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The meeting of allies

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  1. #11

    Jennifer glanced at Helen.
    "I have come to accept that if someone will participate in an endeavor, they arrive when summoned."

    There was a long silence after Helen spoke. Jennifer watched Priscus Baker and Neville. Waiting.

    At the Mekhet Priscus' words, Jennifer shook her head.
    "I asked you things while we were in the car while Priscus Jack worked and you were focused on - was it Tarot? And ignored my words.

    You have information that you did not share, while I sent several letters to try to encourage you to do so.
    I am aware of three Lancea Sanctum sisters showed up in your old Domain, turning a cold war hot.
    You were targeted for your Covenant affiliation and your family history with their great grandfather.

    Priscus Baker, I hear that your group left the Domain and were tracked. You met the sisters twenty years later in a basement in Portland.
    A good friend of yours, Sam, Ruby and a fourth Lancea member by the name of Bonnie, a Moravian, for muscle. There was a throwdown and you and Bonnie were put into involuntary Torpor. Bonnie is supposedly still in Portland.

    You stated that all three criminals were in custody as of December 2023. However, that news did not come my way. Not much of this information came my way by your mouth."

    Brown eyes view him.
    "When did you tell me these facts?"

    At Priscus Baker's last words, Jennifer looks at him.
    "I believe it stems from the Alder Prince's frustration with Clan Mekhet. I should not need to acknowledge members of your Clan, such as Losh, while the Clan has an active Priscus."
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

  2. #12
    Neville Godwin's Avatar
    Neville Godwin


    Neville watches the back and forth between the high up members of the clan and the domain, keeping out of the limelight and listening intently while trying to put together the other instances that might be leading to this meeting.
    Obfuscate 2 (Mask of Tranquility)
    BP: 2 Vitae: Willpower:

  3. #13
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    Aaand here they are...

    Helen leans back a little, clearly not interested to get involved with the stuff the Prisci are discussing.

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  4. #14
    Albert Baker's Avatar
    Albert Baker
    Albert Baker Scenes
     Blush of life, 


    Al actually stopped trying to say something looking puzzled for a moment and thought about that before responding with a hint of a compunctious smile.

    "I didn't notice apparently. I'm very sorry, it shan't happen again."

    On the topic of most Acknowledgements not being her job, he nodded.

    "Correct, but I'm not the right adressee for that. I have given notices several times to the gentlemen."

    Looking at the two spectators on the sideline he thought for a moment.

    "We should perhaps get to topics that are more suitable to include the others. They might like to contribute some things, after all."

  5. #15

    Jennifer looked at Priscus Baker for a moment.
    "What I want to clarify is that this alliance was about exchanging information. That was not occuring.

    The Priscus of a Clan is the kindred responsible for timely acknowledgement.

    You want to talk about other topics?"
    A gesture. "By all means."

    She was slightly interested in what the Reeve thought about information not being shared with her. Yet Jennifer did not want to phrase a question that could be misconstrued as a criticism.
    A look to Mr. Godwin.
    "I am sure you have questions, Mr. Godwin."
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

  6. #16
    Neville Godwin's Avatar
    Neville Godwin


    "I just seem a little lost, milady. For a perceived alliance, from my fresh eyes This appears to be a squabble. No clear agenda of discussion, no calls for action by each clan. If I didn't know better, I would think this was something like the aftermath of a battle and we were just trying to vie for the best negotiating space at the surrender table."

    He looks around for a moment, his thoughts may have come more unbidden in the current atmosphere than necessary.
    Obfuscate 2 (Mask of Tranquility)
    BP: 2 Vitae: Willpower:

  7. #17

    Jennifer observed Mr. Godwin for a moment. It was refreshing to hear that opinion. It seemed honest.

    "Then perhaps we should draw focus on what action plans we will do for the future. If this happens, we do that, as an example.
    Do we have any specific action plans we should implement?"

    She looked to Priscus Baker and then to Reeve Kingsley.

    "I suggest that we each think about what we want.
    I want clear information sharing, especially to the Reeve's office. Cavaet that we do not share Clan specific information."
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

  8. #18
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    Ah yes, the fun when you're left to pick up the pieces of wqhatever mess some situation has devolved into. Ain't life grand ? Eh, what use is bitching, though ?

    "Right, so as the lady said. Nothing clan specific and whatever has to do with Reeve stuff directly to me. Apart from that, I guess we can go for all sorts of plans that can b e made easier by us supporting each other, really, Dunno how you want to go about coventnat business, but as we're 4 people spread over 3 covenants,. I'd think best not overcomplicate things. Any other ideas that might be fitting for cooperating ?"

    She looks from Doc Bakey to Neville and back, curious what they'd come up with. If they did, that is.

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  9. #19

    “What plans do you have in mind?’ She asked Reeve Kingsley. There had been some time sitting here, time for ideas to form.
    “I would suggest that we proceed carefully on Covenant matters. We can freely share open ideas such as ‘there is a new member of the Invictus in town’, or an upcoming exclusive party and so on.”

    Beat. The silence stretches.
    Jennifer remains quiet as she waits for a response.

    The hands of the clock tick forward. The daystar draws closer.

    Jennifer proceeded with a calm voice and spoke honestly. How I detest lies.
    “I have waited long enough for a response.”
    She rose to her feet.

    “If you wish to attend another meeting of this, I do expect you to respond promptly. I am not impressed by this conduct.” Dark brown eyes bore into Albert Baker.
    “I would suggest moving forward to conduct oneself as the pillar of propriety. Give the Alder Prince no cause for further anger. Respond to all letters and invitations with courtesy.”

    Eyes tick towards Neville. “It would be beneficial to share a positive side of your Clan. Call a Clan meeting, make a plan to present yourself as united and follow through with how useful you are as a Clan.”
    That was the first idea, the one that supported the current status quo. Although if I were a member of that Clan, I would do something different moving forward.
    Her eyes remain on Mr. Godwin for a moment.

    “Reeve.” A nod to the respect that the Reeve has earned. “Mr. Godwin.” A nod to the acknowledged present. The cold voice sounds as she does the same basic courtesy to the head of the Mekhet. “Priscus Baker.”
    Jennifer checked her neck was still concealed, and proceeded to exit the room. She would continue to move out of the building, and when Liam brought the car around, would depart into the night. Jennifer departs the scene.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

  10. #20
    Albert Baker's Avatar
    Albert Baker
    Albert Baker Scenes
     Blush of life, 


    Al nodded with his face not displaying emotion.

    "Noted. Your suggestion will be taken into account."

    Thinking for a moment he began scribbling on a piece of paper.

    "An internal meeting will be called. Date and place is being determined."

    As Jennifer left, he rose and nodded.

    "Priscus Hazelton."

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