It was a rarity that Kindred spoke with their own words in the oath, one that Jack appreciated so long as it covered what was needed. He nodded, accepting the oath as stated and the laws of the Domain back into his possession.

"Then as Priscus of the Kings of Sacramento I hereby acknowledge you in this Domain," he responded in kind. Another Ventrue's story begins, but how will this chapter unfold?

"Faith?" He asked, almost amused with the perspective. It was certainly one way of viewing it but he would have pinned it more as delegation. He knocked on the barrier behind him before continuing, "There are simply expectations that are held from those who serve. This... faith is not blind."

"If I may offer a suggestion..."
he lingered for just a breath, "The Seneschal may be the best to speak with next regarding access to the Moore House. It's an old funeral home that notable Lancea of the city have used for years."