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Seneschal's Office: Appointed time

Week I Week II Week III Week IV
  1. #1

    As the time agreed between Ms. Grey and Jennifer approached, preparations have been made. A dark-haired ghoul in a tailored suit waits outside of the closed door to the Seneschal's office. Most Kindred should recognize Liam, the Seneschal’s ghoul. He quietly stands by to admit the guest, Ms. Grey, to the office.

    Jennifer's office was decorated in high quality dark wood pieces. A large book case presided over the room with a variety of books which included classic English and Italian literature. A large and well laid out desk faced the door with a straight-backed chair in Jennifer's place. Two comfortable arm chairs faced the desk. The desk had been cleared of any paperwork and was neat. A keen eye could see a gift that Priscus Jack had given Jennifer in prime place of honor on the desk.
    Jennifer sat behind her desk, awaiting Ms. Grey.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

  2. #2
    Benedikta Grey's Avatar
    Public: Bayley Smith
    New Identity
    (Bayley Smith)
    (Vampire Couriers)
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Benedikta Grey


    Benny arrived promptly at the expected time.

    Tonight was about business and Benny was dressed for it... with a dash of fun. Tonight's ensemble included a dark magenta colored velvet suit, with a sheer black shirt, and a pair of fun spiky heels. In her right hand she carried a notepad, a little black book, and a pen. Her smartphone was likewise on her person, tucked in one of the pant pockets with the top just barely visible, though it was turned off.

    Arriving to the door and seeing Liam, Benny would greet him, offer her name, and speak of her appointment. Whenever the ghoul let her in, Benny would enter before bowing to the Seneschal in respect for her station. Then, with the formality done, Benny would right herself and offer the Haunt a smile.

    "Good evening, Lady Seneschal."

  3. #3

    The attire choices were open. Ms. Grey was not Invictus and therefore, would not expect Jennifer to adhere to the Florentine Code. Jennifer was dressed less formal than she would be at Court. Care was taken to be presentable in order to show respect. Jennifer wore a brown suit. Jennifer wore the two rings that she considered the Nosferatu ring and the diamond ring.

    "Ms. Grey." Jennifer greeted formally with a Cursed voice that slithered deeply into her words. The seneschal stood and with her dark brown eyes indicated the comfortable seats.
    "Please, have a seat."
    Jennifer reclaimed her seat and smoothed the fabric of her suit in a lady - like fashion.

    Brown eyes light on Ms. Grey's face.
    "I imagine that you had some things that you wished to do after the Literature salon."
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

  4. #4
    Benedikta Grey's Avatar
    Public: Bayley Smith
    New Identity
    (Bayley Smith)
    (Vampire Couriers)
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Benedikta Grey


    With a nod, Benedikta took the seat as instructed, settling in and crossing her legs. Benny did not smooth the fabric of her suit, her seating far more casual in form, but, even if the two of them seemed to get along quite well, the Carthian was a different Beast than the Invictus who had requested her audience.

    "Oh, yes," she said, "I've been taking the time to brush up on my knowledge and looking to expand it... That reminds me, I'm happy to return your notebook, would Court in [date] be an agreeable time?"

    As she asked, the Shadow turned the cover of the notebook, revealing a blank, clean page.

    "It is my understanding you have an item you wish to send to another Domain,"
    the Mekhet offered, providing the Haunt the opening to get straight to business should she wish.

  5. #5

    “Good. Have you committed that the invaders were most likely Rotgraften? I have decided that makes the most sense. It has made me consider how the Bloodline was ideal for the invasion.
    Yes, that date is a good date to return the journal to me.”

    Jennifer noted Ms. Grey’s behavior. Jennifer wore a thoughtful expression for a moment. The Nosferatu looked at the Mekhet closely. There was a great deal of history behind Jennifer’s motivations. The pressure to make the contact now was there and yet Jennifer would not be reckless. The Notary considered Ms. Grey for a long moment. A bit of trust would be extended and then what happened after that would determine the future decisions.

    “Yes, I have a need to send an item of great importance to me to another Domain. It is a letter.” Jennifer paused and considered thoughtfully.
    “The recipients of the letter and I have a great deal of history with one another. All Kindred involved are members of the First Estate. The letter is very important to me as it could affect the actions of others in the Domain of St. Louis. It is important that no one but the recipient view the contents of the letter. The recipient is Priscus Garreth Slade, Lord Notary of the First Estate of St. Louis.
    Priscus Slade is Successor of the House of the Blue Convolvulus.”

    The eyes are looking at Ms. Grey expectantly.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

  6. #6
    Benedikta Grey's Avatar
    Public: Bayley Smith
    New Identity
    (Bayley Smith)
    (Vampire Couriers)
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Benedikta Grey


    "Given what you and Reeve Kingsley shared, I am willing to defer to your collective wisdom on that matter," Benny admitted, "I don't know as much about the Rotgrafen as I would like, so I cannot formulate an informed rejection of them as the invaders."

    As the Seneschal spoke, the Shadow began to make notes, including the object to be transferred and the recipient. She nodded silently as the Haunt spoke of Slade's connection to the Invictus, noting both the Covenant and the House of the Blue Convolvulus. Mulling it over she added that he was a Successor of the House.

    Looking up, the Mekhet met the Seneschal's gaze.

    "Successor as in the heir, I'm guessing?" she said, "If so, I'll make note of the need for respect, but I cannot guarantee the courier will be able to satisfy all the nuances of your covenant. Most couriers are not of the First Estate, in my experience. I may not be able to track one down that boasts an affiliation with the Invictus."

    It was best to be honest. Concessions would need to be made by the receiving party in respect to the courier's conduct, but Benny would do what she could to ensure the courier would conduct themselves respectfully enough.

    "As for the letter, I won't bother asking the content. I don't see any reason to intrude on your privacy,"
    Benny continued before glancing back down to the notepad, "Do you have any reason to suspect that there are parties who may wish for your letter to not reach St. Louis? If so, what dangers can the courier expect? If you know the parties who may interfere, please state them. This question is used to assess whether further security measures will need to be taken into account, which will, naturally, increase the fees needed to ensure safe transportation."

  7. #7

    "It is understandable. All that I learned was during moments of intense stress due to thier invasion of Sacramento. I shall be looking for deeper understanding at the first opportunity." Jennifer confided.

    Jennifer observed the note taking. As a someone who utilized note taking and maintaining elaborate journals, she approved of this practice. It did give Jennifer a sense that Ms. Grey was concerned with remembering all that Jennifer was sharing with Ms. Grey.
    "That is a role that has great meaning within the Invictus. The formation of such institutions is uncommon. A successor is seen with respect, and by virtue of such a long or valued Danse, should conduct themselves accordingly with those outside of the Covenant. I will not expect a courier to be one who is affiliated with the Invictus.”

    The experience within Sacramento had made Jennifer more comfortable with not expecting Invictus tenants to be known when socializing with others in domain events.
    “I am unsure if there would be parties who do not wish for my letter to reach its final destination. One would likely surmise that it deals with Invictus matters. The only one who would be concerned would be one greatly opposed to the Invictus.” Jennifer proposed. “The only Kindred who seems to have made up an issue with me is the same Kindred who you spoke to me of. I refer to the information that you gave me about Priscus Carmen condemning you for what she assumed was the public backing of Neville Godwin.
    The only dangers I would imagine would be those vehemently opposed to the First Estate.”
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

  8. #8
    Benedikta Grey's Avatar
    Public: Bayley Smith
    New Identity
    (Bayley Smith)
    (Vampire Couriers)
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Benedikta Grey


    The Shadow nodded as Jennifer spoke of looking into the matter of the invaders further when the time arose.

    "Then I look forward to assisting when able,"
    she offered, "No reason for you to face the challenge alone."

    Benny would note Priscus Slade's position within the Invictus, underlying the need for social niceties and emphasizing the importance of a socially adept courier.

    "Good to hear,"
    she said, her eyes shifting from her notebook and back to the Haunt as she relayed her understanding that Invictus couriers were quite rare, "Nonetheless, I'll do my best to ensure the courier is one of my more socially conscious allies. They'll play nice, I'm sure, but they just may not know all the intricacies. So long as you and the recipient expect that, we're good."

    Benedikta's gaze remained on Jennifer as the conversation turned to potential enemies. A common thorn between the pair surfaced. The Priscus of the Daeva had publicly mocked the Clan of Shadows on more than one occasion and personally attacked Benny herself on the matter of Mr. Godwin. Naturally, given what she had observed thus far, Benny had very little reason to suspect that Priscus Carmen was keeping her thoughts to herself.

    "Yes... well. I've made my thoughts on the illustrious Priscus known to you," she admitted, a small amount of disdain creeping into her voice and expression, "I'll admit I'm curious about the slight she has leveled against you... However, given her own struggles as of late, I think we can both agree it would be foolish on Priscus Carmen's part to interfere. Nonetheless... I will instruct the courier to avoid dealing with the local Daeva while they are here."

    Clearing her throat, Benny would return to the matter at hand.

    "Now, as for the package, letter delivery is very common practice, as you know,"
    she said, relaxing back into her chair and placing the notepad and pen in her lap, "As for accomodations for the courier..."

    Benny fished out her phone, turning it on and looking up flights, road travel, and the like.

    "Hmm... well with daylight as it is, I suspect a courier traveling by road will need three nights, especially if they don't have a ghoul and are avoiding routes through other larger Domains,"
    she mused, "If they have a ghoul and things go well, maybe a day and a half. Alternatively, if we are able to safeguard the courier's vehicle, we can send them via plane, preferably via a private charter for a round trip, but that expense will naturally be more, given the need to buy a flight in addition to the courier's fee. Moreover, the schedule will be more tight, as Priscus Slade will need to be punctual in order for the courier to return to the airport and get back here."

    Pressing her fingers together, Benny would continue.

    "I figure if you go the overland route, the courier will likely want temporary feeding rights both here and in St. Louis, alongside the usual promises of safety the rights to travel through both Domains. Couriers still need to feed, after all,"
    Benny said, "In this case, we will need to work with both Domains to secure these rights once a courier is selected in order for the best chance of success. If we do a private flight, I imagine feeding rights only in Sacramento and securing the right and the rights of travel here and St. Louis will likely be sufficient."

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