Kindred named Losh. Priscus Carmen informed me that Losh did not attend a formally called court, and lost acknowledgement in this domain. Have you heard from Losh at all? And if Losh is gone, will you take on the mantle of leadership for our Covenant?" She was quite direct with that one. From her tone it was obvious that she wanted him to say yes, and she simply stated it out loud a moment later. "I want you to say 'yes,' but no one can make you."
    Willpower: Health:
    BP: 2

  9. #7
    Raul's Avatar
    Raul Scenes


    Raul watches as the Rose pours both of their glasses. He lifts his glass in return, a smile appearing on his vaguely European features. "I'll drink to that," he says, nodding. "Salute." He takes a slow sip of the wine, watching Rebecca as she closes her eyes.

    He listens to her explanation of her history, nodding once in a while. "I have visited the Bay area a few times but my most recent residence before Sacramento was Los Angeles. It was... an interesting experience to say the least. Before that, I was on the East Coast." He chuckles softly and nods. "I don't imagine that going underground is a nice prospect for one of your blood. I've had to do it a few times and while necessary, even I didn't enjoy it too much. Well, some.." he adds with a small smirk. He nods at her explanation of what also brought her here for their shared covenant. "I was also encouraged to come here by some the higher ups to look into why this city's Dragon's seemed to disappear all of a sudden and to grow our numbers. We are of a similar mind then."

    He gives a small shrug at the talk of Losh. "He has gone silent to me as well. It is not uncommon for those of us to seclude ourselves away sometimes but usually with some sort of warning. There is another of us among those in the city. Last I heard he was in seclusion, working on a new coil, but you should be able to meet him at the next formal court. I will introduce you to Royce then, if you have not already met him." Then comes the talk he was waiting for and also dreading. "We would have to discuss it with Royce when he is available. He is a philosopher and would be more suited, but as of the last time we spoke, he did not want the title of leader for the City. If he still does not wish it, I would be willing to take the mantle. Your letter did not indicate, so I ask now, are you among the Sworn?"
    Aspect of the Predator ​● BP 2

  10. #8
    Rebecca Dawson's Avatar

    Rebecca Dawson
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    Rebecca Dawson

    Vice: Gluttony


    “What about beyond the Bay? Did you cross the Golden Gate over to Marin County?” She asked curiously. “Some of your blood would request hunting rights there to roam the unspoiled wilderness preserves.” She paused and smiled. “I am just curious. It is quite beautiful beyond the ritzy area of Mill Valley, Tiburon and Belvedere areas. You get into Novato and beyond to Santa Rosa, and then the Napa Valley.”

    She grinned when he mentioned L.A. “Ohhh ho ho. Better you than I. I would get in so much trouble in that city.” She chuckled wickedly. She nodded in agreement with him and smiled. “I went to great lengths to avoid it as long as I could, but eventually there is no more hiding. I was far too old to carry on there in any capacity. I already had three identities there.” She attacked the berries and had some of the salami. She raised an eyebrow at the East Coast comment. “That’s not that surprising. You like a New Yorker, or maybe New Jersey.” She grinned at him.
    “You got that look.” She teased with a dazzling smile.

    She watched him shrug. No love lost there then. “Has there been any conflicts between the covenants here?” she asked. She listened closely to what he said. Showing she was actively listening to him by leaning forward, and maintaining good eye contact. “I have not met Royce. That sounds like the next move for us then.” She nodded slowly and dropped her head a little to her shoulder showing she would see the leadership thing his way. “You have been here longer than I have. I will of course defer to your judgment.”

    She shook her head. “No. I am not one of the Sworn.” A slow smile formed on her lips as she spoke. “I am afraid you outrank me. Which automatically puts leadership in your hands.” She fake pouted at him for a moment. “I promise I am not that much of a handful!” She even placed both hands, cupped over her heart for emphasis.
    Willpower: Health:
    BP: 2

  11. #9
    Raul's Avatar
    Raul Scenes


    Raul shakes his head after she's done describing the area. "Can't say that I have. Saw the Golden Gate though." He nods at the talk of hunts held out there. "Sounds intriguing. Might have to look into it," he says, thinking that it would be interesting to hunt the most dangerous game out there too.

    He nods and laughs softly. "The City of Angels holds much trouble, both for Kindred and Kine." He smiles and nods. "It got a bit too much, even for me." He blinks slightly at the talk of the East Coast and her mention of the Big Apple. He laughs after a moment, a hint of nervousness to it. "Got it in one. I was born and raised in Brooklyn."

    He shakes his head. "Not in the time that I've been here. The Prince is fairly clear on wanting to have a Domain where all are welcome, as long as they abide by the laws set forth." He internally sighs as it looks more and more like the mantle of leadership will indeed fall onto his shoulders. "I will arrange a meeting soon. Perhaps we can get you up to the Chapterhouse for that meeting and let you see what we are dealing with."

    He can't help but smirk at her playful fake pout and nods. "I have yet to meet one of your blood that wasn't at least a handful. Usually it's a pleasant handful, but.." he says with a soft chuckle.
    Aspect of the Predator ​● BP 2

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  13. #10
    Rebecca Dawson's Avatar

    Rebecca Dawson
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    Rebecca Dawson

    Vice: Gluttony


    Rebecca watched him get a little taken back by what she’d observed. The intensity in her expression was the moment when she realized that. “Forgive me, Mr. Dominguez. I didn’t mean to get so nosey straight out of the gate. If I have made you uncomfortable, I sincerely apologize.” The apology was made with no qualifiers, buts, or some other nonsense about how it's somehow the other person’s fault for feeling uncomfortable.

    He worded that in an interesting way. She mulled it over a minute or two before verbalizing her thoughts. “What I am about to be dealing with. That is an interesting way of putting it.” She held up a finger and took a big gulp of her red wine before continuing. “Can I throw money at it?” It was worth a shot.

    She arched one eyebrow and her smile stepped up a notch. “Smooth with the flirt.” She noted taking another sip of wine. “You are right of course.” She wagged a finger at him. “Don’t get smug on me.” She teased laughing aloud for a second. “Hooo boy. I can tell I am going to enjoy our conversations.” Oh thank god he wasn’t uptight!
    Willpower: Health:
    BP: 2

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