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Squeaky Choir: Into the compound

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  1. #11
    ReubanBrightwood's Avatar

    Verity Carmen Scenes
      Get her point across, ExitScene
      Catching up blush narrated in last post
     Blush, Awe

    Philip fights through the dissonance generated by his overloaded pattern to pull out a spell best suited to the study of this creature and as he glares intently at the bloody vermin that sits inside the backpack. He comes to understand it better, its truth. It is beyond doubt a rat, but something else lurks within in, not within its stomach or organs or any such like that, within the very nature of the creature a second something is present his scrutiny not powerful enough to say what but he knows it lurks nestled within the very nature of this rat.

    Corn's glyph comes to be and he can tell this is a rat. It is a 3 weeks old. Male. A second and simultaneous reading confuses him as looking at the rat also registers as unknown.

    Salem after letting the mages have at it the rat bags his prizes as it 'stays calm' and readies up to head in.

    Corn and Winter find the shadows they need cast deepest by the glare of the lights. By use of magic and skill they slip out of immediate sight.

    If you want to climb the fence Strength +athletics target 1 suxx, if you fail roll stamina+resolve (+natural immunity if you have it). If you want to sneak past the guard post roll stealth (if you have not already) and move past I will roll to contest you in the next post)

    Reuban Brigh

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  3. #12
    Philip Crosen's Avatar
    Gear and Stats

    (In DYLF: Night Hawk Base):
    Gear: backpack with: 1 L plastic water bottle, lighter, cigarette pack, can of hairspray, hair comb, order-tool-slash-phone, first aid kit, wallet
    Total spells: 4/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 4/2 (Fortunes Protection, Sibyls Sight, Shifting the odds, Quantum Flux)
    Stats 2

    Base: Mana:
    Spells: (in FP:UL: Winter)): 3/6, on person: 3/2: (Fortunes Protection(FP), Perfect Moment, Exceptional Luck)
    (in Squeaky Choir (SQ): Nearest Building): 6/6 spells (on person 6/2): (FP, Sybils Sight, Gain Skill, Exceptional Luck, Pulse of the Living World, Quantum Flux)
    (in Ley Line/Hallows(LLHF40)): 3/6 spells, 3/2 on person: (FP, Sybils Sight, Exceptional Luck)
    0/6 Spells and 0/2 Spells on person in Consilium
    Armor: 4 (FP, SQ, DYLF, LLHF40) Defense: 3 , Speed 10
    Nimbus: Green objects within 10 yards of him become sharper, more focused, and brighter.
    On vulgar casting, the accentuated green objects become even brighter and glow in the dark.


    Philip was able to tell with his scrutiny that this rat was definitely not your garden variety, struggling through his sight to find metaphysical truth in that wretched creature. While this ultimate truth eluded him, he was sure that whatever it was, when and if they found out it would not be a pleasant surprise.
    "Well done. And thanks, Aaron. Yeah. Something is definitely rotten in the State of Denmark allright. It`s part rodent, part super dead meat from that blasted place. Filthy thing. I agree with Jacob. That thing should stay out of sight."
    he said, nodding with a smile, but also somewhat-sternly to Aaron. Salem`s job catching and containing the creature was certainly admirable, and deserving of his complement. But he also agreed with Corn that it was paramount to hide the rodent, while giving them the result of his scrutiny in a somewhat-veiled way. Quoting Shakespeare, he did. he thought, quite pleased with himself with his internal Yoda impression as he distracted himself from the rat, done with his scrutiny. He then followed Corn, giving him a look as Philip climbed over the fence as well. After all, he pretty much got a good part of whatever he was gonna get out of the creature, so the infiltration itself was back to having priority for Philip. As was Corn`s makeover. But he decided not to push the subject, as being vigilant and on guard was more important than a petty makeover which would buy them a few minutes at most, as Winter correctly said.
    2 successes

    spells , effects and gear

    (in DYLF: Night Hawk Burrow)Mana: Willpower: Health:
    (Fortunes Protection, Sybils Sight, Shifting the Odds, Quantum Flux) Speed: 10, Defense 3, Armor 4 (because of FP)

  4. #13
    Corn's Avatar
    Status (academic)

    Nimbus: Light purple aura and a scent of freshly dug earth after a rain.
    Status (Academics) 1.


    Corn quickly jumps over the fence taking care to not cut himself in a sewage plant. To whomever came very close to him (like 2-3 feet) he would whisper:
    "While the rat is a common rat, there's more to it."

    1 success

    Have already rolled stealth.
    spells and effects

    For scene effects, see Minisheet. No monthly rituals at this time.
    Occult 4 because Mysterium is about the knowledge!

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  6. #14
    Salem's Avatar
    Status (Academia)

    Reality seems to warp around him, distance and direction having little meaning anymore.


    Salem watches silently as both Philip and Corn make it over the fence with little issue but when the Warlock tries, he seems to struggle, cursing silently under his breath. Perhaps he's just being cautious, so as not to spoke his bloody cargo? Either way, he doesn't make it over on the first try.

    Parkour! (failure)

    Stamina + Resolve (1 success)

    He steps back, frowning at the fence and wondering if he should try again or look at a different route, maybe in a more incognito way...




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  8. #15
    Winter's Avatar
    (West Point Grad)


    Dark shadows scatter in ordered symmetrical patterns traversed by a crackling pallid silver light that wraps Winter in a pleasantly numbing and icy coldness.
    When vulgar magic is cast, the frequency of the oscillation of the dark fluid surges until the shadows arrange themselves in a solid black halo around Winter's head, the white light darkens into a fiery black sunlight and his eyes are set ablaze with vivid incandescence.

    Armor: 1(General)/2(Ballistic)
    Defense: 3

    Active Spells: 1/6
    Personal Spells: 1/3
    Incognito Presence (Mind 2) Rote, Scene, Pot[1]


    "Looks like you need some help", he whispers to the Mastigos, "Did you see if the guards had radios?"




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  10. #16
    ReubanBrightwood's Avatar

    Verity Carmen Scenes
      Get her point across, ExitScene
      Catching up blush narrated in last post
     Blush, Awe

    Corn and Philip make it over the fence now in the shadows on the over side ready to begin infiltration proper.

    Salem however can't get a grip maybe its because he is not used to climbing with his vision as off centre as it is, or maybe it is just not something he has much practice with. Either way the rusty chain link scrapes at hands and fore arms dealing a point of bashing damage as he clatters back down still outside.

    Winter sticks by the Warlock offering aid.

    Through his angled Vison Salem is able to see what look like the two workers that were unloading the van come back out and jog over to the scene of the death stopping short when they realise what has happened. (He has seen the guard over by the body talking into a Walkie Talkie)

    Salem and Winter still need to get in if that's the plan. Corn And Philip can try to stealth their way to the nearest building, the scene of the death (if you have rolled rolled stealth we will sue that) Or offer help (teamwork rolls) to get the other mages over the fence.

    Reuban Brigh

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  12. #17
    Philip Crosen's Avatar
    Gear and Stats

    (In DYLF: Night Hawk Base):
    Gear: backpack with: 1 L plastic water bottle, lighter, cigarette pack, can of hairspray, hair comb, order-tool-slash-phone, first aid kit, wallet
    Total spells: 4/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 4/2 (Fortunes Protection, Sibyls Sight, Shifting the odds, Quantum Flux)
    Stats 2

    Base: Mana:
    Spells: (in FP:UL: Winter)): 3/6, on person: 3/2: (Fortunes Protection(FP), Perfect Moment, Exceptional Luck)
    (in Squeaky Choir (SQ): Nearest Building): 6/6 spells (on person 6/2): (FP, Sybils Sight, Gain Skill, Exceptional Luck, Pulse of the Living World, Quantum Flux)
    (in Ley Line/Hallows(LLHF40)): 3/6 spells, 3/2 on person: (FP, Sybils Sight, Exceptional Luck)
    0/6 Spells and 0/2 Spells on person in Consilium
    Armor: 4 (FP, SQ, DYLF, LLHF40) Defense: 3 , Speed 10
    Nimbus: Green objects within 10 yards of him become sharper, more focused, and brighter.
    On vulgar casting, the accentuated green objects become even brighter and glow in the dark.


    Clearing the fence easily enough, he looked back as he heard Winter and saw Salem struggling with it. Feeling pity, but also out of solidarity, Philip decided to go back and help him as well.
    "Let`s get you over in one piece."
    he said, half-joking beckoning Salem to try again, and assisting him as best he could.*IF Salem tries again. Meanwhile, Winter`s question got Salem a questioning and expectant look from Philip as after all, free info was always to be encouraged.
    1 success

    Sneaking in would have to wait, and he felt it was best if they stayed together anyway as a group as much as possible.

    spells , effects and gear

    (in DYLF: Night Hawk Burrow)Mana: Willpower: Health:
    (Fortunes Protection, Sybils Sight, Shifting the Odds, Quantum Flux) Speed: 10, Defense 3, Armor 4 (because of FP)

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  14. #18
    Corn's Avatar
    Status (academic)

    Nimbus: Light purple aura and a scent of freshly dug earth after a rain.
    Status (Academics) 1.


    Corn remains in the shadows, keeping a lookout for anyone or anything that may approach them or anything that registers are too "death-ly" to his sight. And that includes rats or vermin.


    I rolled Wits + Composure. No penalties because I don't know if I have any. Even a -1 from darkness would knock my 1 S to failure.

    spells and effects

    For scene effects, see Minisheet. No monthly rituals at this time.
    Occult 4 because Mysterium is about the knowledge!

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  16. #19
    Salem's Avatar
    Status (Academia)

    Reality seems to warp around him, distance and direction having little meaning anymore.


    Salem is looking down at the scrapes on his hands and forearms when he hears Winter's voice next to him. He nods once, a small look of embarrassment on his features as he sends his sight back to it's vantage point at the corner of the building's roof, keeping that angle usually so that he can see himself and the other mages but also see what's going on with the body and the security guard back there. "Yeah, they have radios. The one back by the body had used it a moment ago. Don't know what he said though. The other two workers are moving to the back, to the scene."

    He nods to Philip's offer to help, rubbing his hands on his pants before moving to try again, letting the Enchanter assist.

    Parkour! with help! (2 successes)

    With that assistance, the Warlock scrambles over the fence this time, watching his body drop down to the other side with a bit of help from Philip. "Thanks.." he says, his voice a soft whisper.

    He moves over, trying to blend into the shadows as well but doesn't seem to be having a lot of success with that either it would seem.

    Sneak? (failure)




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  18. #20
    Winter's Avatar
    (West Point Grad)


    Dark shadows scatter in ordered symmetrical patterns traversed by a crackling pallid silver light that wraps Winter in a pleasantly numbing and icy coldness.
    When vulgar magic is cast, the frequency of the oscillation of the dark fluid surges until the shadows arrange themselves in a solid black halo around Winter's head, the white light darkens into a fiery black sunlight and his eyes are set ablaze with vivid incandescence.

    Armor: 1(General)/2(Ballistic)
    Defense: 3

    Active Spells: 1/6
    Personal Spells: 1/3
    Incognito Presence (Mind 2) Rote, Scene, Pot[1]


    He watches the Mastigos climb the fence helped by the others, before he does the same himself. For a moment, he toys with the idea of attuning himself to the radios of the guards, perhaps drive them away with a fake transmission, but the thought is soon banished, they have a more urgent mission right now, and they got past the obstacle.

    1 success




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