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Fairview at the theatre

11 - 19
Week I Week II Week III Week IV
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  1. #11
    Albert Baker's Avatar
    Albert Baker
    Albert Baker Scenes
     Blush of life, 


    Al nodded with a smile.

    "It's a pleasure to meet you as well. I'm rather more fond of Shakespeare or Moilere, I must admit. I came here because I was curious about the theatre of today and because my brother-in-law Ham once claimed that everything American was intrinsically better than its non-American counterpart. But I digress."

    Thinking for a moment he continued.

    "The point which I don't understand is that there are people in the play commented on by other people in the play and as one group is white and the other black it seems to be, as some people say, a big deal. I can't see why it would be 'a big deal'."

  2. #12
    Alicia Silvers's Avatar
    Striking looks
    Doll Face
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers Scenes
     Blush of life, 
     Blush of life
     Blush of life, Investigation check


    Lightly cocking her head, eyes looking deep into her Priscus eyes with a soft intrigued smile.
    "The world and all it has to offer, each and every experience are ours for the taking, to get to share as many of them as possible with you, ohhh, I truly found the ideal place to call my home." A soft chuckle as she takes a small step forward. "That depends." Stretching out her left hand to slowly let the tips of her fingers walking up alongside the asymmetrical wonder´s arm, just shy of touching it. Leaning in closer as if to try and go for a kiss, holding her breath with slowly parting lips, leaning on in until there is just an inch between them and biting down on air, quickly falling back with a mischievous grin of her own. "How much you desire to not be touched or nearly touched in public avenues." She knew herself, and presented with the irresistible she would not be able to resist for long. "There is still so little of me you have seen, I do hope your words will remain the same or better come summer." Charms and wonder of their peak selves in all glory, but this was the one who represented their blood, the one she had sworn to be the closest to, for that she would need more but there was no rush. Time spent would just make it mean all the more. "If that one interests you so certainly, I have never truly experience it as it is now. My words were merely to show that very, very little is of the table for my interests though." Every experience was worth, almost needed to be experienced at least once.

    Damn, damn, damn, if that meant the sun would make it hard, damn, it was the best way to find what was new and how to keep up with trends for when she needed that. Or at least gather the information needed before going online to buy things.
    "Then let us place some giant orders each apiece, and work on creating ensembles together, try some intriguing outfits, and pick together what we want to keep, the rest to be sent back. I shall send you my measurement, after that so can we just take it a night after work that suits us both." Needing a moment to respond, to even begin to hear the words coming from her mouth to entranced by those misty green eyes that seemed deeper and deeper each time she was fortunate enough to stare into them. "To see the radiance rivaling and even exceeding the star of Sirius in all its luminous brightness so close, so tangible, not just a little light in the sky could make anyone to blinded to see the details. Poor miserable eyes to miss out on such a treat." Softly laughing. "Then again we do not need another golden apple incident." Slowly spinning around to let her outfit be truly seen as she looks to the masses around them, wondering just how much of their conversation was followed. Each alone of them could hold a room, how would it affect the Kine to see two so close to one another? "It is? I do not think I have ever given that much of a thought to be honest." Her life not having truly been ideal for that.

    Licking her lips with a wicked little grin.
    "Sadly I shall not, that would be so dull." Letting the grin remain as a moment of silence passes between them. "So much more enjoyment to see how you will choose to make it up to me." Softly winking as the grin falls. "Do not worry, I do not need much." Knowing fully well just how little she would sadly find herself accepting without a sliver of regret.

    Thinking for a moment as she looks upon the older man.
    "That is the French guy right?" She had encountered the name in her recent studies, or at least thought she had. "National pride is quite big in our population so many of us would say the same, would they not?" Turning her eyes upward for a moment as she twirls her Füm mod. "If memory serves so was the piece released in 2018, meaning it was likely written between 2015-2017, and 2013-2015 was when the PC culture started to truly gain strength, to be truly mainstreamly screamed out. So the play is most likely written with an affect of that, it is meant to showcase things, to scream in those preconceived notions, to play on our reactions as a build up during the first two acts, and then release a large grandeur in its final act to tie it all together. Leave us to think, to wonder, and it would not surprise me if it is written in such a formula that you need to view it twice, once with the shock and awe, then ponder it, and come back with the knowledge in hand to truly feel it sink in." Theater was not her main area though, attended many yes but not out of enjoyment or choice.

    Daeva Vice: Lust BP:1

  3. #13
    Verity Carmen's Avatar
    Striking Looks:
    (Your Dream Rocker Girl)
    Distinctive Voice:
    Cacophony Listener
    Cacophony Whisperer
    Verity Carmen

    Daeva vice: Pride

    Her flawless form curves where is should, is thick where it needs to be and thinner likewise.

    Perfectly symmetrical, Mistry Green eyes offer ready temptations from beneath the sculpted messy waves of Auburn hair.

    The rocker girl assemble of fishnets, ripped shirts and leather show off just the right amount, to pull every eye to her and ensnare imaginations, without being considered indecent.
    Doll Face

    Doll face:
    Dark purple eye shadow, with black eyeliner. Just enough Mascara to make her eye lashes look jet black against the purple.

    Matching Purple lipstick over full lips, to which a clear lip gloss gives a lustrous shine.

    Foundations 3 shades lighter than her already fair skin tone. Something that is only really visible when she blushes as her face remains rather pale.

    All her nails are painted a glossy Jet black.

    Stylishly messy Auburn hair past her shoulders.
    Verity Carmen Scenes
      Get her point across, ExitScene
      Catching up blush narrated in last post
     Blush, Awe


    The misty green eyes hold the gaze but go slightly vacant. "Yes all the world is ours, every delight, every whim, every experience on he face of this planet is ours for the taking should we wish it." And yet we allow tradition to confine us to these cities, we maintain herds don't we? How difficult must travel be if we apply the same rules we do in the city? "And yet we allow so much of it to pass us by, let things get in the way." Home? No this is not my home, it is where I reside nothing more. Close as she is to her humanity the cold detachment to the place to which she has no anchor beyond convivences she could find anywhere. Pulling back to the moment. "Yes I will enjoy our time together greatly." Be it years, decades, centuries or less.

    As the other magnificent beauty leans in Verity does not pull away, basking in the closeness and the sensuality of the moment. "Keep it decent, we're in public but you can dote on me all you want." Having the appreciation and affection of one like Alicia, so charming and so beautiful was very soothing for the ego. "The at some time soon when we have the time we will have to look into that." Musical tones for all the world convey that is her intention, but with the ways things have been lately who knew.

    Verity looks appraisingly at her cousin and likes what she sees. "So we will be playing dress up then?" Leaning in herself to purr in Alicia's ear. "I like the sound of that." The words going a little over Verity's head she was not what you would call cultured but she understands the framing of a compliment. "So wrapped up in their own little worlds of mediocrity they never look to the heavens and behold the stars." Still her cousin was getting the attention she deserved which was a stark contrast, but a welcome one. "I don't think I will have much difficulty getting your measurements, or you mine." Given the situation and all. Her musical laugh enticing the ears of those around them a treat. "Oh that's the best way though, in the moment, on the night going for what feels right, the truest expression of the self, not being bogged down in the arbitrary assessments dictated by tradition." Expression was exactly that expression not something to limited.

    Her eyes brows raise but in daring not in surprise. "My you strike such a hard bargain." Teasing playfully. "I'm sure we can find ways to make amends if I do miss a night or two." Maybe even a temptation to miss a night or two.

    Which Baker now present and talking about the play Verity does refocus from the flirting, they could do that later. Her cousin had thoughts for the older kindred but so did verity, skilled socialite as she was. "Well If I had to take a guess the reason for the choice in groups is to show the yare clearly or distinctly different in some fashion. One group is outside looking in making shallow or poorly informed commentary on the other group is doing." So far just what they had seen. "To guess the point of this observation would something along the lines of we should be slow to comment on the situations of others we are poorly informed about." Oh the lack of self awareness in that statement, well it could certainly be heard that way. "If I had to guess the choice to create a clear visual difference is to underlay that message with the idea of racial understanding, or an lack of it." She did say she read reviews. The play was old now its message no longer shocking.
    Daeva Vice: Pride. BP: 1 Dollface

  4. #14
    Albert Baker's Avatar
    Albert Baker
    Albert Baker Scenes
     Blush of life, 


    Al suppressed a sigh at the question, as per the same logic Shakespeare would be 'that English guy', Verdi 'that Italian' and Goethe, Schiller and Lessing 'those German blokes'. Internally he wondered for a moment what they taught the young ones in school these days...

    "That is one way to put it, yes..." Very much simplified, but certainly a way to put it.

    Thinking for a moment he listened then nodded.
    "So it's one of... those plays: Important socio-political messages and the subtlety of a mallet to gat them to the audience. Apparently very popular these days..."

    With a slight appreciative smile he bowed slightly.

    "Thank you, Miss. Hopefully they do have that grandeur. We'll have to see, haven't we?"

    Turning to Verity he listened and nodded again.

    "I have been hoping for something more... refined and less political, but it's not over yet. Thank you both for taking the time to help an old man understand... I appreciate it."

  5. #15
    Alicia Silvers's Avatar
    Striking looks
    Doll Face
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers Scenes
     Blush of life, 
     Blush of life
     Blush of life, Investigation check


    Keeping eye contact, with a slight curiosity to what might be making those mesmerizing misty eyes begin to go vacant, what thought might be lingering within the fair ones mind.
    "That is the crucible now is it not, should we wish it, such a cruel thing. We are in the generation that are both adults but young, used to global access at our fingertips, freedom of travel, freedom to truly explore our wishes." Not that she was certain of her Priscus age but based on the marks on her minivan so was she most likely not one to count her age in centuries at least, nor would it be wise to decree either of them as more than between 20-30 in public. "Still we are so overwhelmed that we cannot even begin to fathom just how much there is, and how much more is just around the corner." Sighing with a slight slumping down. "Far to true, and once you start letting things pass you by so will it ever increase. Hence a part of why I enjoy following my whims, to allow myself to experience everything I can whilst I still can." I do miss all those lives once lived though, home is truly special but so confining. Lightly moving her head to the side, pulling away as if blushing to a compliment. "Haven´t had a bad moment that was shared with you yet, hard to imagine any would be."

    Twirling her mod between her fingers with a combined sighing chuckle.
    "Do not worry I know how to behave, hard as you make it." A light cocking of her head with a teasing grin. "Dote physically, emotionally or verbally though, such an open ended word." The musical tones enough to send tingles through her, fleeting memories of excitement of old stirring within but quickly subsiding. "It shall be something to look forward to, I hope your schedule will be free and open." Completely falling for the words, having no reason to even begin to not believe in them.

    Slightly pulling her body backward without moving her legs, more so as to signal for a chase with an appreciative look at the looks she was given. Parting her lips to answer only to get totally caught off guard to the purring, making her eyes close to truly take it in. Holding her breath, just trying to hold the moment for just a fraction of a second longer with a whispered response.
    "I wonder what outfit I can find for you." Keeping her eyes closed as her mind begins to assemble ensembles, both ones to speak aloud, ones to keep in memory, and ones who she did wonder if they would cause issues or just get to lost in the beauty of her fair cousin to be even thought of as how they were. "Such sad ones, but if they choose to be blind so is it all the more my gain to be among the few who at least tries to see." Not that I am sure even a year would be enough to see more than a fraction though. "That would very much surprise me if that was the case." Joining in on the laughter, her own missing the melodial beauty of her cousin. "Tradition you say? Yes that is one way to say it." Not the way she would though. "For me it was more social norms that bogged me down though, to be ideal in the corners of society I was forced to traverse. After that freedom was truly a marvel." So many things she had tried since then, so much she tried to take in so rapidly, so many lives lived.

    Staring into the eyes of the fair beauty before her, eyes openly welcoming the hidden dare with a soft lick of her lips.
    "Should I hope for the plans to come to pass, or for you to make amends, such a hard bargain." Leaning in just a little closer. "How about a light prelude tonight, should you be willing to hear my proposal that is." Her voice coy, eagerly awaiting the response to her little daring testing of the waters. There was still so much to see of how far she could push things with her fair cousin.

    Eyes caught upon the older man.
    "Sadly my knowledge of foreign cultures and those who are grand within them is a tad lacking if we do not count the grandest of the grandest. Mayhaps you would be interested to meet at another night to help me remedy this shortcoming of mine. I am certain that there is much I could learn from you." Having very little clue of the man, but his age and presence here alone made it quite evident that he had been around far longer than her, and clearly had an insight into some fields she did not.

    Lightly nodding.
    "Indeed it is, might I inquire as to what kind of play you would prefer? You mentioned some names but even their plays differs, their underlying tales sharing similarities but still differs. So what kind of plays pique your interest, sparks that light of interest within you?" Shying back a bit at the bow, not having expected that. "You´re welcome Sir, I guess we will."

    Eyes upon her cousin as she speaks, the words carrying similar in meanings only her own having spoken so much more of the writing, whilst her cousin took things to a truly grand insight. One that made her have to pause for a moment to truly think it over.
    "That is a highly insightful view of things."

    Daeva Vice: Lust BP:1

  6. #16
    Verity Carmen's Avatar
    Striking Looks:
    (Your Dream Rocker Girl)
    Distinctive Voice:
    Cacophony Listener
    Cacophony Whisperer
    Verity Carmen

    Daeva vice: Pride

    Her flawless form curves where is should, is thick where it needs to be and thinner likewise.

    Perfectly symmetrical, Mistry Green eyes offer ready temptations from beneath the sculpted messy waves of Auburn hair.

    The rocker girl assemble of fishnets, ripped shirts and leather show off just the right amount, to pull every eye to her and ensnare imaginations, without being considered indecent.
    Doll Face

    Doll face:
    Dark purple eye shadow, with black eyeliner. Just enough Mascara to make her eye lashes look jet black against the purple.

    Matching Purple lipstick over full lips, to which a clear lip gloss gives a lustrous shine.

    Foundations 3 shades lighter than her already fair skin tone. Something that is only really visible when she blushes as her face remains rather pale.

    All her nails are painted a glossy Jet black.

    Stylishly messy Auburn hair past her shoulders.
    Verity Carmen Scenes
      Get her point across, ExitScene
      Catching up blush narrated in last post
     Blush, Awe


    Verity will hold her cousin eyes, dangerous for a kindred but Alicia had so far proven to more then trust worthy, perhaps the only indeed she could actually rely upon. "I would not call it cruel, I would call it opportunity and those who fail to cease it dull." Of course travel by plane came with all manner of dangers and was a last resort only. "It is not about being overwhelmed it is about knowing both what you want and being open to new experiences." Moving closer still to not physically but socially catch her cousin's slump, holding her up with the confidence and presence exuded by her Priscus. "I do not think so, as long as you did things you enjoy, experience what you do without regrets, then nothing ha passed you by, it is time well used." The smile is full and inviting. "That's kind of you to say, and likewise not a moment with you is one I considered wasted." How could such company as her cousin be anything but.

    Laughing gently. "Why not all of the above?" It would be nice to be doted just a little for once. Giving only another smile at the talks of future plans, it was so hard to commit when your night are regularly full.

    Verity is not one to chase, it the the skill of Daeva to make others come to them, but to deny he cousin would be a cruelty and so Verity leans, only tall and beautiful she makes it look like an advance not a following. "Many I do not doubt, just no ball gowns." She responds just as quietly. "Yes I rather think they must be quite sad." An eyebrow arches. Oh and why would it be so surprising I need only check your wardrobe? "Why so? What obstacles do you foresee?" Teasing a little because of course other means did exist, more exciting means. Listening. "What would you call that if not social tradition?" Maybe splitting hairs a little on this point.

    The danger, the fade memories of desire, but desire nine the less, oh this was how kindred should play. "A prelude? A little show of our own perhaps? Just for us? or do you have other ideas?" Quite willing to hear but the beautiful other had to say.

    Oh yes and of course Baker was here, she was getting a little distracted by the games she and her cousin were playing. Refocusing on the Priscus of shadows. "Well to that I have to ask what play? what piece of art even has been made that did not in some way convey social or political messages?" The arts not her forte but so often known for being controversial for their time. "Is there a book, or movie or song that does not have an underlying message for those which the skill and wit to perceive it?" Something she could speak a little more to from first hand experience.
    Daeva Vice: Pride. BP: 1 Dollface

  7. #17
    Alicia Silvers's Avatar
    Striking looks
    Doll Face
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers Scenes
     Blush of life, 
     Blush of life
     Blush of life, Investigation check


    The warmth of a kept eye contact as mesmerizing as she had imagined it, knowing the risks involved all to well, still risking it, or rather showing the level of trust she had for the woman before her.
    "That is an interesting viewpoint, the world eternally expands. We have more and more freedom, with that we explore more and more avenues to just sate our boredom. Keeping up is a challenge in and off itself, but does offer endless things to explore and experience." Knowing what you want, limiting yourself? We are very different cousin. "The enjoyment is to experience it all, is that not what youth is for, to experience as much as possible before you lose that adventurous spirit?" Unsure if she to one day would grow more static or be able to keep the desire to experience things ablaze. The words making her quench a soft chuckle. "Regret? Why live with regret, such a pointless thing to hold onto. You either enjoyed it or you did not, you choose your actions, gained experience. You are either wise enough to learn from it, to do things differently next time, or get lost in your past. No point in being boggled down with regrets, it changes nothing. If you disliked something stay clear of it, if the consequences are not to your liking well you were foolish enough to invite it to begin with, if you get stuck in it well break loose, do not stay in a cycle that only gives you negative aspects." Giving a slow wink of her eyes accompanied with a serene smile upon her lips. "To many more then, whenever our schedules do align."

    Putting away her mod to the melodic tunes of a laugh that would certainly live in her mind for far to long, allowing her left hand to be raised with a light caress of her fingertips alongside the back of her cousins hand.
    "Bold, truly my tune, you know how to play my strings far to well." Softly biting her lower lip. "Not surprising though given I am dealing with a dream made flesh." Something telling her that her cousin could truly need the warmth of someone who would at least try to see her, how could she resist such an invite? If it was born from her own mind or actual insight a different question all together.

    The advance nearly making her stumble backward, just narrowly keeping herself from not needing to step backward for balance, first the purr, the closeness, the scent of theirs so shifting, nothing natural more than their area making each a new experience. Making it hard to ever grow stale, the sensation of their physical closeness and the advance poking her mind. She was not good with these kinds of things, anyone else, anyone that was regular that was easy to resist, but her cousin was far out of the realm of such thoughts, belonging amongst the grandest her eyes had ever been allowed to rest upon. Turning her own eyes to be able to see the lips of her cousin with a tremble from trying to resist attacking them, to try and steal their second meeting.
    Softly nodding "You would look beyond belief in them, but far to classic, part of your charms lies in being able to go beyond the classical." Feeling a weakness in her legs to the quiet voice. "Their loss to live in such a sad bubble of an existence, to miss the splendors around them." Trying to pull her head back just a little but feeling herself unable to move more than her eyes. "More than learning more about my former lives none, my wardrobe does tell a tale though." Others had journals, she had a wardrobe to speak of all the lives she had lead. "Social norms, traditions holds longstanding value, norms shifts with times far more easily. Related but different."

    Giving her cousin a coy smile, a brief glance over her eyes before leaning in to whisper in her ears with a light touch of their cheeks.
    "The tunes that so often fills your ears, closeness, hands" Grabbing Verity´s hand with intertwined fingers. "held together, eyes meeting, no physical obstacles around, a curtsy, before allow the music to guide us into a" Squeezing her hand ever so slightly. "dance." Sliding her hand free as she leans back with an inviting look, long having been curious of what it would be like to share a proper dance with such a marvel.

    The silence of the older man leaving her waiting for him to gather his thoughts for the moment.

    Albert having been up for over 48h hence skipped.

    Daeva Vice: Lust BP:1

  8. #18
    Verity Carmen's Avatar
    Striking Looks:
    (Your Dream Rocker Girl)
    Distinctive Voice:
    Cacophony Listener
    Cacophony Whisperer
    Verity Carmen

    Daeva vice: Pride

    Her flawless form curves where is should, is thick where it needs to be and thinner likewise.

    Perfectly symmetrical, Mistry Green eyes offer ready temptations from beneath the sculpted messy waves of Auburn hair.

    The rocker girl assemble of fishnets, ripped shirts and leather show off just the right amount, to pull every eye to her and ensnare imaginations, without being considered indecent.
    Doll Face

    Doll face:
    Dark purple eye shadow, with black eyeliner. Just enough Mascara to make her eye lashes look jet black against the purple.

    Matching Purple lipstick over full lips, to which a clear lip gloss gives a lustrous shine.

    Foundations 3 shades lighter than her already fair skin tone. Something that is only really visible when she blushes as her face remains rather pale.

    All her nails are painted a glossy Jet black.

    Stylishly messy Auburn hair past her shoulders.
    Verity Carmen Scenes
      Get her point across, ExitScene
      Catching up blush narrated in last post
     Blush, Awe


    The rare pleasure of eye contact, the warmth of closeness and smiles, each in its own a delight, all the more because he came of as genuine from her cousin. "The sheer volume of what is there paralyzes with the weight of options, it is the illusion of freedom. Being totally free requires a sense of direction, a purpose bound only by your self." Freedom was something most cold not grasp. "Keeping up is not all it's cracked up to be far to much chance you get lost in the chase rather the n enjoy the moment." And without enjoyment was the point of eternity. "Maybe regret was the wrong word, I meant to say that as long as what you did provided something, it was not hollow, or empty." Because they all had to do stuff they didn't want to, things they wished that had not. "Good thing some regrets can be worked through and overcome." Or the choices that led to them undone.

    As Alicia escalated to physical contact Verity brushes her hand into the fingers prolonging the moment. The low murmurs of her chuckle audible only to those around her, she might be limited in a sense from what she was, the kine around might not fully appreciate the divine charms of her or her cousin limited by the sense of tethered humanity and the efforts taken to keep the ruse intact, but no such restriction on other kindred and Verity was feeling the force of Alicia's skills. "Bold is who we are, drawn like moths to each others flame, not merely ships passing in the night but brilliant reflections of the height of beauty." And she was going to enjoy this evening.

    That she had the other on the back foot was in a way a shame, she would have liked to have been met half way, but still. "I would look as many do, something that has been managed before, carbon and copied time and again, I would not look like me." The kine around them had lost most matter and interest behind their value as walking food stuffs, and she would not be taking them home tonight anyway so even then. There might well be one such obstacle that the Auburn haired Daeva can foresee but no ned to ruin the night with that kind of talk. "Any restrictions for what I shall be dressing you up in?" It was only fair having placed one herself. As one Daeva holds the other in their magnetic presence so the reverse is true. "Although I can't help but wonder what I will do with the rest of my evening when the play is finished?" Letting the thoughts of those who heard run wild with the possibilities.

    Baker seemed to have gone quiet for the moment, mayhap he can't keep up with the Daeva as the dansed their danse, few could, maybe he was just pondering his response. The older appearing kindred had a habit of taking his time to mull on things.
    Daeva Vice: Pride. BP: 1 Dollface

  9. #19
    Alicia Silvers's Avatar
    Striking looks
    Doll Face
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers
    Alicia Silvers Scenes
     Blush of life, 
     Blush of life
     Blush of life, Investigation check


    Raising her hand to her lips with a soft hidden chuckle whilst attempting to not break their eye contact, it being a far to rare delight in her life.
    "In that sense I am far from free then I fear. My desire to experience so much a collar which I struggle to shake, or even knowing if I want to." A teasing grin as her hand falls back down. "Not that I mind being the one who wears a collar." Wondering if her cousin would recall the similar words spoken about it before. "Is that what happens to the unfortunate ones? Then I am either doomed or fortunate, each moment one I take in with full enjoyment, each indulgence something that fills me, but the chase of new experiences is what drives me. The path that led me to lead so many lives, all ones I cherish." Even the hardest fond memories. "It is a sadness when you need to struggle to find something in the moments, we all need to do things we might not enjoy, but each experience is worth something." At least they were to her, it was how she grew, how she learned more about herself. "Fortunately it can yes." Having nothing more to say there, her own regrets often turning into things she knew she could look back upon to have led her here.

    Noticing the receptive motions with appreciation, fond memories of the enthusiasm these things once brought her. The enjoyment to unleash the full range of her skills against the unsuspecting strangers, the years spent honing the craft to near unparalleled levels now robbed of her, her very being something the Kine couldn´t handle but her cousin could, nothing there to step in between them. Nor stopping her from feeling all that her cousin had to offer in return, and she loved it. So rare to both find someone receptive, and whose skills and looks could rival or exceed her own, how was she supposed to remain calm for even a moment?
    "An intensified view, as each moment your celestial grace is reflected in my eyes, only for my own to be reflected back into yours, in a never ending loop. Each heightening the others until one either has to pull back, or give in to the sensation. The desire to reach out to steal a touch, to let more senses take it in. For our eventual departure to crave the presence once more, to crave that near unrivaled sensation just one more time."

    Clenching her eyes shut for a moment to gather herself, to regain her composure as she pulls her head back just a little, cocking it and stepping forward, working to eliminate the space between them, to be closer, and closer. Remembering herself that she was the bold type, she usually took what she wanted, to hesitate was not her tune how could even a sight like this make her forget that?
    "Only for the blind, your charms would outshine the clothes many times over. But you would not be you, to silence that charm of yours would be dreadful." Why contain the visage before her in such a cruel manner? Lightly, lightly shaking her head. "None, or well no yellow sundresses or yellow things overall." Awful things. "So hard to choose, so hard to choose." The Kine amongst them nearly gone from her mind, they did not matter, they were nothing but dull little things in her mind akin to obstacles to swerve around. "I do wonder how I can heighten your night to be truly unforgettable." Playing into the words or just teasing the Kine, she wasn´t sure herself but did enjoy the delay to her request, the slow burning desire building within her, each little counter by her cousin only adding fuel to the fire.

    Daeva Vice: Lust BP:1

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