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(2409) Gathering Chatter

11 - 15
Sep 1, 2024 : (2409) Eternal Court
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  1. #11
    Marcus Roman's Avatar

    Marcus Roman


    "Service is the way." The Roman said nodding in agreement. "I'm sure you're talents will see more use than mine, this domain feels like one that appreciates the subtle which I will have to learn I suppose. What kind of services would you like to offer? Hacking was all the rage in the 90's maybe start a...oh not think tank...egg chamber?...no...Incubation House?" Marcus was sure the right word was in there somewhere. "You know, other coders all living and working under the same roof."
    Aspect of the Predator

    BP: 3

  2. #12
    Benedikta Grey's Avatar
    Public: Bayley Smith
    New Identity
    (Bayley Smith)
    (Vampire Couriers)
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Benedikta Grey
    Benedikta Grey Scenes


    There is a shrug.

    "I wouldn't be so sure, Mr. Roman,"
    she said, "Every Domain has its enemies and issues that require a more... martial approach. I suspect that if we both play our cards as we should, we will be quite busy, given time."

    Musing for a moment, Benedikta considers her thoughts.

    "Like you, I have a certain inclination for building or repairing things, so I would like to develop that further by affording services as a craftswoman of sorts. Particularly, I have an interest in automobiles and a burgeoning interest in firearms and other gadgets," she explained, "However, my greatest strength is indeed in computers. I started to build my little egg of wealth through hacking endeavors and have remained informed of developing tech in that regard. As you may know, it is more difficult to pull off large scale projects through hacking these days. Many facilities that could prove the most profitable to attack or which boast useful information have long since seen the sense in hiring system administrators. Often times, what a hacker can gain from an attack is no longer worth the risks or the headache. Still... small banks and companies exist and their budget for cybersecurity is much smaller."

    Benny soon understood she was rambling and brought herself back to the present.

    "In any case, I also intend to offer my services as a cybersecurity specialist. I'm certain the Domain has need of it."

  3. #13
    Marcus Roman's Avatar

    Marcus Roman


    "Hoping for chaos are we?" He gave a playful smile. "Also I do not know. Computers might as well be sorcery. I can get my phone to work most of the time but that's all I've really found need for...clearly you have an impressive set of skills but hey, if you've got the cyber security I can provide the physical side of things if you ever need a business partner."

    Sorry for the wait, it took me like 2 hours to make two posts last night and I just kind of gave up >.>
    Aspect of the Predator

    BP: 3

  4. #14
    Benedikta Grey's Avatar
    Public: Bayley Smith
    New Identity
    (Bayley Smith)
    (Vampire Couriers)
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Benedikta Grey
    Benedikta Grey Scenes


    Benny shrugged at the talk of chaos.

    "As a courier, I've learned to hope for the best and prepare for the worst," she answered, "The reality is our Danse as a collective is a lot more... complicated when compared to our time as Kine. Whether that's poachers, cattle who know too much, or other Domains trying to muscle in, there are always threats. I'd rather be over-prepared for them than have no way forward at all."

    Then the Shadow smiled at the Savage's offer to back her up in her pursuits.

    "Worth considering, I'll bear that in mind," she said, "At any rate, I need to make a name for myself first before I make moves to offer my services to higher officials. While I respect the balls of our newest Rose, I'd rather not risk ruffling the Prince's feathers until I prove to the Domain that I'm a Kindred of quality. Prudence has worked for me well in the past and I aim to have it serve me here as well."

  5. #15
    Marcus Roman's Avatar

    Marcus Roman


    Marcus nodded in agreement with Benny about being prepared. "I've found it's only as complicated as what we choose to engage in, but it can be so engaging." Once more the Roman nodded in agreement about the Prince. "Absolutely. I know my place as a soldier, it's not to approach the Empress unless ordered or invited..." He pulls out his phone and checks the time. "Well, it has yet again been wonderful to talk Benedikta" He said in that not quite Italian accent. He had a few ripped pieces of paper in his pocket, pulling them out and picking one which his phone number was written, then slides the paper across the table "Feel free to reach out any time, I think things are winding down here and so for me the next move is to head out before the sun starts to rise." The Savage waits a beat to see if Benny had anything else she wanted to say, but if not he would get up and start to make an exit.
    Aspect of the Predator

    BP: 3

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