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Tabs of ghostly movements

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  1. #1
    Alicia Silvers's Avatar
    Striking looks
    Doll Face
    Distinctive voice
    (Harmonious sweet-toned)
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers Scenes
     Blush, heightened senses, 
     Blush of life
      Forgotten to add blush cost


    Having her notifications setup to any new videos, talks or articles about the events of the ghostly attack she recently had seen.

    Tag notifications:
    Madame Bela
    Ghost, Southside Park, Sacramento
    Spirit, Southside Park, Sacramento
    Southside Park, Sacramento
    Ghost, Sacramento
    Spirit, Sacramento

    Hoping these would at least keep her well enough informed to know what the average Kine might see about the situation and their comments about it.

    Daeva Vice: Lust BP:1

  2. #2
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    Madame Bela brought up an older website that was no longer maintained by the owner. Areview page detailed that she was a respected medium, based on unreleated reviews of people who had hired her for help. There were no recent Madame Bela, spirit (southside park, sacramento), Southside Park, Sacramento, Ghost, Sacramento or Spirit, Sacramento activity.
    There was a single Youtube video on a channel that discussed Are there occult things in Sacramento?

    The Youtube video opened with a voice over of a young male. "Have you heard about the guy who thinks there is human trafficking going on? My friend knows someone who went to the meeting he had. They said that there was someone who claimed that there is an occult thing here. She said that she has seens spirits, things that were people that are anchored to the world and unable to move on. Is she crazy?
    What do you think?'
    The video plays over a Closed sign draped over the Sacramento Park. I am asking because the same friend of a friend says that her classmate saw a really weird bush that moved by itself - and a gust of wind that attacked one of the prettiest women that they had seen in their lives. What is that?

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