A note has been placed in Elysium, visible to faceless masses and kindred of note, but outside the areas designated accessible for ghouls and herd. It holds an enlarged copy of what looks like a driver's license. The text below states:

"This person, known under the alias Henry, although he might use other names as well, is a rogue ghoul who is bloodhunted in two different domains. As of last month, he's known to be in town. As far as is known, he's without employ or steady source of income. Should you come across this person or any information regarding his activieites or whereabouts, contact the ofdfice of the Reeve. Due to unclear extent of abilities, caution is advised in dealing with anything regarding this person.

Hints and information that lead to the successful apprehension of this ghoul will be rewarded.

The same reward is also offered for any hints about current activities of kindred or ghouls using the name 'Dacian' on the territory of the domain.

H.N. Kingsley, Reeve of Sacramento"