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Innocence Lost S&S Cedar Park

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  1. #21
    Raul's Avatar


    Raϊl grins as the car unlocks with relative ease and he moves to pocket his lock pick again, sliding it into the small inner pocket of his coat. He stands up as he goes to reach for the door handle and then he spots the short person walking out of the wooded area. "We've got company," he says, just loud enough that the two Kindred with him can hear and hopefully not the individual nearby. "On your eight, Carmen." He still has his hand on the door handle but hasn't moved to open it yet, waiting to see what this newcomer is about first.
    Aspect of the Predator ​● BP 2

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  3. #22
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    As Helen speaks with the other two Kindred, she looks out. Helen does not see much else in this parking lot other than the short person.

    There is a person that everyone present can see wearing a man's long coat. They appear to be about 5'5" and stout, thick around the middle. They stand about twenty five feet away and had been in the process of walking from the park into the parking lot. They pause, immobile, looking over each of you. The hair is wavy and cut at the nape of the neck, a dark shade. Gender is not immediately apparent. The person is not attractive, with asymmetrical eyes where the left eye appears larger and higher than the right eye. No beast can be felt.

    "Who're you?" The voice is soft, just loud enough to carry over the parking lot. They do not approach. Hands are drawn slowly from jacket pockets and open, showing empty hands.

    One roll can be made next turn. Perception and social rolls can be made to investigate further

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  5. #23
    Verity Carmen's Avatar
    Striking Looks:
    (Your Dream Rocker Girl)
    Distinctive Voice:
    Cacophony Listener
    Cacophony Whisperer
    Verity Carmen

    Daeva vice: Pride

    Her flawless form curves where is should, is thick where it needs to be and thinner likewise.

    Perfectly symmetrical, Mistry Green eyes offer ready temptations from beneath the sculpted messy waves of Auburn hair.

    The rocker girl assemble of fishnets, ripped shirts and leather show off just the right amount, to pull every eye to her and ensnare imaginations, without being considered indecent.
    Doll Face

    Doll face:
    Dark purple eye shadow, with black eyeliner. Just enough Mascara to make her eye lashes look jet black against the purple.

    Matching Purple lipstick over full lips, to which a clear lip gloss gives a lustrous shine.

    Foundations 3 shades lighter than her already fair skin tone. Something that is only really visible when she blushes as her face remains rather pale.

    All her nails are painted a glossy Jet black.

    Stylishly messy Auburn hair past her shoulders.
    Verity Carmen Scenes

    (Be in Awe)Willpower 1 Spent

    Responding to Helen. ''That would prove difficult but no impossible we would need to go through someone else to get to him.'' And that could be its own storm just waiting to break. ''I'd prefer to find this guy and ask him if we can mange it.'' And that's the plan.

    Verity will spin on her heel at Raul's warning not wanting to have her neck snapped or who knows what else. But whoever it is stays put a respectable distance away. A conversation I can handle. Making a snap judgement. After all this person seems to be keeping their cool after finding three strangers snooping around a crime scene and potentially their car. Apologies all. She lets loose the power of her blood to win over the attitudes of all around her.

    Activate Awe 4 successes

    ''Just concerned citizens.'' The Mellifluous voice carries through the night air. ''And yourself?'' Her game begins.

    This power allows a supernatural degree of charm; people affected by the power fawn over the are fascinated by the user. They won’t take actions that will result in harm to them, but they will be polite and deferential. For the caster to use this power, roll Presence + Expression + Majesty. If you get more successes than the target has dots of Composure, that person is awed. When you make a social roll to affect that awed person anytime for the rest of the scene, you gain a bonus equal to the number of successes. Awe can be used against more than one person, but you suffer a –1 penalty for affecting two people, and –2 for affecting 3 to 6. Anyone can shake off the effects of Awe for one turn by spending a Willpower point.

    Errata: Vampire

    Up to 'Success' it's identical. In the Success description the following is added after the existing description (exact quote): Any social rolls he engages in with them gains a number of bonus dice equal to the number of successes rolled to activate the power.

    Exceptional Success is completely changed and now only indicates that that you make a more profound impact on the audience. There is no more bonus effect here.

    The effect works automatically. Rather than comparing successes people are now always affected in order of Composure levels, lowest first, highest last. So it's still not possible to single out a specific person. The amount of people affected is still determined by the penalty you are willing to take. The chart remains the same.

    People affected pay attention to the Vampire. They laugh at jokes and believe the stories the Vampire tells. Subsequent uses of Awe can be attempted to affect more people, but the results of the new attempt replace the successes of the previous roll (so it could get worst if you get less successes).

    The power is still 1 scene and people can still be thrilled to see the Vampire again after the affect has ended.
    Daeva Vice: Pride. BP: 1 Dollface

  6. #24
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    Helen's first impulse is to tell the guy she's Snow White and the other two are the seven dwarves, but for some reason, it doesn't get past the thinking stage as verity takes the call. So to speak. Little else to do, she looks over the smaller figure while taking two steps away from her position. Not far, just to get some free room, if necessary and maybe find an opening to move into that guy's flank,. if necessary. Arms folded in front of her chest, Raul with the car and verity taking the brunt of the guy's attention, she keeps an eye on the surroundings of the scene. Just in case Verity isn't the onlky one bringing friends...

    1 success

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

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  8. #25
    Raul's Avatar


    Raϊl glanced over to the man again but then his gaze is brought back down to Verity again as the woman's presence becomes even more awe-inspiring. His hand is still on the handle of the car at the moment, but he doesn't seem to notice that, his gaze focusing on the Daeva next to him.
    Aspect of the Predator ​● BP 2

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  10. #26
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    The unknown person steps closer. The oddset eye - the small one - wetches Verity closely. The other eye seems dark and perhaps does not track.

    "My - father- " The significant pause here suggests that the person being referred to is not a father. Yet this place is not secure for open, unveiled conversations.
    Would this person create a breach with words?

    "-asked me to pick up my mother's car. It appears that in all of the police activity, it was not available until now.
    Father is concerned about who has done such a heinous thing. It was suggested that my sister and I look about for information. I choose this area, to see if the criminal will return.
    Are you involved?"

    Helen looks around the area. The park seems devoid of humans or kindred. There is an occasional noise as a mouse scurries through a leaf pile. A moment ago, a small owl flies away overhead.
    Yet nothing that would affect the group.

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  12. #27
    Verity Carmen's Avatar
    Striking Looks:
    (Your Dream Rocker Girl)
    Distinctive Voice:
    Cacophony Listener
    Cacophony Whisperer
    Verity Carmen

    Daeva vice: Pride

    Her flawless form curves where is should, is thick where it needs to be and thinner likewise.

    Perfectly symmetrical, Mistry Green eyes offer ready temptations from beneath the sculpted messy waves of Auburn hair.

    The rocker girl assemble of fishnets, ripped shirts and leather show off just the right amount, to pull every eye to her and ensnare imaginations, without being considered indecent.
    Doll Face

    Doll face:
    Dark purple eye shadow, with black eyeliner. Just enough Mascara to make her eye lashes look jet black against the purple.

    Matching Purple lipstick over full lips, to which a clear lip gloss gives a lustrous shine.

    Foundations 3 shades lighter than her already fair skin tone. Something that is only really visible when she blushes as her face remains rather pale.

    All her nails are painted a glossy Jet black.

    Stylishly messy Auburn hair past her shoulders.
    Verity Carmen Scenes


    Her gifts do their wonderous work once more a duel of words so much more her speed, and so much easier when the other party is feeling just that bit more open to it.

    A smile graces purple lips, friendly as she can make. ''Us?'' The word drips innocence. ''Just concerned citizens out to do what we can and keep people safe, in these dangerous nights.'' If you know to use hidden language and don't know us by sight you are both someone interesting, and someone who does not attended court. ''You and your sister are investigating? so where is she?'' Because I sure don't see anyone and you didn't say she choose somewhere else. ''I don't suppose you've found anything interesting have you?'' All ease and charm, her questions acts of curiosity, a good citizen looking to do right.

    And now the game of chicken how close dare we get to the headlights before jumping away in this veiled back and forth? ''Now how do we know this?'' A hand waves in the direction of the car. ''Is your mothers, or that your father.'' The same pause to show yeah she go it. ''Sent you. We can't very well let just anyway take it can we? So why don't you help us out, put our minds at ease, tell us who you, your Sister, father and mother are so we can make sure this does belong to you?'' Every word made to sound reasonable, given added force carried on the tides of her majesty. I've got a wild hunch but we'll test that only if I need to.

    Persuasion 5 successes (E-suxx)
    Daeva Vice: Pride. BP: 1 Dollface

  13. #28
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    Helen follows the discuission Verity has with their latest addition with half an ear while still remaining on the lookout. Looks OK so far, even though she's not too sure the calm can be trusted.

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  14. #29
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    As the kindred evaluate one another, the group becomes aware of the approach of the daystar. The unknown person remains aware and staring at Verity as the group makes their way to their respective havens.

    I am heading to vacation and will not be able to update this for about three weeks. Feel free to talk with one another, plan and create glimpses to investigate aspects of the plot

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