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Innocence Lost S&S Cedar Park

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  1. #1
    Verity Carmen's Avatar
    Striking Looks:
    (Your Dream Rocker Girl)
    Distinctive Voice:
    Cacophony Listener
    Cacophony Whisperer
    Verity Carmen

    Daeva vice: Pride

    Her flawless form curves where is should, is thick where it needs to be and thinner likewise.

    Perfectly symmetrical, Mistry Green eyes offer ready temptations from beneath the sculpted messy waves of Auburn hair.

    The rocker girl assemble of fishnets, ripped shirts and leather show off just the right amount, to pull every eye to her and ensnare imaginations, without being considered indecent.
    Doll Face

    Doll face:
    Dark purple eye shadow, with black eyeliner. Just enough Mascara to make her eye lashes look jet black against the purple.

    Matching Purple lipstick over full lips, to which a clear lip gloss gives a lustrous shine.

    Foundations 3 shades lighter than her already fair skin tone. Something that is only really visible when she blushes as her face remains rather pale.

    All her nails are painted a glossy Jet black.

    Stylishly messy Auburn hair past her shoulders.
    Verity Carmen Scenes
     Blush, Imbibe
      Blush (forgot to track from last post)


    Seryna Lionell Raul John Helen Kinglsey

    By the Prince's edict Verity could not share the information she had acquired with any bar the prince herself, and the Daeva was not willing to go against the apex predator that ruled the city for the moment, even for the best of reasons. This has had led her to pick Raul and the Reeve Helen Kingsley up in her Minivan Only hers is painted black with the tour dates and band logos spray painted across the sides in a less then artistic way. As she drove them (without telling them where they are going) to Cedar Park, one of two places her informant had had given her.

    Tonight she is rocking Thigh high leather heels matching to Lace up leather trousers that of course require belt on pockets the two layered skull and roses shirt was a great find and tonight's jacket matches to the trousers. She accessorises with Motorbike gloves and A climbing golden rose ear ring . She has her auburn hair Braided into a ponytail through the knot a Golden rose hair piece keeps building on a theme she has been trying to work on.

    As they approach the destination she speaks to her companions. ''There is a backpack in one of the footwells with some accessories in it. Choose one and put it on, if we run into our guy it might help make the approach calmer.'' This of course was a pure guess, but she had time since the initial nasty shock that some guy was trying to steal her thing and begun to wonder why someone so reclusive would be doing so. It'll either give pause for thought or antagonise.

    In the backpack along with assorted other equipment can be found:
    A golden rose belt buckle, with black leather belt
    A ring of golden roses
    And clip on golden roses Which are technically earrings but Verity has clipped them to clothing before.


    Daeva Vice: Pride. BP: 1 Dollface

  2. #2
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar
    Helen Kingsley
    Helen Kingsley Scenes
     Blush !, 

    (Blush!)Vitae 1 Spent

    Getting picked up at an agreed upon place, Helen appears as she mostly does: A t-shirt (dark green tonight) and jeans. However, she's wearing a Seattle Seahawks cap and has traded her sneakers for a pair of worn-out, yet pretty well-maintained Army boots. She carries a backpack over one of her shoulders.

    "Might, huh ?"

    It has been a pretty quiet ride so far and right now, this thingy ticks all the bad boxes in her book. So she's just thrown together some stuff that she figured could maybe come in handy. Ah, man, she hates that 'Mysterious Mysteries of strange Mystery' shit. Was bad enough when you're just watching. She digs through the bag in the footwell and fishes the belt out. Eh, fuck it, go big or go home ! She unfastens the seat belt and contorts a little on the seat as she puts the belt on.

    "So, anything more specific than 'Some guy who likes doing some bad stuff to some kids is at some place and we're gonna somehow find him some, or we're just going fishing today ?"



    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

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  4. #3
    Raul's Avatar


    Raúl had gotten in at the agreed upon meeting spot. He had given the van a perked up eyebrow but no formal comment. He's dressed casually tonight, in a tight red t-shirt under a leather jacket and a pair of dark jeans. He's got on a pair of steel-toed boots that look well worn and loved. He's also got a backpack on, which he slips into his lap as he sits down in the back.

    He gives a small snort at the comment from the Haunt but fishes in the backpack after she's done and picks out the ring. He tries it on a few fingers before finally getting it to fit on his left pinky. He flexes his fist a few times to make sure it's not going to get too in the way if he ends up having to do anything physical.

    It seems Helen is of the same mind as Raúl when she voices her question, so much that he just waits for the reply. Quit reading my mind, Helen.


    Aspect of the Predator ​● BP 2

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  6. #4
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    Approaching the park would reveal that the road became more rough. This arra was less maintained. The road turns up a hill and the car glides through land that is sparsely dotted with trees and underbrush on either side of the road. There was more greenery and cover here than in some places in the city. The park was nestled in a quiet area that was remote. The parking lot for the park was located on an overhang. One could look over the city below from here. The park itself is styled around natural greenery. There are two covered picnic areas, a child's play set and several wooden exercise devices.

    Each of you make a perception roll.

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  8. #5
    Verity Carmen's Avatar
    Striking Looks:
    (Your Dream Rocker Girl)
    Distinctive Voice:
    Cacophony Listener
    Cacophony Whisperer
    Verity Carmen

    Daeva vice: Pride

    Her flawless form curves where is should, is thick where it needs to be and thinner likewise.

    Perfectly symmetrical, Mistry Green eyes offer ready temptations from beneath the sculpted messy waves of Auburn hair.

    The rocker girl assemble of fishnets, ripped shirts and leather show off just the right amount, to pull every eye to her and ensnare imaginations, without being considered indecent.
    Doll Face

    Doll face:
    Dark purple eye shadow, with black eyeliner. Just enough Mascara to make her eye lashes look jet black against the purple.

    Matching Purple lipstick over full lips, to which a clear lip gloss gives a lustrous shine.

    Foundations 3 shades lighter than her already fair skin tone. Something that is only really visible when she blushes as her face remains rather pale.

    All her nails are painted a glossy Jet black.

    Stylishly messy Auburn hair past her shoulders.
    Verity Carmen Scenes
     Blush, Imbibe
      Blush (forgot to track from last post)


    Having pulled up Verity pulls out her phone wiggles it in the direction the Reeve and hits send . ''There you go.'' Having had the all clear from the prince to include the Reeve in court it made things a lot easier, but still no need to go voicing things. We are looking for a kindred and as each person in this car knows we have good hearing. ''You alright back there Raul?'' I might not be able to say anything but I have kept my word I let know when something was happening. She feels bad he is going to walking in effectively blind, but after their little bargain he was well aware of what she could and could not share.

    ''Yeah might.'' Look its better the nothing. Once each has taken something Verity will lean over the seat and grab her backpack before exiting the car and looking around adjusting her vision to piece the dark. Running false life through her systems as she does so.

    Perception failure

    Verity has Trained Observer 1 if it matters


    Daeva Vice: Pride. BP: 1 Dollface

  9. #6
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar
    Helen Kingsley
    Helen Kingsley Scenes
     Blush !, 


    "Thank you." Helen replies as Verity indicates the phone and sends something over it. Reading what she's been sent, she frowns. Either communications took a nose dive recently, or there's something going on behind the scenes she hasn't figured out yet. A short look over to Raul. "Take a look at that." She tosses him the phone, without much aim or looking,. but hey, they're not that far apart. Still leaves a lot moree questions open than it answers, but you can't have everything.

    Checking on her stuff, she finalls gets out of the car. The place outside looks kinda gothic fiction enough to explain why they are here. She only shortly looks over the city sprawling beneath their feet and focuses more on their immediate surroundings. Exercise stuff, picnic places. Hm.

    "So, whats the plan, fearless leader ? Split up or bunch up ?"

    1 success

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

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  11. #7
    Raul's Avatar


    Raúl shifts in his seat, thumb rubbing up along his seatbelt as he adjusts it. "I'm alright. Not as alright as I'd like to be.." he says, giving a bit of a shrug. He knows it's not her fault that she can't share everything with him. Doesn't make it any less annoying.

    When the Reeve tosses him her cell, he catches it and takes a gander at the screen. "Hmmm.. Good to know." He hands the phone back to her. He then reaches into his backpack and pulls out what looks like a thick wooden dowel, sawed in half in the middle, at an angle, to make a pair of wooden wedges. "You want one?" he asks, offering one of them over to the Reeve before he slips the other into a pocket on his coat, trying, unsuccessfully, to force it from the perception of those around him.

    Touch of Shadow (failure)

    He settles back into his seat, giving a glance around the park from where they're parked while he waits to hear what the 'plan' is.

    Perception (failure)


    Aspect of the Predator ​● BP 2

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  13. #8
    Verity Carmen's Avatar
    Striking Looks:
    (Your Dream Rocker Girl)
    Distinctive Voice:
    Cacophony Listener
    Cacophony Whisperer
    Verity Carmen

    Daeva vice: Pride

    Her flawless form curves where is should, is thick where it needs to be and thinner likewise.

    Perfectly symmetrical, Mistry Green eyes offer ready temptations from beneath the sculpted messy waves of Auburn hair.

    The rocker girl assemble of fishnets, ripped shirts and leather show off just the right amount, to pull every eye to her and ensnare imaginations, without being considered indecent.
    Doll Face

    Doll face:
    Dark purple eye shadow, with black eyeliner. Just enough Mascara to make her eye lashes look jet black against the purple.

    Matching Purple lipstick over full lips, to which a clear lip gloss gives a lustrous shine.

    Foundations 3 shades lighter than her already fair skin tone. Something that is only really visible when she blushes as her face remains rather pale.

    All her nails are painted a glossy Jet black.

    Stylishly messy Auburn hair past her shoulders.
    Verity Carmen Scenes
     Blush, Imbibe
      Blush (forgot to track from last post)

    (Blush (forgot to track from last post))Vitae 1 Spent

    As the Reeve tosses the phone over to Raul Verity doesn't make any effort not to see it, and smiles, grateful for Helens common sense. And there we go. ''Fearless, I don't know about that.'' But all kindred have to have a strong hand when it comes to not being ruled by fear. Verity makes no fuss about the leader part of the address though. ''This guy is fast and strong, he ended both in seconds from what I've been told.'' The view was pretty great, looking out over the city. ''And just as fast to resort to violence it seems.'' So a nasty combination.

    ''I would like a word, see if I can get a confession out of him.'' Put it all beyond doubt. ''But if he kicks off at us that might as well be just as good.'' It could have been his beast but a kindred loosing control like that is not one we want on the streets. ''I say stick together, as good as either of you might be, there's no need to let something like this get the drop on you alone.'' That was the point in having both of them after all.
    Daeva Vice: Pride. BP: 1 Dollface

  14. #9
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar
    Helen Kingsley
    Helen Kingsley Scenes
     Blush !, 


    "Nah, I'm good." Helen hooks her thumb into her pocket and pulls it open a bit. "Don't have a place to hide it, anyway."

    "Fast and strong, possibly combat-trained and got a nasty temper to go with it, huh ?" She scratches her belly in thought for a bit. "Sounds like a fun guy already, can't wait to meet him." Hopefully that guy isn't a minor, that could be heard as all kinds of wrong there. So, bunch up it is. Not that she cares, having the lead delegated to someone else and without a lot to go on, she's decided to go to the good old 'Fuck-it' place a lot of personnel discover inside themselves if they've been in long enough, at least until things clear up a little more. Too much hazy going on right now. For the time being, it should work.

    "I wonder if he works alone." She kinda throws it in like an afterthought, while she digs in her pocket and pulls out a pack of filterless Camels, pulling one out and putting it in her mouth. Sticking the carton back into her pocket, both hands also go into trouser pockets, looking from one of the others to the other and back with an expression that could be read as 'We going, or what ?'

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

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  16. #10
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    The night seems dark and quiet around you. A section of the parking lot had been marked off with a road barrier in a thirty feet rectangle in the farthest section from the only road into the parking lot. One would observe that there are no authority figures present. A piece of torn police tape waves in the slight wind, a suggestion of an investigation that had come and gone.

    The parking lot at the moment has one parked car, a red 1955 Chrysler C-300 that sparkled with careful attention. The car appears empty.

    Investigation of the lot for clues should be rolled Intelligence + Investigation with a -1 modifier

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