He nodded to Guru with a look of respect. “Very nice, certainly better then some of my performances of late. A nice line for a run ey? Sounds exciting if it has good views be sure to tell me about it.” He gives guru a thumbs up of encouragement, if the roles were reversed he would feel that any encouragement would perk up his day.

He looks towards Skye's board and laughs to himself. “Well then I am glad to hear it is safe and you are bound by laws to be safe then.” Nodding to Skyes words of treats for the big meeting. “Yes I intend to give it a try to make something but I am no cook, so we shall see what happens. I make no promises to what I bring.” He laughs to himself as he knows if it goes bad he could buy something for them all.

“Ahh of course, rubbing alcohol now that is smart to use. I should try that on some of my stained clothes and see if it works as well.” taking the water with a smile. “Thank you very much.”

As the meat of the meeting began he braced himself for the unfinished questions and topics that were to be brought up, he was prepared for some but he could not predict all that could be spoken about today. He first listened to Aurora's question and made a move to speak before Skye interjects and then allows her to continue before he answered. He paused and waited for anyone else to speak up, and looked towards guru in case he had any interest as he currently chewed on something he had grabbed. “Well now that I have had some time to think on the matter, I do have some thoughts. Last we all spoke I did not mention my feelings as I knew that the idea of a provost was potentially a little ways off so didn't feel it urgent to talk about it so soon. Now however given the feedback from other members of the group and yourself for stating your intent on the role, I feel it would be best for me to not pursue the role currently. My reasoning being that as Aurora stated that I am new and unknown to the group and the circle as a whole, and that I feel the important steps for me currently are to improve my relations with other members. While I was considering it for a bit, I know that I must pass on the occasion for the time being and perhaps pursue the role at a later date if it becomes bothersome to yourself or whoever is in the role.” He gives a warm smile to all of the room, showing confidence in his words and that he was not disheartened by the last conversation that they had on the matter. “I should be glad to hear your proposition, allow me to answer Aurora's question quickly and I shall be happy to give you all ears.” Turning to Aurora and taking a moment to remember her question to him. “Firstly I am glad I did not drive you off with the way I spoke before, it is reassuring to hear. My reasoning was simple and maybe a little ambitious, but I liked to think that I could have been beneficial for the role and of course to show that I was ready to commit myself into doing my part for the circle. On a more personal wavelength tho' I did want to use it as a means to engage other members of the circle, and seek a means to communicate with others and network in some way. I know that being a councillor is a big role to play and it is important but I felt, if uncontested, It could have been a good move for me as a whole to make myself known to all. I do understand and see your point of view however that you know little about me and I respect that, after all we have only our words currently to rely on with regards to safety in the circle. I hope in the coming months that I can open up a bit for you all to see what I am like. Skye certainly has helped make it easier to come out of my shell and speak a little openly about myself in the new setting, so I have her to thank for the confidence. If you would like to know anything please feel free to ask as well?” He opens his water and begins to drink a little.