Otto couldn't resist chiming in at Alicia's comments. "I think that's oversimplifying things. Eagles are only loosely associated with Abrahamic religion. Lions, lambs, and even snakes in the case of Moses, appear more often in scripture. Even then, they tend to be more symbolic than how pagan cults assigned sacred animals to specific gods." The small sense of smug satisfaction he felt was quickly washed away as he realized how it didn't quite keep 'in-character.' At least I kept myself from taking jabs at the Circle.

The Lord rapidly drummed his fingers in a display of nervous energy, only partly for show. "At least, I remembered reading something like that in a book the other week. Maybe I got a few details wrong." He didn't seem interested in jumping into the discussion about the tome, and while he was certainly tempted to keep speaking about the reliability of holy artifacts, the Priest thought better of it at that point.

"Yeah, I'm fine taking the lead. Though, if I'm struggling, feel free to chime in." He didn't really want to invite interference, but after nearly slipping into a theology lecture, he tried to lean away from what he was really thinking.