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The prince's work

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  1. #1
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    If Ale had been breathing, there would have been a deep sigh of frustration. Instead, she rested an elbow on the arm of her chair, and the side of her face against two fingers. Her lips in a tight line.

    “I cannot always be the one called for backup. That is what the rest of the Domain is for, that is what your friends, your allies are for. If there is a significant threat to the Domain and the Masquerade, I will be there, but this was a simple investigation.” A fucking simple investigation. “Which clearly requires babysitters now.” For fucks sake.

    “Suspicious of what exactly? What did you think he was going to do? The Reeve of Sacramento knew where you were and who you were with.” Lets use some common sense here. “So instead of playing this smart, both of you chose violence? If you can reasonably bring someone in for questioning, then by all means, but to cause a scene?! Do you realize the danger that caused? Seriously, do you realize?” because she was starting to doubt this Daeva had any commons sense.

    “Oh for fucks sake!” pressing a button on her phone and Gabriel quickly entered the room. A hand was held up to Verity and some rapid-fire Italian came out of Ale to Gabriel. Who took out a notebook, nodded, took some notes and quickly left. “Love it when I have to clean up others messes.” Eyes lock on Verity, “Did you want to send the flowers to the families when their loved ones turn up missing? Or should I just make sure they are sent?” her voice bitter.

    “The First Tradition is the Masquerade, the most important of our traditions. Vampirism must remain a secret at all costs. This protects not just you, but our society as a whole.” She lets the words sink in.

    “High ranking officials within this Domain are not chosen based off their Covenant. It holds no baring to who I offer positions to, quite the opposite actually. I welcome a wide diversity to my Court; I welcome opinions from each Covenant. I’ve had a Seneschal who was a member of the Circle of the Crone, and a good friend. So perhaps others should do some research on the history of the Domain.”

    Jenn would always pick things out to ask about, and the Savage was content to let her ask her questions. She was still not happy, her voice had still not been raised, and a silent anger simmered just below the surface.
    What commands has Alessandra issued and to whom, so that these actions can be affecting the Kine who were witnesses. Alessandra

  2. #2
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound


    It hadn’t been lost on the Savage the time differences that Verity spoke of. She claimed the fight lasted less than a minute, but the footage she recovered was a full minute.

    Why the difference? What was missing?

    With the user names, the name of Vantage, and various other accounts, she wanted more information. In this day and age of people recording everything on the cell phones, it wasn’t uncommon. But when you’re a Savage Prince, who had been around as long as she had, you tended to be a bit more paranoid about things. And she had questions she wanted answered.

    But could her men get those answers?

    Her usual go to, erase the targets, secure the cells, and go from there might not be the best route in this problem. If there was something else going on, it would raise red flags, and bring more attention to an already burning dumpster fire.

    The Savage wasn’t ignorant and wasn’t stupid. She was cold and calculated, yes. But each movement she made was made with careful consideration for the aftermath. This time was no different, and this time required her to be a bit more careful and move her pawns differently, let those with different skills shine.

    Her Allies went deeper then her Soldiers, she had access to some hackers that for the right price, might be able to get that video, the whole video, and make sure it was taken care of. What their price would be, she wasn’t sure yet. She needed the whole video, and needed as much of the trail taken care of as possible.

    Ale is reaching out to a Black Hat Hacker for the job at hand.

    8 successes
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  3. #3
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    The price was steep for what Alessandra was asking for. Two nights later, Ale is sent a sample.

    "The video has some voice edits over the same footage of this empty room." The Hacker includes in the message. "This has padded the running time of the video."
    The video in it's entirety is delivered on a flashdrive to an address that Alessandra specifies. It is as follows: It is a clip of a video, five seconds long. It is a voice speaking on a video being filmed of an empty, generic hotel room.
    The voice has been modulated with a voice changer.
    "My friends who opened my eyes have suggested that this is a human trafficking scheme. It is possible monsters are abducting someone from this hotel. My friend is on thier way.' The door opens and the film follows three blurry people in a physical fight outside of a hotel room. Shouts are heard. One person, a short, pale person, is clearly visible. A man shouts 'Get an official' and the woman who was in focus runs away. She leaves the shot. A brunnette blur comes into focus as the fighting behind her comes to a stop. Now the two blurry figures appear to be facing one another.

    The brunnette approaches the camera and the face comes into focus as Verity Carmen. The angle of this film is of Verity speaking to the person. She makes a plea for use of the phone. The video has the recording stop here and another edit is in place. "My videos and sent messages were altered and my online presence was compromised. I had sent the video to my friend, who managed to upload a copy for me. Is this person a part of the monster's organization? I simply cannot believe it. Look at her. There is something remarkable about her. Surely, she must be a victim.
    The video has been secured. If you know anything about this person, or of abductions by monsters, meet us at the Hollybrook Hotel, Suite 330 on the 25th. We are making a plan."
    The video has a few screens come up on the screen - a map of Sacramento and the location of the hotel this took place in marked. There is a newspaper article about a teen couple who were found dead.
    Teen couple found dead at local teen hangout – byline by Kate Singer
    At approximately 6 AM this morning, two teens – Alexander Lathe and Eliana Cooper were found dead in Ms. Cooper’s vehicle. Mr. Lathe is seventeen and attends Sacramento High. Ms. Cooper is seventeen and is homeschooled by her mother. The coroner has not released cause of death at this time. This reporter was told by Det. Kramer of the Sacramento Police Department that it is suspected foul play. The vehicle was parked at Cedar Grove park overhand parking lot, casually referred to among local teens as ‘the Lookout’. Look for the update to this story at Night Time News with Nancy at 10 PM at KWBG channel.

    The hacker reports that the video has been posted for hours on certain sites before it was taken down. He includes a link to a certain Youtube site that has 'debunk' videos.
    What do you do?

  4. #4
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound

    (Willpower)Willpower 1 Spent

    With the info and extra video, Ale will send it to Helen Kingsley . Not included will be how the Savage has obtained the info. Copies, of course. Ale will retain all the originals and secure them.

    ‘Looks like we have a local celebrity, and the locals know her face. It will either work for her, or it won’t. But it’s something that needs to be investigated, especially the address. I want Verity left out of the investigation, her face is known and I do not want a repeat of what happened before. No need for a big scene, just make sure everything is as it should be and no one is the wiser. I thank you for your discretion in this matter.’

    Ale will send a secured letter to Helen via Gabriel and have him hand deliver it to her, bringing her up to speed on things.

    Also, because I realized I forgot to add the WP dot to the original post, I am doing it now, my apologizes.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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