Lying in her bed, that strangely soft bed void of the comfort of nature, void of the connection to life, void of the winds rustling around her, void of everything soothing that had held the thoughts at bay for so long. Twisting and turning, eyes clenched, grabbing her cover with a spin of the head against that infernally soft pillow as words echoes through her mind.

I dont care.

Gasping for breath, placing the pillow over her head with a deep push down from each side, refusing to allow her eyes to open, just shifting the intensity of the clenching over and over in a rapid succession, hoping to make the flimmering sights turn the memories away, to replace them with something else.

You dont have to.

Clawing against her sheets, why was this memory so hard to get out of her mind, why did this memory haunt her, it had just been one out of so many, void of the horrors she always prepared herself to walk, of the horrors she had seen, of the horrors she had stood against never knowing if it would bring her last breath, the things she had done for the future of others, void of it all still this was the memory that haunted her.


Kicking with all her might against the mattress, screaming a muffled scream into it with the pillow still over her head, just wanting the memories to stop replaying before her, to stop tormenting her, it was nothing, it was a common day, it was foolery, stupidity in a moment with no depth, it was nothing!


Trying to regain her breath, to find a semblance of control, to still the thoughts that only ever seemed to want to make themselves known as the moon was in the sky and all else was calm, only ever there when she sought to drop her defenses and sleep, the most vulnerable time of the day, when even her demeanor was gone.

I am.

Squirming around, feeling the cold sweats beginning to appear, a shiver with parted lips, just barely able to hold back a tear from striking the mattress and her cheek, to start the floodgate, wishing that she had told someone, that there was someone she could tell, that she had told her mentor. He probably knew though, that was just what he did, he knew things, he always did no matter if she told him or not but never forced things out, damn he was a good man.


Shooting up with wide opened eyes, gasping for air, barely able to breathe as the events plays before her eyes so vividly it was hard to tell if it was truly happening, always having had a strong imagination that had only grown stronger since the truth of the world were opened for her, thing so clear to see even where others did not, how they missed all the marks and symbols half finished, half sculpted just waiting for someone to complete them beyond her, but then again maybe they didn´t have to suffer through these kinds of things instead?


Stumbling her way through the living room from the little sleeping alcove, over to the window as the images keeps playing before her, a look to the tree before jumping out, grabbing a branch, twisting and spinning her body, kicking against the base of the tree to land against the ground with a slight shock through her body, not having been at her best but luckily more than durable enough to have her dense muscles absorb the impact with no issues.

Turning up to look at the moon with a shout loud enough to if she would have had neighbors so would they certainly have been awakened, a hand placed on the right side of her chest, falling forward with a light panting, letting the light breeze rustle through her to long hair, the ground against her bare feet filling with solace, the sounds of the night animals not needing long before starting to fill her up, dispelling the thoughts, dispelling the memories with a faint.


Being the last, to play before her, walking over to the hammock she had set up just a little bit away, lying down with a gentle swaying as its movements paired with the sounds of nature lulls her to a peaceful nights sleep.