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The Watchstanders

Week I Week II Week III Week IV
  1. #1
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar
    Helen Kingsley


    The door to the Reeve's office is found open. The inside has a dark wood decor. A small table and a number of chairs are in front of the desk, one wall holds what looks like a cross between a bulletin board and a whiteboard and somebody has plastered most walls with maps of Sacramento and the greater city area. Some of those maps have needles with heads in different colours sticking in them, some of those connected by coloured threads or pencil markings, some pinning pictures or photos to locations. On the desk are a phone, a neat small pile of exercise books as well as a typewriter, a rolodex and a tin coffee box with the butts of several pencils sticking out. There's also a picture frame on the desk, but it only shows its back to the visitor. The Reeve awaits her visitors already sitting at the table in front of her desk, the chair on its hind legs, She's in jeans and trainers, wearing a turquoise t-shirt tonight. Hidden beneath the actual issue of the 'Sacramento Bee'.

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  2. #2
    Otto Schneider's Avatar
    Status (Lancea Sanctum)
    Otto Schneider

    Otto Schneider does not look like a priest at first glance. He shares his clan's tendency to overdress and one could be forgiven for assuming he is on his way to a meeting of the board. But despite this outward appearance he speaks with a conviction that is only found in true believers. His gaze is intense and seems to refuse to soften to match the rest of his expression at any given moment, appearing as though he's staring daggers at someone even while he grins.
    Favored Scripture

    "To all you who read this prophecy, you share in my curse; hear these words, and take them and make them your own, and you are Sanctified."
    -Book of Eschaton 1:8
    Otto Schneider Scenes
     Blush of Life
     Blush of Life, Dominate - Command, Book-keeping for prior roll


    Otto Schneider strolled through the open door into the Reeve's office. He was wearing a rather bland, black suit and matching tie. There was the distinct impression that, at least in the Ventrue's mind, this was 'casual' attire. The letter requesting his assistance had been a surprise to the Priest; he was one of the more recent arrivals to the city and they had only briefly interacted in Court. Nevertheless, when one of the Prince's appointed officers made a request, few Kindred would consider declining. At least not if they valued the opinions of those in power.

    The Beast was thankfully docile as he made his way inside, cowed in part by the familiarity of the Reeve and their surroundings. Taking a seat in one of the arrayed chairs and folding his hands in his lap, Otto offered a greeting. "Good evening, Reeve Kingsley. I take it we are waiting for others to join us?" His tone was casual, though his expression was neutral.
    Health - | Willpower - | Vitae - | BP: 2

    Haunting Ch.2 - | Willpower - | Vitae -

  3. #3
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar
    Helen Kingsley


    "Guten Abend, Herr Schmidt. (Good evening, Mr Schmidt) Sorry, thats about as much as I can still scrape together and use in polite society, been some time. But yeah, we're waiting for the others for now."

    Helen does not appear from behind that newspaper in any way, shape or form, but remains hidden behind it. The way she holds it, on purpose.

    "Leaves some time for the fun bits, though. Now, with you following the teachings of Longinus, I thought you'd be good enough with talking to people, or at least talking at people that I could use that for general gain. I also like to get a closer look at greenies, especially those from your particular covenant. And let's be fair, bonus points with management are always nice, no ? That bit always gets me wondering with folks. As in, do they have any marketable skills that carry over well to fanger life, or am I dealing with the people who're shit out of luck in that regard. So, aknything fun or exciting you learned or did for a living back in the sunny days, padre ?"

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  4. #4
    Marcus Roman's Avatar
    Marcus Roman


    Marcus made his way to the Nox as requested, excited for some work. He strolled into the Nox wearing a black t-shirt with the sleeves ripped off, ripped black jeans and combat boots. Not a formal court, no reason to dress up after all.

    As he entered the Reeves chambers the Romans beast flared at the weakness in the room as his eyes passed over Otto, who he had only met the once. His hand rested just a moment on the door knob of the office, grip tight, wanting to fight but a quick breath later and Marcus was back to his usual well composed self.

    "Reeve, apologies for my lateness. I should check my mail more often." He bowed to the Reeve, fist over heart. "And Otto, pleasant surprise." He tried sounding pleased, but it came off as more of a growl toward the Lance.
    Aspect of the Predator

    BP: 3

  5. #5
    Otto Schneider's Avatar
    Status (Lancea Sanctum)
    Otto Schneider

    Otto Schneider does not look like a priest at first glance. He shares his clan's tendency to overdress and one could be forgiven for assuming he is on his way to a meeting of the board. But despite this outward appearance he speaks with a conviction that is only found in true believers. His gaze is intense and seems to refuse to soften to match the rest of his expression at any given moment, appearing as though he's staring daggers at someone even while he grins.
    Favored Scripture

    "To all you who read this prophecy, you share in my curse; hear these words, and take them and make them your own, and you are Sanctified."
    -Book of Eschaton 1:8
    Otto Schneider Scenes
     Blush of Life
     Blush of Life, Dominate - Command, Book-keeping for prior roll


    The corners of Otto's mouth briefly twitched upward as he tried to suppress a smile. Basic though it was, it had been quite some time since he'd heard his family's Muttersprache. "Sehr nett, Frau Kingsley."

    He wasn't entirely sure by what she meant by 'greenies', but he could parse that she was asking how he could be useful. Usually you recruited someone after you were sure of their skills and utility, but who was he to argue with the Reeve? "A fair question. I guess you could say I was a bloodsucking parasite from the start. I was a stock broker on Wall Street. Good enough at talking people out of their fortunes that my Sire wanted me for the Invictus." He sounded a little wistful. "I'm alright with numbers, but I'm much better at greasing palms. Greed can be a very ugly thing, but it also opens a lot of doors."

    As Marcus entered, the Priest inclined his head to him and offered a neutral greeting, again suppressing his supernatural 'fight-or-flight' response. "Good evening, Mr. Roman." He tried not to let the other Kindred's tone get to him. Gangrel, he reminded himself.

    Muttersprache - Mother tongue
    Sehr Nett, Frau Kingsley - Very nice, Ms. Kingsley
    Only letting Otto get away with this because it's a very basic phrase, but until I purchase the appropriate merit his skills will be too rusty for anything more
    Health - | Willpower - | Vitae - | BP: 2

    Haunting Ch.2 - | Willpower - | Vitae -

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