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(2405) A Lord's Acknowledgement

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May 1, 2024 : (2405)Formal Court
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  1. #1
    Jacque's Avatar
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    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.
    Jacque Scenes
      Writing Oath/Sealing Oath


    "There's no time like the present," The Lord made his way over to the seating area and gestured for his guest to make herself comfortable. Afterwards he would begin to sit as well, his fingers slipping the button of his jacket open in one seamless movement. "Where have you come to us from, Ms Volkova?" She had not introduced herself with any titles so he offered none.

    Continued from (2405)Formal Court...

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  3. #2
    Kseniya Volkova's Avatar

    Public: Kseniya Zima
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    Kseniya follows Jacque off to the side of the assembled Kindred. As he gestured, the collected Kindred finds her seat, slipping comfortably into her seat, her hands folding on her lap. THere is a wince at the term 'Miss', but, thinking back, Kseniya knows she has only herself to blame.

    "I am afraid I most ask for your forgiveness a second time already, Lord Jacque," she says, her embarrassment plain on her face as she offers yet another apologetic smile, " Madam Kseniya Volkova. I have received Manumission and, once upon a time, held some titles, but I have since lost them, to my shame, due to an unplanned and incredibly untimely event of torpor. I... only hope my missteps can be forgiven. The fog remains."

    Following her explanation the Russian clears her throat. "I come from Seattle, Lord Jacque," she answers, "I resided there beginning in 1920 and, prior to this, I lived in a collection of domains following the fall of Moscow in 1917."

    There was no reason to hold back the truths of her condition or her residency, even if it made Kseniya feel personally quite... small.
    Speaks with a Russian Accent
    BP 1 | Humanity 5

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  5. #3
    Jacque's Avatar
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    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.
    Jacque Scenes
      Writing Oath/Sealing Oath


    He listened as she corrected herself and explained, "There is nothing to forgive. You have presented yourself as well informed with the salutations thus far. If the fog only muddles offenses towards yourself, I would say there are much worse fates." A part of him was curious about other details, but this was not the time or the place to query further.

    "Seattle? I always wanted to experience the constant mist that is considered the rain there... and the frequent advection fog." The Lord shrugged in mild humor, "Though like most places I imagine the persistent gloom is surely overstated."

    Persisting with the acknowledgement he weaved his next question into the small talk, "What has made you decide to come to lovely Sacramento?"

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  6. #4
    Kseniya Volkova's Avatar

    Public: Kseniya Zima
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    Kseniya Volkova

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    There was a glint of relief at Jacque's gentle dismissal of her apologies and his compliments to her behavior thus far in the evening.

    "Thank you, Lord Jacque,"
    she said with a gentle nod, "It seems only fitting that I do so in a new Domain, as I had no wish to offend. If I may ask... Ms. Carmen seemed concerned that I may not know whom I would need to discuss my arrival with. Is this a common problem in Sacramento?"

    Troubling if so, even the Unaligned new better in Seattle typically, but that affected Kseniya little.

    "The Pacific Northwest has a certain... beauty to it, this is true,"
    she said, "I found the rains almost soothing, but there were many among my peers and superiors who found it all a bit dull after a while. That and the freezing rains in the winter could be an annoyance if one wished to commute."

    There was a pause as she considered how to answer her Priscus' question as to why she had left. How was one to put the destruction of decades of work gently?

    "To be frank, my recent torpor caused an upheaval of my assets and recognition,"
    she said, "I was staked for nearly 30 years and, in that time, I was assumed to have suffered Final Death... Seattle had a conflict with a group of well-equipped mortal Hunters in the 1990's. I had the misfortune of becoming an object of obsession, though I did not know it at the time. In any event, I was kept enshrined in the man's basement while the world passed by. Other Kindred rose to fill the void my absence had left and to take what I had built."

    Another pause came to pass as Kseniya took a moment to compose her rising anger at her circumstances.

    "When I was roused following the depth of my captor, I found my position as a Commissioner in the hands of another and my assets superseded by those of others," she said, "More than this, my sire had also passed, meeting Final Death in the years following my disappearance. In short, Lord Jacque, over seven decades worth of work was picked apart. While I understood the reasoning for all that had come to pass, I won't lie when I say the experience left a... bitter taste. I knew I had to rebuild and, with little holding me to Seattle proper, I chose to look into other Domains. Sacramento was suggested by my late-sire's allies and I began to rebuild my assets as I recovered in order to transition here."
    Speaks with a Russian Accent
    BP 1 | Humanity 5

  7. #5
    Jacque's Avatar
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    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.
    Jacque Scenes
      Writing Oath/Sealing Oath


    "Did she?" The Lord tilted his head in mild curiosity. Of course he had heard the exchange himself, but why he chose to play ignorant would remain a mystery. "It is not all that uncommon for some to offer introductions. I have seen my fair share of new arrivals that could have benefited from the gesture of kindness it likely was." Whether or not that was a problem for Sacramento otherwise remained unanswered. "Shall I assume by your question that you have already educated yourself on who is a member of Prince Alessandra Antinori's court?"

    Jack nodded as Kseniya indulged his small talk. "Fair enough."

    He remained attentive throughout her story, "Tragic how quickly power can shift in such circumstances... yet you had the unusually good fortune not to be ended by your captor." He shrugged off the thought before leading into some poor illustration of a glass half full. "I can certainly empathize with your motivation to rebuild elsewhere."

    "I believe your allies informed you well, Madam Volkova," he paused for a mere moment or two. "Sacramento thrives." His wrist turned and along with it he continued the conversation, "Do you have any other talents or expertise we should be aware of?" He may no longer be Seneschal, but he still kept the cadence of one.

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  8. #6
    Kseniya Volkova's Avatar

    Public: Kseniya Zima
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    Kseniya Volkova

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    The collected Russian grants a small nod at Jacque's explanation of Verity's approach. "I see," she offered, "I will bear this mind should I be acknowledged and visit the same... kindness to others in the future. In the absence of the Prisci and other officials, of course... I have no wish to overstep."

    At the Lord of Lords' question, the cool blue eyes of Volkova looked upon the assembled Kindred in the distance. "Principally, I am aware of yourself, the Baroness, and, naturally, the Prince. I am likewise aware that Miss Kingsley serves as Prince Antinori's Reeve... and it occurs to me now that I have failed to acknowledge her as others have done," she answers before looking back to Jacque, "A misstep I will correct if provided the opportunity following my meetings with both you and the good Seneschal. I am also aware that Mister Baker is the Priscus of the Mekhet, that the esteemed Prince Antinori also serves as the Priscus of the Gangrel, and that Baroness Jennifer Hazelton also serves as the Priscus of the Nosferatu."

    There was another pause as Kseniya again looked to the other Kindred, notably looking in the direction of Mister Ravenwood, Raul, and Verity.

    "Have I missed others, Lord Jacque?"
    she asked, "I am unaware of a Priscus for the Daeva here in Sacramento or other positions held by other notables."

    There was a slight shift in Kseniya's expression as Jacque referenced her captivity, becoming slight somber. Kseniya would refrain from speaking of the hellish condition of torpor, such topics would do little to push the conversation forward and, if Lord Jacque had never entered torpor, he would eventually learn of what it entailed, as all Kindred of quality did when they reached a certain age.

    "The fault of the tragedy is mine,"
    she admitted, "Ultimately, had I secured my assets, influence, and taken a Ghoul or Embraced a childe, as my sire had suggested in the years leading up to the event, I likely would have been found far sooner. It is not a mistake I intend to make again."

    There was a slight smile as Lord Jacque confirmed Kseniya had not been led astray. Granted, part of Lord Jacque's place her was likely to ensure Sacramento's public face was strong and unified, but Volkova had no reason to doubt his words.

    "I am pleased to hear Sacramento is doing well under the regime of Prince Antinori and the First Estate,"
    she said, before straightening slightly as Lord Jacque asks about her talents, "As a former Commissioner, I was principally charged with assist members of the Invictus with the administration of their assets in order to better serve the First Estate's goals. In Seattle, the majority of these required competencies in finance and so I undertook education in finance and law to better assist our need for... creative accounting. Alongside of this, I learned the political process locally, affording me the knowledge of where the First Estate should leverage itself in order to affect the bureaucracy of the kine, though I suspect I will need some time to adjust my expertise here in Sacramento. Beyond the world of finance, I am well versed in social settings, a holdover from my life in the Russian aristocracy prior to my Embrace which has served me quite well even in these modern nights."
    Speaks with a Russian Accent
    BP 1 | Humanity 5

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  10. #7
    Jacque's Avatar
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    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.
    Jacque Scenes
      Writing Oath/Sealing Oath


    His lips gently pressed into a grin as she acknowledged her own mistake and vocalized a plan to rectifying it. No question without purpose.

    Shaking his head, "No, you've not missed any that proper research would provide. There are developing politics with the Daeva but I would certainly bet on Ms Carmen to fill that role in the near future." She had the vocal support of the Prince and other notable Kindred of the Domain. To fail to grasp the opportunity would be a monumental failure.

    He could almost chuckle at the mention of yet another Sacramento socialite. He wondered how the city could attract a type from so far and wide. "All very good assets to have developed. It will be interesting to see you rebuild the necessary relationships here if you intend to do the same." Slender fingers reached into his jacket and offered a folded piece of parchment containing the Laws of the Domain, "Speaking of which, you can begin that journey by reading over these and letting me know if you have any questions."

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  11. #8
    Kseniya Volkova's Avatar

    Public: Kseniya Zima
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    If Kseniya's flesh was still alive, she might have breathed in relief as Jacque confirmed her understanding of the Court and its officials was adequate. However, the Russian Lady was not among the Kine and had no need for such imitations of life. Nonetheless, the softening of her expression was clear and she seemed to visibly relax - a little - in her seat.

    As Lord Jacque notes that Verity Carmen is a person worth noting, Volkova's blue-eyed gaze briefly observes the beautiful Daeva from a distance.

    "I will endeavor to keep my eye on her then,"
    she offered as she looked back to her Priscus, "And ensure our relationship is befitting to your standards for the Clan of Lords."

    Then the Priscus mused about her past and signaled his interest in how she would grow. Those words bore a glint of confidence in Volkova, with the former aristocrat straightening slightly.

    "I have no intention to fail," she offered, "I intend to give all that I must to retrieve what I have lost... and then to grow beyond."

    As the parchment is offered, Kseniya's slender hands take it gently, with the Russian Lady affording Jacque her attention as he spoke. When he was done, she would nod before unfolding the paper and taking in the contents. It was soon clear that the newcomer had no desire to rush the process. Kseniya took her time, observing the document in detail to ensure her understanding.

    "These laws are more than agreeable," Kseniya mused "I would dare to say that Prince Antinori is quite lenient..."

    With her reading done, the fire-haired Ventrue's head raised once more, her gaze aiming to find Lord Jacque's own.

    "If Sacramento will have me, it will be my esteemed honor to serve, Lord Jacque," she offered.
    Speaks with a Russian Accent
    BP 1 | Humanity 5

  12. #9
    Jacque's Avatar
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    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.
    Jacque Scenes
      Writing Oath/Sealing Oath


    Jacque nodded in kind to her stated intentions to overall do the clan proud in her actions and motives.

    To the statement of leniency his eyebrow raised, "Is that so? I am curious as to which parts you consider to be lenient." Any other might pass over the comment but he was quite interested in the answer.

    "I have little doubt that Sacramento will indeed have you," he paused for a moment, "Yet I must first confirm that you have not engaged in the act of amaranth at any point in your Danse."

    Blood Hunt:

  13. #10
    Kseniya Volkova's Avatar

    Public: Kseniya Zima
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    Kseniya Volkova

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    There was a hesitance in Kseniya's face, then a glint of fear. Had she offended the Prince by saying she had been lenient? The Russian was unsure.

    "Principally, the tenure by which one is allowed to remain in the city before Acknowledgement,"
    she answered, "I only arrived in Sacramento some hours ago and, in my time, I have not seen the allowance of a two-week period. The powers afforded to the Priscii are also quite notable, particularly as it relates to a Priscus being able to direct the feeding of those beneath them. It showcases I trust I have not truly witnessed elsewhere. Additionally, Her Majesty's efforts to protect the Havens of her subjects through an act of law is... welcome, but quite unexpected. It is my hope the residents here understand the value of such an investment."

    There was a pause.

    "If my observation of leniency offends, that was not my intention," she says.

    At the question Kseniya shakes her head.

    "Never, Lord Jacque," she said, "Such an act would offend House Volkov as well as the greater Clan Ventrue. Beyond my own revulsion, my grandsire would likely expend considerable assets to see the offense corrected, preferably with my Final Death. I have no wish to harm my place in his House nor the Clan via such a practice."
    Speaks with a Russian Accent
    BP 1 | Humanity 5

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