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DYLF: Night Hawk Burrow

Oct 13, 2023 : PRP: Die Young Live fast: The Lounge
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  1. #21
    ReubanBrightwood's Avatar

    Verity Carmen Scenes
      Get her point across, ExitScene
      Catching up blush narrated in last post
     Blush, Awe

    Initiative = 13

    Initative order: Hercules 13, Philip 12, Witch 7, Corn 7

    Quick for a bulky guy the gym bro leaps forward to grab at the defenceless witch.

    Grapple 4 successes

    Getting a strong grip on her shoulders.

    Reuban Brigh

  2. #22
    Philip Crosen's Avatar
    Gear and Stats

    (In DYLF: Night Hawk Base):
    Gear: backpack with: 1 L plastic water bottle, lighter, cigarette pack, can of hairspray, hair comb, order-tool-slash-phone, first aid kit, wallet
    Total spells: 4/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 4/2 (Fortunes Protection, Sibyls Sight, Shifting the odds, Quantum Flux)
    Stats 2

    Base: Mana:
    Spells: (in FP:UL: Winter)): 3/6, on person: 3/2: (Fortunes Protection(FP), Perfect Moment, Exceptional Luck)
    (in Squeaky Choir (SQ): Nearest Building): 6/6 spells (on person 6/2): (FP, Sybils Sight, Gain Skill, Exceptional Luck, Pulse of the Living World, Quantum Flux)
    (in Ley Line/Hallows(LLHF40)): 3/6 spells, 3/2 on person: (FP, Sybils Sight, Exceptional Luck)
    0/6 Spells and 0/2 Spells on person in Consilium
    Armor: 4 (FP, SQ, DYLF, LLHF40) Defense: 3 , Speed 10
    Nimbus: Green objects within 10 yards of him become sharper, more focused, and brighter.
    On vulgar casting, the accentuated green objects become even brighter and glow in the dark.

    (Evil Eye + WP)Mana 1 Willpower Spent

    Evil Eye
    penalizes target's rolls

    Noticing the guy attacking Witch, he felt almost powerless to act from his current position. The guy was apparently holding Darren hostage and now he`d made a grave mistake raising his hand at Witch. And so, despite his low mana and his contagion problem, he decided to act anyway, and cast his Evil Eye on the interloper, giving it his all to assist Witch and hinder the guy attacking her.
    Evil Eye, 1 suxx followed by 7 fail dice, contagion -2 and not -3

    Furious, he shouted, "Get off her!"
    at whoever was attacking Witch as he attempted to curse them. Getting out had taken a back seat in his mind. First, that guy needed to be taught a lesson. If needed with his hairspray flamethrower he knew he was dragging along, along with everything else he was carrying. But he knew it was not the time for that. Not yet. They needed to get in position first. But escape was also far from his mind. After all, he was an Awakened and not some whimp that turned and fled from every thug. He just hoped the guy didn`t carry a gun though, like the guy at the lounge did.

    Potency [1]Evil Eye, contagion remains 4/2 because Evil Eye is cast on Hercules, if successful total spells active are now 5/6.
    spells, effects and gear

    (in DYLF: Night Hawk Burrow)Mana: Willpower: Health:
    (Fortunes Protection, Sybils Sight, Shifting the Odds, Quantum Flux) Speed: 10, Defense 3, Armor 4 (because of FP)

  3. #23
    Witch's Avatar

    The warmth of a campfire, shadows softening at their edges, the smell of woodsmoke in the air.

    When vulgar, it's the heat of a pyre, the air darkening with ash, the smell of burning flesh.

    Armor 0
    Defense 3

    Active Spells: 3/4
    Personal Spells: 2

    PRP: DYLF - Grim Sight
    PRP: DYLF - Alter Raiment
    PRP: DYLF - Shadow Sculpting


    2 successes

    Penalty is Hercules' strength. With 1 or 2, she got 2 successes. With 3, she got 1 success. With 4+ she is still grappled, and the following actions do not happen.

    Gym bro. Aggressive gym bro. The only thing missing either some toxic masculinity BS or something misogynistic. But honestly, even without those, she was pissed.

    Twisting in his arms just enough to give her space, she brought the grill still gripped in her hands up as sharply as she could.

    2 successes

    Equipment & Stuff

    Plot items: Keys, journal, phone

    Active spells: Grim Sight
    Active spells: Alter Raiment
    Active spells: Shadow Sculpting
    Willpower [/spoiler]

  4. #24
    Corn's Avatar
    Status (academic)

    Nimbus: Light purple aura and a scent of freshly dug earth after a rain.
    Status (Academics) 1.

    (Gain Skill)Mana 1 Spent

    Corn was getting annoyed by these guys. Yet, they were Sleepers and that significantly limited what he could do to them. He could open Darren's handcuffs to get another body but Darren had already seen enough of the supernatural as is. How much simpler would that be if Mothisha was on the wheel, so there would be no witnesses to his magic. But Mothisha was not, at the time, possessing Darren, so it would be two sleepers.
    He couldn't shoot as there could be enough gas trapped in here to ignite, although this is unlikely but Corn didn't take that chance either.

    Thus, readjusting his senses to no longer feel Darren, Corn prepared to fight a bit better than he did the previous time (Gain Skill, brawl).

    Gain skill as rote, 2S

    Thus prepared, he called to Witch
    "Let me through!"

    If Corn can move forward, squeeze out from the small space, he would, but I doubt there's enough room - unless the guy was pushed back by the blow.

    Corn was not aware of this area when he cleared the methane, so it was not in his imago. Thus, I think he is not sure at the time whether there's methane trapped here or it escaped out - unless the ST thinks Corn would know.

    spells and effects

    For scene effects, see Minisheet. No monthly rituals at this time.
    Occult 4 because Mysterium is about the knowledge!

  5. #25
    ReubanBrightwood's Avatar

    Verity Carmen Scenes
      Get her point across, ExitScene
      Catching up blush narrated in last post
     Blush, Awe

    Philip manages to make manifest his will and curse the man grabbing witch with the evil eye a tried and tested way to bring ruin to those who wish him ill.

    Corn readies for a fight, subtle adjusting muscles and nerves to have greater skill in hand to hand combat, but finds himself stuck and blocked by Witch ahead of him in the crawl space and Philip behind.

    Witch for her skill and effectiveness finds herself out matched by raw force, the simple brutish ability to cause physical harm keep her held.

    The man himself staggers and struggles for grip as Witch and Philips spell seek to prohibit him.

    Maintain grapple 1 success

    Even with this he holds witch's shoulders as the two struggle around the grate and he exerts force down twists trying to knock her head into the solid earthen wall.

    "How many?" He is all he grunts out through the efforts.

    Damage witch 2 successes

    Witch takes 2 bashing damage

    Reuban Brigh

  6. #26
    Philip Crosen's Avatar
    Gear and Stats

    (In DYLF: Night Hawk Base):
    Gear: backpack with: 1 L plastic water bottle, lighter, cigarette pack, can of hairspray, hair comb, order-tool-slash-phone, first aid kit, wallet
    Total spells: 4/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 4/2 (Fortunes Protection, Sibyls Sight, Shifting the odds, Quantum Flux)
    Stats 2

    Base: Mana:
    Spells: (in FP:UL: Winter)): 3/6, on person: 3/2: (Fortunes Protection(FP), Perfect Moment, Exceptional Luck)
    (in Squeaky Choir (SQ): Nearest Building): 6/6 spells (on person 6/2): (FP, Sybils Sight, Gain Skill, Exceptional Luck, Pulse of the Living World, Quantum Flux)
    (in Ley Line/Hallows(LLHF40)): 3/6 spells, 3/2 on person: (FP, Sybils Sight, Exceptional Luck)
    0/6 Spells and 0/2 Spells on person in Consilium
    Armor: 4 (FP, SQ, DYLF, LLHF40) Defense: 3 , Speed 10
    Nimbus: Green objects within 10 yards of him become sharper, more focused, and brighter.
    On vulgar casting, the accentuated green objects become even brighter and glow in the dark.


    Evil Eye
    penalizes target's rolls

    With his evil eye apparently not sufficiently hindering the attacker, Philip was out of ideas and quite drained of mana. He needed more leverage against the attacker and that just wasn`t happening, blocked by Witch and Corn. But Philip also felt it curious that Mr. Grentheme apparently cared so little for his apparent friend- that seemed to be attacking Witch, while holding Darren hostage inside this evil lair- that he apparently hadn`t been given the memo about the gas leak. Instead, his huffed `how many` seemed more like a threat than anything else- something Philip considered quite inappropriate under the circumstances, unless the dude believed himself to be safe from a gas explosion where he was- assuming he knew. So, knowing he was blocked by Corn, Philip decided to exit the tunnel, looking to attempt to engage the guy from the other direction. As he did, he said:
    "I`ll be back."
    Looking to assure his friends he was not abandoning them, while threatening the attacker.

    Potency [0]Evil Eye (potency spent), contagion remains 4/2 because Evil Eye is cast on Hercules.
    spells, effects and gear

    (in DYLF: Night Hawk Burrow)Mana: Willpower: Health:
    (Fortunes Protection, Sybils Sight, Shifting the Odds, Quantum Flux) Speed: 10, Defense 3, Armor 4 (because of FP)

  7. #27
    Witch's Avatar

    The warmth of a campfire, shadows softening at their edges, the smell of woodsmoke in the air.

    When vulgar, it's the heat of a pyre, the air darkening with ash, the smell of burning flesh.

    Armor 0
    Defense 3

    Active Spells: 3/4
    Personal Spells: 2

    PRP: DYLF - Grim Sight
    PRP: DYLF - Alter Raiment
    PRP: DYLF - Shadow Sculpting

    ()Willpower 1 Spent


    Even she didn't know if the response was to Corn, the guy holding her, or Philip.

    If she wasn't busy being smashed against a wall Hulk style she might be able to consider and identify. As it was, she was (as mentioned) ... busy.

    4 successes

    3 successes

    Equipment & Stuff

    Plot items: Keys, journal, phone

    Active spells: Grim Sight
    Active spells: Alter Raiment
    Active spells: Shadow Sculpting

  8. #28
    Corn's Avatar
    Status (academic)

    Nimbus: Light purple aura and a scent of freshly dug earth after a rain.
    Status (Academics) 1.


    Witch actually seems to have the situation well at hand - literally.
    Without access to much, all Corn can do is try to give Witch a hand. Flashlight in hand, he tries to use the beam to strike at the eyes and distract / blind the Gym bro at an opportune time to help Witch.
    1 success

    "You got this!" he says in encouragement. And well, if she doesn't she would leave Gym bro at a bad enough condition for Corn to tackle, assuming Mothisha doesn't intervene first.

    I don't know what I should roll for that, the point is to give him a penalty or Witch a bonus.
    So, I went with Dex (seems appropriate) + Athletics (aiming and throwing things) -3 (targeting his face) and +1 equipment bonus. I didn't remove his defense.
    If the flashlight does not have a +1 to illuminate someone's face or there are other penalties... this is a chance die, so the 9 is a failure.
    spells and effects

    For scene effects, see Minisheet. No monthly rituals at this time.
    Occult 4 because Mysterium is about the knowledge!

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