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  1. #11
    Raul's Avatar


    He nods, "I have a few books that I think you might enjoy. I could loan them to you, if you'd like."

    He nods to her words in Italian and responds in kind, "In boca al lupo."


    He returns the smile, giving a small humble bow of his head. When she agrees to the accord, he nods in return. "Good."

    He nods in agreement and crosses one arm over his chest, stretching it off to the other side, before doing the same, stretching his dead limbs a bit to make them more limber. "We are indeed. Would be a shame to waste the opportunity. If you wish to utilize your gifts of your blood, feel free, but please let me know. Normally, in an actual fight, you wouldn't know everything your opponent would be capable of, but this is practice and we should be open in regards to that. I don't want either of us to be truly hurt."

    Initiative: 7

    "Whenever you're ready.." he says, crouching ever so slightly as he shifts into a loose and limber fighting stance.

    Italian Translation
    Aspect of the Predator ​● BP 2

  2. #12
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    We are going to try the extended action of Strength + Brawl or the suggestion posted to VTR questions that I posted there. There are going to be three rounds. If there needs to be a resolving round, we will post that as a normal contest.

  3. #13
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar

    "Yes, I would like that. Let us meet again and we could exchange books." Jennifer considers for a moment. "There is something that I was considering that I want to know your opinion on. Would you be interested in meeting with the only unaligned Kindred, Ms. Carmen, and I? I was thinking an exchange of ideas regarding Covenant. There is the matter that I am not sure whose in charge of your Covenant at the moment."
    "I feel that the Gifts of the Blood are not required in this match between you and I."

    This was not Elysium, yet there were also no witnesses. It was a sliding slope for beginning to dabble in using Gifts of the Blood against one another. I have trust in Raul. I must conscious of what opinions would be. Jennifer thought.

    "Then let us begin the match." Jennifer would close the distance between the two, seeking to lock in a grapple on Raul.

    4 successes

    3 successes

    2 successes

    4 successes
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

  4. #14
    Raul's Avatar


    Raúl smiles and nods. "Sounds like a good plan to me." He watches that moment of consideration cross over the Haunt's features. He nods at her suggestion. "I would be interested in such a meeting. I had planned on having a talk with Ms. Carmen myself about that." He pauses for a moment and nods. "That would be the one called Losh, but I'm available for such discussions. He's been occupied with a personal task as of late."

    He nods to the statement about using their Gifts and he nods, coming to meet her advance.

    4 successes

    They started on fairly even grounds, grappling each other and keeping each other fairly balanced.

    1 success

    Then Jennifer surprises Raúl, taking control of the grapple and moving to overpower the Savage.

    5 successes

    He, in turn, turns it around on the Haunt and moves to pin her.

    3 successes

    In the end, they're relatively evenly matched.

    Observe Jennifer's Skills (7 Successes)

    Over the course of the matches, the Savage pays attention to the Haunt's moves, how she stretches and moves, assessing her skills. It takes a bit for him to catch any insight, until she starts to overpower him.
    Aspect of the Predator ​● BP 2

  5. #15
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar

    The match was difficult for Jennifer to navigate. She did her best, yet every move that she thought to catch up the Gangrel was met with a counter. He was clearly better trained than her. Or perhaps naturally gifted. Yet she felt as though she had made a good showing of her skills. This was the best demonstration that she could have hoped for.
    Jennifer stepped back three steps making a break in the match.

    "What are your thoughts?" She asked Raúl.
    "I would like to schedule a meeting where we can continue the lesson, if you wish."
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

  6. #16
    Raul's Avatar


    Raúl tries not to make it too difficult for the Haunt but he wants, no, needs to test her skills. When the last round is done, he steps back and gives a small shake of his arms at his sides, letting out a bit of tension in his undead flesh. It's not something he needs to do but likely a hold over from when he was still alive.

    He's silent for a moment, letting his thoughts collect and the silence to build before he replies, "Please trust me in that this is not meant in any negative or patronizing way; you did well tonight. I see promise in you. You have talent; a talent that I think would be well suited in learning what I can teach you. I look forward to our next lesson," he says, with a genuine smile.

    "The night is getting late though and I would still like to see your gallery, if that offer still stands."

    OOC: It's at the 30 day mark. I think we can wrap it here. Thank you for the lovely scene.
    Aspect of the Predator ​● BP 2

  7. #17
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar

    Jennifer attempted to hide her surprise. She was not expecting those words. Were they sincere? She had not known the Gangrel Whip to show much guile or deception in her past conversations with him.
    "Thank you, Whip Dominguez." She says with a slight nod of her head. "I appreciate your words. Yes, I would like that. I will send you a letter about suggestions for a lesson.
    Please, do follow me to the gallery."

    Jennifer led the way back the way to the hallway. She moved to the medium sized room with some artwork on the walls to reflect and converse on.
    "This is where I display some of my favorite pieces. You can see the majority are by Georgia O'Keeffe. Do you have any recommendations?"

    The two are able to view and converse on art. The hour approaches that Whip Dominguez must leave, and he is graciously walked to the door by Jennifer.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass BP 3

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