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Seneschal's Office: Rosy expectations

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  1. #1
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar

    Jennifer's office was decorated with great mind for messages and impressions that the office would give. It was decorated in high quality dark wood pieces. A large book case presided over the room with a variety of books on the English language. Classic English, French and Italian literature could be found on the book case. A large and well laid out desk faced the door with a straight-backed chair in Jennifer's place and two comfortable arm chairs facing the desk. The desk had been cleared of any paperwork and was neat. A keen eye could see a gift that Priscus Jack had given Jennifer in prime place of honor on the desk. On the desk was a glass globe half filled with water where an artfully arranged lotus blossom was floating.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

  2. #2
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    (Blush)Vitae 1 Spent

    Jennifer had taken her guest's affiliations and expected beliefs into account when dressing. Tonight, Jennifer did not wear items from the Florentine code. She dressed in a slim fitting grey pants suit, a black beret was perched on a hat rack. The two rings that meant a great deal were worn, the green Nosferatu emerald ring and the chocolate diamond and white diamond ring. Jennifer wore a spider pin on her jacket. Her neck was not shielded or obscured. This revealed the deep and gruesome scar that had removed flesh from one side of Jennifer's neck. Her hair was carefully groomed in a braided bun, and adhered with pink floral arrangements. Jennifer was blushed, which accented the coral lipstick, brown eyeshadow and green eyeliner that accentuated her features.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

  3. #3
    Juliette Allard's Avatar
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    (Blush)Vitae 1 Spent

    The Daeva always favored form over function, and she always dressed in a way that certainly showed off her form. Of course, she was blushed, forcing vitae through her body to achieve that living and breathing look she didn't dare be seen without.

    She meandered through the halls of Elysium, having arrived early enough to hopefully find the Seneschal's office without getting lost. Turns out, that wasn't so easy after all. Still, she eventually found her way to the right place and lifted a hand to knock delicately three times on the door to the office, and prepared herself. Another night, another Danse. For better or worse.
    Juliette | Carthian
    Daeva Vice: Greed

  4. #4
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar

    Jennifer was writing into a new leather journal when the knock came. Jennifer finished her sentence. The new information from Benny had been most appreciated.
    The journal was closed and set on the ink blotter as Jennifer called.
    "Come in." Jennifer stood as the Daeva enters the office. Jennifer looks at Juliette Allard for a moment. The Daeva was a provocative presence. Would that be for the good of the Domain? Jennifer thought.

    "Good evening, Ms. Allard. I trust that you have been well." Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass. Jennifer avoids common chit chat. She was more interested in thoughts and opinions. Who is this Juliette Allard? What are her goals?
    "Do have a seat." Jennifer invites Juliette to sit. Jennifer gracefully takes her seat and looks across the desk at Juliette. Her expression is composed as she waits to see who Juliette is.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

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  6. #5
    Juliette Allard's Avatar
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    As she opened the door and stepped through the entrance to the office, she painted her face will a well practiced smile. A smile that did what it could to hide the fear of the beast within, and even those dwindling pieces of human fear that still remained in new social situations.

    "And a wonderful evening to you, Seneschal Hazelton." she cooed. She gave a curtsy before the Seneschal, along with a bow of her head as deep as she had during court. "Let me say again, I truly appreciate your invitation. I was certain it would be some time before any one of station was interested in speaking with me."

    The Daeva sat as she was instructed, being sure to remain seated with a straight back and her full attention on the kindred before her. "I have been quite well, thank you. Sacramento is wonderful, honestly. And I'm beginning to feel at home already." As one might expect, this Carthian Succubus was quite content to engage in small talk.

    She smiled as she looked the Seneschal over. From a pretty face, to an impressive scar, the woman presented herself as a true lady still. It instilled a sense of respect in the Daeva, and keen interest as well.
    Juliette | Carthian
    Daeva Vice: Greed

  7. #6
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar

    Jennifer accepted the courtesy given to her with a nod of respect, a bit deeper than one could expect as an acknowledged in the Domain. Jennifer had her reasons. Brown eyes study brunnette for a moment. This interaction was proving that Ms. Allard was capable of being charming.
    "Thank you, Ms. Allard. It is good to hear that you have been embraced so warmly in the Domain of the Alder Prince Alessandra."

    The brown eyes continue to focus on the charming member of the Blood of the Rose. Jennifer focuses on the other Kindred's body language as she continues to speak.

    2 successes

    "I trust that you did not find the Oath to the Alder Prince to be too restrictive?

    I have some curiousity about you. What is it that you seek to accomplish in your Danse?"
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

  8. #7
    Juliette Allard's Avatar
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    The scrutiny from the Seneschal was enough to make the Daeva nervous. It was like an interview, but so much more could be on the line.

    1 success

    And despite her best effort, that anxiety was showing through. "I did not. In all honesty, when Priscus Carmen provided me with the terms of the oath I was a bit surprised. It seemed very generous that the Prince would accept my residence on my untested word alone. Perhaps overly generous?" She chuckled. "And I say that with full admiration." She was quick to clarify.

    It was not lost on the Daeva that the Seneschal was a member of the Invictus. Nor the general distaste that being a member of the Movement could leave in such a refined mouth. But still, she felt no reason to lie. Sometimes open ambitions were the best play. "If you mean in general, then I hope to serve my covenant as best I can. I consider myself a true believer in the movement, and the opportunities for all Kindred that it can present." Her passion for the cause bubbling up in her tone.

    "If you mean more specifically, here in this wonderful domain, then the answer is mostly the same. But of course, I would also like to be a boon to Sacramento where I can. I know from experience that opinions can be.. mixed, in regards to Carthians, but I hope to emulate the good Reeve's example and prove we don't have to be a disruptive force."
    Juliette | Carthian
    Daeva Vice: Greed

  9. #8
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar

    Jennifer regards Ms. Allard. Her expression is an inqusitive one.

    "Curious. Have you been in Domains where other means were used?" Jennifer inquires. "I do hope that the Oath did reveal what the all Kindred in the Domain must adhere to, obediance to the Alder Prince Alessandra and to Court Officials. This is a vital tenet that binds every Kindred."
    Jennifer responds as Ms. Allard shares that she wishes to serve her Covenant.
    "Bonds are important to every Kindred and I firmly believe that each Kindred should seek like minded individuals in a Covenant that can teach one. Reeve Kingsley has been on her own for some time. Were you a member of Covenant leadership where you were from?

    Then it is your intention to not be a disruptive force in Sacramento."
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

  10. #9
    Juliette Allard's Avatar
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    "Unfortunately so. It was not unheard of for loyalty and obedience to be enforced with the bonds of blood, if you arrived with no one to sponsor you." And subsequently, no one to be responsible for your actions. "And of course, such was revealed. The expectations of the domain are quite clear."

    "I was not. My sire had quite a bit of status with the movement, and that allowed me some upward mobility, but not much. Given Kindred nature, turnover can be quite slow as you know." She chuckled, there's no set retirement age for a vampire, after all. "Of course, I'm quite young by our standards, so I have quite a few nights ahead of me to earn my place."

    To the seneschal's last statement she nodded her head vigorously, "That's right. The Movement espouses change, and of course I'm no different. But the change I'm interested in is construction growth. Not upheaval and chaos."
    Juliette | Carthian
    Daeva Vice: Greed

  11. #10
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar

    "Then you have a firsthand experience on what it means to be in a more restrictive Domain, such as an Invictus Domain." Jennifer's tone warms slightly. "There are some who like to go on about how Alder Prince Antinori's Domain is an Invictus Domain, when in fact all that she requires from all is an oath on one's honor. I will say the inaccurate label of Invictus Domain being applied to Sacramento can be aggravating to the members of the Invictus."
    Brown eyes evaluate Ms. Allard for a beat. It could be that she has a sharp mind. Shall we see proof of this?

    "The expectations that you swore an Oath to were what? To be precise."
    Jennifer makes a pointed question. It was a way to see what the response was. Jennifer was curious how Ms. Allard would react to her question.
    Jennifer nods slightly to Ms. Allard.

    "My experience was much like your own. My Sire had no Covenant, he chose to break Tradition and leave the Invictus after Manumission. This meant that much of my education was on Clan matters and politics. In order to discover what Covenant appealed to me, I needed to come to Sacramento and be free of a Sire's manipulation."

    Jennifer looks at Ms. Allard, thoughtful.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

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