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(2405)Formal Court

41 - 44
By Royal decree
May 13, 2024 - May 31, 2024
(2405) A Lord's Acknowledgement
May 13, 2024 - May 31, 2024
Jun 1, 2024 - Jun 8, 2024
Jun 1, 2024 - Jun 8, 2024
Jennifer Hazleton
Jun 1, 2024 - Jun 8, 2024
Helen Kingsley
Jun 1, 2024 - Jun 8, 2024
Albert Baker
Jun 1, 2024 - Jun 8, 2024
Jun 1, 2024 - Jun 8, 2024
Jun 1, 2024 - Jun 8, 2024
Jun 1, 2024 - Jun 8, 2024
Neville Godwin
Jun 1, 2024 - Jun 8, 2024
Verity Carmen
Jun 1, 2024 - Jun 8, 2024
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  1. #41
    Kseniya Volkova's Avatar

    Public: Kseniya Zima
    New Identity
    (Kseniya Zima)
    Striking Looks
    Kseniya Volkova

    Resources 3


    Kseniya keeps her head bowed as her Priscus speaks, affording her dismissal.

    "I wish the same for you, Lord Jacque," she says, "Be well. I look forward to our future correspondence."

    With that, Kseniya rises from her seat, moving out from Jacque's environs in order to see to her promises in ensuring her acceptance within their shared covenant.

    Moving tactfully to the Seneschal's environs, the newest acknowledged Lord bows her head deeply before speaking, her tone soft and reverent.

    "Baroness Jennifer Hazelton, Esteemed Notary of the First Estate, Seneschal of Sacramento and Priscus of the Nosferatu, I pray you forgive my intrusion," she said, "My acknowledgement by blood is complete and it is my sincerest hope to achieve the same with covenant in turn. I, Madam Kseniya Volkova, present myself as ready and able to receive the Oaths required by Her Majesty and the First Estate in order to begin my service to our shared goals here within the Domain of Sacramento. I am available for these discussions at your earliest convenience, I ask only that I might rectify a failure on my part in respect to Reeve Helen Kingsley before we make our arrangements."
    Speaks with a Russian Accent
    BP 1 | Humanity 5

  2. #42
    Verity Carmen's Avatar
    Striking Looks:
    (Your Dream Rocker Girl)
    Distinctive Voice:
    Cacophony Listener
    Cacophony Whisperer
    Verity Carmen

    Daeva vice: Pride

    Her flawless form curves where is should, is thick where it needs to be and thinner likewise.

    Perfectly symmetrical, Mistry Green eyes offer ready temptations from beneath the sculpted messy waves of Auburn hair.

    The rocker girl assemble of fishnets, ripped shirts and leather show off just the right amount, to pull every eye to her and ensnare imaginations, without being considered indecent.
    Doll Face

    Doll face:
    Dark purple eye shadow, with black eyeliner. Just enough Mascara to make her eye lashes look jet black against the purple.

    Matching Purple lipstick over full lips, to which a clear lip gloss gives a lustrous shine.

    Foundations 3 shades lighter than her already fair skin tone. Something that is only really visible when she blushes as her face remains rather pale.

    All her nails are painted a glossy Jet black.

    Stylishly messy Auburn hair past her shoulders.
    Verity Carmen Scenes


    Verity watches with interest as a new side of the Priscus of shadows shows, he only gives Neville a slap on the wrist but socially it is compounding a array of noticeable errors on the part of the new Kindred. ''Well Reeve Kingsley Neville over there was in court looking for Judex Jacque last month.'' Nothing secret about that. ''And the Ravenwood guy is the very same I text you about back at the start of the year.'' Green eyes flash with a little curiosity. Did she ever have that conversation? Is that why Losh is so reserved?

    The Bewitching new addition has certainly shown Neville how it should be done her acknowledgement squared away in a evening and already onto her next task. Its a degree of engagement that Verity approves of, although says nothing, covenant business was not her business. So instead the Daeva ponders a interesting similarity between Father Lamech and Neville how both made other new arrivals look good by comparison. The stories diverge from their of course because Verity had made her own stumbles just covered by the father's much bigger ones. Kseniya did not seem to need the help she was receiving by contrast to the new shadow.

    Finally her eyes find Raul still in his conversation. That little manoeuvre does still need to play out of course. Another night.
    Daeva Vice: Pride. BP: 1 Dollface

  3. #43
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Jennifer Hazelton


    Jennifer glanced at Mr. Godwin and Priscus Baker. She kept her own counsel on the exchange. Dark brown eyes ignore those who have lapsed into silence. If you don't participate, you don't contribute.

    Her eyes do observe the Reeve. What is she thinking? Curious speaking of antisocial behavior. She had to have noticed that one who did not bow, as she was standing near him.

    Jennifer watched Whip Dominguez and his Covenant member with interest for a moment. She kept her expression composed.
    "Madame Volkova, congratulations on your acknowledgement."
    Her Cursed voice slithered like a serpent between the group speaking together.
    "I trust that your conversation with Priscus Jack was illuminating."

    Jennifer observed the Ventrue for a moment. She had trust in Priscus Jack, and was not worried with showing so.
    "Madame Volkova, I understand. I would be open to meeting with you in my salon, Lotus, to discuss one's obligation to the First Estate.
    Once completed, I shall make the arrangements."

    The First estate members present would understand her intentions. The others did not need to know.

    She observed Ms. Carmen with interest. It was good to see what was being observed and shared.

  4. #44
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound


    Standing from her seat, she makes her way up the couple stairs towards her office door before turning to face the room.

    "It seems the Clan Mekhet cannot figure out Acknowledgement or basic manners and etiquette of this Court, as such, they will all find themselves enjoying the hospitality of the Barrens for the next two weeks."

    Her announcement made, she offers a nod of respect to Jennifer Hazelton and Jacque . A smaller nod was offered to Verity Carmen and Helen Kingsley .

    She then enters her office and the door closes behind her.

    Ale has left the scene
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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